THE TWO LOW-CARB DIET TRICKS THAT GET PEOPLE PSYCHOLOGICALLY HOOKED ON LOW-CARBING AND SCARED OF CARBOHYDRATES. TRICK 1. YOU RAPIDLY LOSE WATER WEIGHT, BUT YOU THINK ITS FAT When you start a low-carb diet, you lose a lot of water weight because the carbohydrate that is stored in your muscles and liver gets burned off (every gram of stored carbohydrate stores an additional 3 grams of water with it). At the end of week one on a low-carb diet you could be 2, 3 or even 5 kilos lighter on the scales, and this weight loss is a very powerful psychological hook. To a newbie dieter, this is proof that low-carbing really works - they are 100% sold on the idea. Unfortunately, they dont realise that theyve lost mostly water, and not fat. TRICK 2. WHEN YOU EAT CARBS AGAIN, YOU RAPIDLY REGAIN WATER WEIGHT, BUT YOU THINK ITS FAT. Our newbie dieter now believes eliminating carbs is the key to fat loss - and they have their intial rapid weight loss to prove it. Nothing can shake their belief that carbs are the devil and must be avoided. But they inevitably have a little slip up and eat carbs again. And some of the carbohydrate gets stored in their muscles and liver, along with - you guessed it - 3 grams of water for every gram of carbohydrate. And because of this stored carbohydrate and water, the newbie dieter feels heavier, and possibly a little bloated. So they get on the scales and to their dismay find that theyve gained 2 kilos. They think its fat, but its just carbs and water. So the cycle of carb avoidance and fear goes on. Unless youre significantly overweight, and/or have insulin resistance or diabetes, you dont have to be afraid of carbohydrates. For the obese and those with insulin resistance / diabetes, restricting carbohydrate may be appropriate from a health and appetite control perspective. But just about everyone else can eat plenty of carbs and still lose fat. Its about calories at the end of the day, not carbs.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 02:19:35 +0000

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