THE UNIVERSAL ENERGY MATRIX PLEASE SHARE AND LIKE THEIR PAGE? THANK YOU!♥ This Opposing Consciousness is working at all levels of society, from government to business and the military. But it is important to understand, the majority of people are not acting with malevolent intent. They are simply swept up in a malevolent system that preys on artificial desires, perceived needs and distorted agendas. I’m urging as many as possible with the ears to hear, to get to know this consciousness, that more may overcome and unravel it within their own being – which is the only place it can truly be confronted and dissolved. The Original Human in you has the capacity to do this. In my knowing, humanity has an inner code which when activated, was designed to overcome the intervention and unwind it for the benefit of all others. But first we must be fully informed and aware. Hiding in our thoughts and emotions If we truly want to appreciate the extent of this agenda, we must look deep into the patterns of thought and emotion that we constantly express. These alien entities ‘excel’ at distraction and deception. They want to grab your attention and direct it outwards into the external drama. Or they want to so fill you with excito-toxins that you cannot feel what exactly is going on within your own bodily field. In so doing, they can manipulate your field, resonating specific vibrations and inserting energetic implants, such that their vibration becomes as ‘white noise’ which you quickly become accustomed and desensitised to… A limiting field of consciousness has been created which is practically everywhere. Humanity has become so accustomed to it that it’s slipped into the quiet background of our psyche. Make no mistake, these entities are likely acting in some way within your field, stimulating thought, exacerbating emotion, creating patterns of behaviour that work to keep you in a limited level of consciousness. FROM THE UNIVERSAL ENERGY MATRIX PLEASE SHARE AND LIKE THEIR PAGE? THANK YOU!♥
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 11:46:47 +0000

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