THE VEIL OF VISIBLE jesus Christ OF EARTHLY JERUSALEM CITY/ KINGDOM TAUGHT BY CARNAL KNOWLEDGE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM / GOD BORN OF HAGAR, REVEALED TO BE THE OLD COVENANT BIBLE THAT STRETCHES FROM GENESIS TO REVELATION; VEILS/ MASKS THE INVISIBLE GOD WHOSE VOICE ONLY THE SONS BORN OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM OF GOD ARE ENABLED TO HEAR GOD TEACH THE NEW COVENANT BIBLE CALLED SARAH, WORD BY WORD FROM GENESIS TO REVELATION THAT REVEALS THE HEAVENLY JERUSALEM CITY/ KINGDOM INVISIBLE THINGS IN CHOSEN SOULS. 2 Corinth 3: 5-6....13-15, Gal 4: 21-28....31. USE KJV Bible. THE VEIL OF jesus christ, the visible angel, the visible god of this world, who blindfolds carnal knowledge souls portrayed by the old Covenant Bible read and interpreted in carnal human knowledge(s) until this day of 2013, IS OUT OF THE WAY for those who are enabled by God to read and interpret the Bible with the enabling of the knowledge and wisdom of God. NOW THE DOOR IS OPEN FOR YOU CHOSEN SOULS; YOU CAN NOW READ AND INTERPRET, THE ANOINTED NEW COVENANT BIBLE PRIESTHOOD CALLED CHRIST. 2 Corinth 3: 5-6....13-15, Gal 4:1-15, 2 Corinth 5:16, John 1: 17-16, 1 John 5: 7-8....12, 1 John 2: 7-8. Isaiah 45: 7-8. Col 2: 10-23, Isaiah 29: 11-2, 2 Corinth 4. Use KJV Bible. THE VEIL OF jesus christ, the angel IS OUT OF THE WAY NOW THE DOOR IS OPEN YOU CAN NOW READ CHRIST, THE NEW HOLY SPIRIT COVENANT BIBLE (THE BOOK OF ETERNAL LIFE) SO THAT YOU MAY NOT CONTINUE TO READ THE ABOLISHED MOSES, THE OLD CARNAL HANDWRITTEN COVENANT BIBLE (BOOKS OF DEATH) THAT PRESENTS EARTHLY VISIBLE THINGS EVEN VISIBLE JESUS IN HUMAN PHYSICAL BODY THAT PREACHED IN ISRAEL OF THE MIDDLE EAST MORE THAN 2000 YEARS AGO. 2 CORINTH. 3:5-8; 13-18. Rev. 20: 11-15, Heb 7:12-18. Use KJV Bible. Now You can read/study Christ, the New Covenant Bible (New priest) that ministers (reveals) the real HEAVENLY JERUSALEM invisible things of Heaven by abolishing Moses, the old handwritten Bible (Priest) in your soul who presents earthly JERUSALEM VISIBLE things in the Bible which are copies, (figures, symbols, shadows, veils) that mask the invisible heavenly JERUSALEM GOD through the New Covenant Bible that reveals the invisible things of the kingdom of God. Heb 10: 1-9. USE KJV BIBLE. However, the Holy Spirit taught New Covenant Bible does not erase the carnally taught old handwritten Covenant Bible from the Bible. 2 Corinth 3:13-18. USE KJV Bible. Verse 13. And not as Moses (The Bible Word handwritten in LETTER, the entire handwritten Bible Word from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation) which put a VEIL over his face, (using shadows, figures and copies of heavenly things, illustrations, analogies, parables etc....Heb 10:1-9.) that the children of Israel (the Carnal Letter Law bible readers of this day in 2013 onwards) could (can) not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished (of the Old Covenant Bible Earthly JERUSALEM visible things that are masking copies of HEAVENLY JERUSALEM INVISIBLE THINGS). How is Moses the carnally ministered old handwritten Bible, the Carnal LAW is abolished and be replaced by CHRIST/ JOSHUA, the NEW Bible that is read and taught by the Holy Spirit? Whosoever receives the entire very handwritten Bible in the new explanation and interpretation by the enabling of the Holy Spirit in him; the entire carnally understood Old handwritten Bible Word ordinances of darkness are abolished in him. 1 John 2:7-8, Isaiah 45:7-8. USE KJV Bible. He receives the new Bible ordinances of light explained and interpreted by the Holy Spirit of God from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. The Spirit of God creates his soul in a new way and his soul is given eternal life. However, the handwritten Bible ordinances will never be erased from the Bible forever and ever but God abolishes them in the soul that has received the new teaching of the Bible in him. But those who have not received the enabling of the Holy Spirit teaching in their souls continue reading the handwritten Bible, written in letter in carnal wisdom and knowledge. However much they struggle to read and study the Bible, they cannot receive eternal life and are blinded to understand the New Covenant Bible. Their blinded souls remain dead souls because they do not have God in their souls who give eternal life! They need the resurrection power of the New Bible word of eternal life to also resurrect from the carnally read old Bible handwritten in letter that kills souls and be given eternal life. No one, no religion or other spirits can do this for your soul but ONLY God who teaches the New Covenant Bible by His Holy Spirit to create the New Israel of all nations. Rom 2:28-29. Isaiah 29: 11-24. Use KJV Bible. Rom 2:28-29. USE KJV BIBLE. 