THE ULTIMATE RESULTS GENERATING QUESTION “What do you want from your business... specifically?” I didn’t realize it at the time but this simple question was about to change my business in the most unimaginable ways. It wasn’t so much the question as it was the last word of the question, actually. I started my career in the hard-core, fast paced, no apologies, get-it-done-and-do-it-right environment of a high-tech Fortune 100 company – one of the biggest. After 11 years of working there... I’d come to despise it, though. For now I want to tell you about how one conversation, One question, One word... Changed my entire perspective on getting results for my business, and how it can do the same for you. I met David Brydson (my business partner today) in the late summer of 2009 when I’d already been coaching for about 4 years. What David said changed my approach to coaching and my own results… FOREVER. “I need your help” he started. “I’ve been consulting with businesses and helping them to get more clients to buy more stuff more often for about 25 years now. But I still run into the same problems where I can’t help them. Either they don’t know what they want... or they can’t actually get it DONE when I tell them how.” At the time, this was a humbling conversation. I was rather speechless, to be honest. How could I help him? Then he sideswiped me with another question I wasn’t anticipating... “What do you want from your business... specifically?” I fumbled for an answer much like I’d seen many other business owners do… even the successful ones I’d met over the previous few years. “Um... uhh... I want to make 6-figures, and um... to help people, I guess.” “No,” David chastised me, “that’s what you want your business to accomplish. What do YOU want FROM your business… SPECIFICALLY?” he emphasized, with a focus in his eyes I hadn’t previously noticed. With what can only be described as a dumbfounded schoolboy look on my face I blurted out “I want to be the next Tony Robbins!” And then came the devastating follow up question… the one that stopped me in my tracks. “Why?” I couldn’t answer him. And I was DEVASTATED, because... I’d seen clients whither under the weight of these questions. I’d seen them chase false dreams only to quit in abject failure with the wrong answers. I’d seen them waste thousands of dollars on worthless “get-clients-now” systems. I’d seen them spin their wheels spending hours working while slowly sabotaging their own efforts. I’d seen them scream for mercy and beg for the former safety of their J.O.B. All because they either couldn’t answer, or had the WRONG answers to these two questions. And that’s when I realized... I could use all the get-rich-quick tools on the internet and STILL not get results until I had these answers. Fast forward 5 years... David and I have spent this time learning and collaborating together, finding the answers we both knew were missing for our clients. What we’ve discovered... Will change everything for you. In my 10 years of coaching experience and David’s 30 years of consulting experience, we have found, not having the right motivation and not knowing what SPECIFICALLY you want from your business is the SINGLE biggest contributing factor to the struggle, frustration, and failure that many businesses suffer and struggle through, thinking they’re doing everything right. These missing answers sabotage every effort at finding the right actions to take to get your results and then executing according to a plan. Tell me - what YOUR answers to these questions? 1. What do you want from your business – specifically? 2. Why? Check out this worksheet if you need help. bestfitsolutions/rapidresultsrocket
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 19:31:08 +0000

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