THE TUESDAY BULLETIN VOLUME NUMBER 221, TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER 2014 THERE ARE BETTER DAYS AHEAD Deuteronomy 30:3 – Then the LORD your God will restore your fortunes. He will have mercy on you and gather you back from all the nations where he has scattered you. In life we all go through moments when nothing seems to be working out. The harder we try the worse things get. Friend, if you are experiencing one of those moments at this point this message is written for you. One of the most spoken about story in the Bible when it comes to suffering is the story of Job. We all know what happened to him; he lost everything he had. He stayed in trouble for years. One day, God took his suffering and pain away. God blessed him with twice as much as he had before. The one thing that gets overlooked when Job’s story is told is his attitude. Job had an amazing attitude towards his suffering. He cried to the LORD, he fought back when those around him tried to get him to give up. He stayed positive right through his suffering. His attitude was that of a men who trusted God and who believed that whatever was happening to him God had allowed it to happen. Job never lost his faith. His focus was not on his suffering, but on God. Most of us when we have challenges we spend our time focusing on them. We spend time telling people about how bad things are and in the process we magnify the challenges. Friend, today God is ready to bless you and he wants to surprise you with his goodness. Today, I want to prophesy to you and tell you that God has seen your suffering and pain. God has seen all the wrong things that have been said and done to you. I want you to know that better days are ahead. God is going to have mercy on you. He is about to take your suffering and pain away. He is about to bless you beyond your wildest imagination. Start looking beyond your pain and begin to prepare for the better days that are ahead. Start saying it with belief that better days are indeed ahead. Your fortunes are about to change for the better. That thing that has troubled you for years is about to be removed from you. Whatever lack you have experienced God is about to remove it and replace it with plenty. You are about to experience Gods wonders in your life. You are now next in line for a miracle. All you need to do is declare and decree this over your life. Say it loud: Better days are ahead, God is about to do miracles in my life. I receive them by faith! Friend, stand strong in your faith and know that whatever has been taken from you, our Heavenly Father is about to restore. He is an amazing God who restores in doubles. So be prepared for your double portions. I stand in the gap with you friend believeing that God is about to shower you with mighty blessings. I believe it in my spirit that your moment of breakthrough has finally arrived. Receive it by faith in Jesus Mighty Name Amen! God is good all the time and all the time God is good! Simphiwe Mdlalose, 14 October 2014
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:21:53 +0000

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