28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. Verse 14: But their minds (not eyes) were/are blinded, for until this day (of 2013 onwards) remainth the same veil untaken away in the reading of (Moses), the old testament (or covenant or old word or old commandment. 1John 2:7-8; Isaiah 29) which veil is done away in Christ/Joshua (who is come in a volume of a BOOK as the new whole Bible Word and can be READ also from the Book of Genesis to the end of the Book of Revelation, not as the old Bible word handwritten in the LETTER (MOSES) but as the Holy Spirit explained and interpreted New Covenant Bible Word. Re 5, 2 Corith. 4: 1-18. Heb. Ch. 3 & 4. USE KJV Bible. Verse 15: But even unto this day (2013 onwards) when Moses (the entire handwritten Bible word) is READ the VEIL is upon their hearts. (In their understanding/ minds but not human natural eyes), they can not READ Christ who is Joshua, the New Covenant Bible Word explained and interpreted by the Holy Ghost in God’s wisdom and knowledge. 1 Cor. 1:18-31, 2 Corinth.3: 5-6. USE KJV Bible. Without the Holy Spirit in them to enable them to "see" or understand (INTERPRET) Christ who is read in the Bible, the veiled minds continue to serve and worship the serpent; the handwritten Bible Word (Moses) lifted up in "wilderness of the land" of generation that read old Covenant Bible to serve as a mock, visible and veiling copy of the real savior revealed by the heavenly new Covenant Bible Word. John 3:12-26, Col 2:11-23, 2 Corinth 4. Heb 7:12-28. USE KJV BIBLE. Verse 16: Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, (from the original old handwritten Bible explained and interpreted in carnal knowledge and wisdom to New Bible Word explained and interpreted in the wisdom and knowledge of God by the Holy Spirit who is the Christ) the veil (the handwritten Bible written in the letter & her vessels of service) shall be taken away. (BUT ONLY IN THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN ENABLED TO RECEIVE OR READ THE OLD HANDWRITTEN BIBLE IN THE NEW WAY EXPLAINED AND INTERPRETED IN THE WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE OF GOD BY THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THEM AND IN THE BIBLE, WHO IS CHRIST REVEALED IN THEM! THE NEW ENGRAFTED BIBLE WORD WHO IS REVEALED IN THE LAST DAYS IN THE BIBLE IS THE CHRIST WHO SAVES SOULS BUT NOT THE ONE WHO PREACHED IN ISRAEL OF THE MIDDLE EAST 2000 YEARS AGO) PRESENTED BY THE OLD COVENANT BIBLE, GENESIS TO REVELATION. 2 Corinth 3: 5-6, James 1:18-21, REV. 5, HEB 1:1-2. USE KJV Bible. Verse 17: Now the Lord (GOD) is that Spirit: (THE ENTIRE handwritten Bible Word previously explained in human wisdom and knowledge but now transfigured by the new explanation and interpretation of the HOLY GHOST enables recipient souls to understand who is CHRIST who is JOSHUA) and where the Spirit of the Lord is (IN SOULS), there is liberty. (From the carnal handwritten Bible ordinances that are explained and interpreted in human knowledge and wisdom which enslaves and kills souls to the Holy Spirit explained Bible in a New way that gives ETERNAL LIFE. 2 Cor. 3:5-6,Gal. 4: 28-31. Thank you Father, there is now no condemnation to those who walk according to the Holy Spirit (New Covenant Bible Word), because through Christ Jesus, the New Covenant Bible law interpreted by the Spirit of eternal life sets souls free from the carnal Law of men who explain and misinterpret the Old Covenant Bible in human carnal wisdom and knowledge of sin and death. Rom 7 & 8. Use KJV Bible. Verse 18: But we all, with open (unveiled) face beholding as in a glass (clearly) the glory of the Lord (ENTIRE HOLY GHOST BIBLE WORD from Genesis to the Book of Revelation), are changed into the same image (OF THE WORD) from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Revelation Highlights: (a) The handwritten Bible word, the LETTER LAW as the High Priest is MOSES but as Covenant she is Covenant AGAR giving