THE TYRANT “Why would you keep on searching for some promised - TopicsExpress


THE TYRANT “Why would you keep on searching for some promised paradise of land somewhere that nobody has ever seen if you can have everything you desire right here and now from me? Just take it. It is all here. There is nothing else. There is no oasis over the next peak. Just more desert, nothing but dry sand. How many times do you need to rap your face on the next rock? How many mouthfuls of sand do you need to swallow to find out and have proof? What are you thinking that you are looking for? God? In you? Where in you? You fool. What God? What is this God thing all the time? There is no such thing. No paradise, no promised land, no Godlike self. No Nirvana. It is all here, right here. What you see is what you get. And you better get it, because if you don’t, somebody else will. So don’t wait and then complain. Reach out for it, grab it, and keep it. I am telling you this all the time: There is no God. It is a fabrication of the mind of miserable creatures like yourself who don’t want to accept the reality of life as it is. And the reality is that what you don’t take, you don’t get. You have to fight for your place in the sun, brother. Your God is a joke, a chimera, a tale for children too afraid of the dark. Wake up, Dreamer! Fight!” “And what about love?” “What about love? Did you say love?” “Yes, I said love.” “So? What is this love thing again? Just something to lull yourself into sleep, I bet. Love is a lie. Love is fear in disguise to protect you from feeling lonely. Humans have created love to play with, to feel safe. But the truth is that what you need is strength and sharp elbows to get by. Not love. Love won’t give you shelter over your head, and it won’t feed your hungry stomach either. Will love pay for your dream house on the coast of the Big Island of Hawaii? No! Hard bargaining for your share in this world will! You are just afraid to be who you truly are, brother. You are afraid to claim your true nature, and that is that you are just another human animal that needs to fight to stay alive! That’s your nature. That’s your true self, an animal. There is your God right there! The only difference is—what animal do you want to be? An insect crawling in the dirt? You want to be a worm? Or do you want to be a lion walking with your head up and having the freedom to kill at will and to have the prey you want? What is it that you are going to be? The predator or the prey? The hunter or the hunted one? Will you shy away from other lions and hide in the bushes, licking your wounded pride, blaming, and complaining in vain and running away in fear claiming some silly love thing for an excuse, so you don’t have to pay the price for the prey you really want? You miserly coward! Stand up and fight! Be a lion! Claim your strength! The problem with you is that you are afraid to be the lion. You are afraid to claim your preserving self, your surviving instinct. So you crawl. You hide in the dark like a hyena or jackal, waiting for the leftovers from the kill of others. You yammer and whine because there is not enough left, and you blame the heartless nature of those who didn’t leave it all for you, so that you don’t need to make too much of an effort, right? You make yourself better than others as you hide behind some silly love thing as your shield. But the truth is that you are too afraid to stand up for yourself and claim your place in this world. You criticize and whine instead, and complain about life being too hard and unfair, and you constantly blame the hardship and injustice of life and the cruelty of others for your shortcomings. You are a miserable hypocrite, Vlad. Watch out!” ***
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 13:11:17 +0000

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