THE UNDAUNTED “ ‘Surely I am with you always’ “ Matthew - TopicsExpress


THE UNDAUNTED “ ‘Surely I am with you always’ “ Matthew 28:20 It sometimes happens the Lord expects a literature evangelist to go into dangerous places to get His truth into the homes of people. It does take courage and backbone to go into places where your life may be in danger, but if the Lord sent you, you don’t need to fear. He is with you. In this experience I am not going to use the real name of the country or the literature evangelist involved, because if it comes to the knowledge of the authorities of that country, our literature evangelist will not be allowed to enter that country again. In this country the sale of our message books or enrolling people for Bible lessons are totally forbidden. It is also forbidden to hold evangelistic meetings or give a Bible study to one of the citizens. At the time of this experience, we had almost no Seventh-day Adventist presence in this specific country. It so happened that a literature evangelist, let us call him Richard, entered this country with his supply of books and enrolment cards for Bible lessons. He carefully visited the people, trying his very best not to upset anybody. Everything went very well. People were willing to buy, and many of them were eager to get the Bible lessons. Richard had a very successful time. One evening while watching the television news in his room, the person reading the news announced that the authorities are aware of a person who entered the country and is enrolling people for Bible lessons. The police were ordered to find the man and execute him. An announcement like that would make any literature evangelist feel a little uncomfortable, wouldn’t it? He packed his bags and quietly left the country for safety. But since then, Richard has gone back into this country several times to get more of God’s books into the hands of more seeking souls. He fully realized this could one day cost him his life, but his love for souls make him daring and undaunted for his Master. We now have more than forty people worshipping together every Sabbath in that country. God opens many doors for His truth through the printed page. God’s books enter into countries, homes, and hearts where nothing else can. Where the gospel seed has been sown by way of our books, the Holy Spirit convinces souls and brings them to Jesus. Literature evangelists are people who know they have to walk very close to their God. They know He will protect and guide them. Even if it costs them their lives, like the three friends of Daniel, they are willing to listen to His voice. That is why you will find that successful, dedicated literature evangelists are people of faith, courage, and perseverance. They do not allow anything to lead them on a detour while they are on a mission for their divine Leader. You will also find they have a positive attitude at all times and a great love for souls. It is a privilege to be a literature evangelist. Shall we pray for all our more than twenty-two thousand literature evangelists today? Some of them might be working in some dangerous country right now. Miracles of Grace
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:39:32 +0000

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