~ THE UNION STRIKES BACK -_- (A Star Wars Sequel - The War Of - TopicsExpress


~ THE UNION STRIKES BACK -_- (A Star Wars Sequel - The War Of Independence) :/ In a Galaxy not far away..... The return of Darth Vadar, (Ed Miliband), Emperor Cameron has ordered Darth Vadar, (Ed Miliband) back to the Northern regions as he continues in his attempts to suppress the Scottish Uprising in the North of his Dominion. David Cameron has also expressed his wish that Jabba the Hutt, (Nick Clegg) also heads to the region. The Emperor is hoping to bring the region back under submission to his authority in a few days time, In the meantime on the rebel side...... Well, I just had to look at the Daily Mail now Didnt I? Pfffffftttt......
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:51:50 +0000

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