THE TWO-EDGED SWORD! While trying to explain the Trinity of the - TopicsExpress


THE TWO-EDGED SWORD! While trying to explain the Trinity of the Godhead to our late daughter Ella I used the example of the egg. The Father, Spirit, and Son are ONE just as the shell of the egg, albumen (commonly called the egg white), and yolk are ONE. I’m not sure she totally understood what I was saying but she absolutely does now that she has seen them face to face. The most important ten words that WE need to believe in the entire Bible are, “In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth!” (Genesis 1:1) Because if we do not believe that the Godhead spoke the words and created everything we can never believe the rest of the Holy Bible (which is what Satan hopes we’ll do friend)! The ACLU, Alec Baldwin, and the American Atheists would have you believe that a great explosion happened out in the “nothingness of nothing” and formed micro-organisms that came together and formed planets and stars as well as the entire universe, and some gazillion years later man came up out of the mud and stood erect to become what we are today. HOW IN THE WORLD WOULD ANYONE BELIEVE THAT IS BEYOND ME! I have one statement to this theory and that is if Charles Darwin were allowed to come back to life to confess truth he would most certainly proclaim Genesis 1:1. If we believe that the Bible is the absolute God inspired Word given to man to point him towards a relationship with God then that is all the truth we need. God does not have to debate His existence; He has already declared it to ALL THAT WILL ACCEPT IT THROUGH FAITH! I have said this many times friends, going to church won’t save you; reading your Bible daily won’t save you; being a good person won’t save you! The only thing that will save you from Hell is placing your trust in Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 03:47:29 +0000

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