birth to carnal children (Children of flesh). The handwritten Bible ordinances, which in time past are/ were AGAINST US (during the time when we are/were yet lead and managed by the letter law), are still contrary to us if Christ is not manifested in our understanding. Col. 2. Only those who are now being taught by the revealed entire Holy Spirit Bible Word have escaped the letter law of bondage and death. Otherwise the whole church still reading the Letter Law of darkness are in bondage and their souls are dead up to this day of 2013 onwards! Isaiah 43:7-28, Isaiah 45:7-8. USE KJV Bible. (b) The revealed entire grafted Holy Spirit Bible word is the perfect Law of liberty is the Christ who is Joshua the high priest but as covenant she is Covenant Sarah giving birth to the New Covenant Children, the children 0f liberty from the entire handwritten Bible word and her carnal sons. They are the first fruits of the creation of God whose souls have been created by the engrafted word of the Holy Spirit. James 1: 18 - 25, Gal 4: 21 - 31.USE KJV Biblw. (c) The handwritten Word is The LETTER LAW word from the beginning covering the entire Bible from the book of Genesis to the last verse of the book of Revelation is an old covenant Bible up to this day (2013 onwards). (d) The Holy Ghost entire Bible Word is the Word interpreted for us by God Himself who is the Holy Spirit. The word of the Holy Spirit also covers the entire Bible from the book of Genesis to the last verse of the book of Revelation. HE was also there from beginning but is revealed in these last days. Heb 1:1-2. The greatest sign of the last days is the revelation of Christ the Son of God, the New Bible word of the Holy Ghost in the entire Bible! Why last days? It is because it marks the end of the handwritten word in individuals each one at his time appointed by God. You Can Now Read Christ, the New Covenant Bible Word, CHRIST By Hearing the Voice of God Inside your Soul Ministering the Bible! Exodus 19:5-11, 1 Peter 2. Use KJV Bible. Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed (of the New COVENANT Bible Word of the Holy Spirit), and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words, which thou shall speak unto the children of Israel. (Rom 2:28-29). And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, (of 2013 onwards) and laid before their faces all these words, which the Lord commanded him. And all the people answered together, and said, All that the Lord hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord. And the Lord said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, (cloud of witnesses Heb 12:1-2) that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee forever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the Lord. And the Lord said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes (clothes of their heart for righteousness), and be ready against the third day: for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai.” Exodus 19:5-11 (Gal 4: 24-25) For this Agar is Mt Sanai in Arabia …… ) Agar is also symbolically or figuratively the handwritten old Covenant Bible read in CARNAL HUMAN KNOWLEDGE up to this day 2013 onwards! Now the Door is open of reading the New Covenant bible, who is Christ the Son of God. He is the true God who is come in a volume of the book to overthrow / abolish the old covenant carnal ordinances, the LAW that portray the veiling visible priesthoods: the carnal rulers, principalities and dominions including the visible jesus christ who appeared about 2000 years ago. Col 2: 10-23, Heb 7:12-28; Heb 10:1-9; Heb 7:12-28. USE KJV Bible. Christ, the new High priest is the promised new covenant Bible. This is the new High priest, the prophets of the Old handwritten Bible have announced ever since that He would come into the world and save the world and through whom God is now speaking to the church in these last days of 2013 onwards. Heb 1: 1-2. USE KJV Bible. But God is also still speaking through the prophets of the old handwritten Bible Covenant to those who are still reading the Bible carnally and have not been revealed the son, who is the New Covenant Bible Word. He is speaking to those reading the Bible in human wisdom and knowledge in various ways by the prophets through the handwritten Bible but God is speaking to us (THE NEW COVENANT BIBLE GENERATION) in one way through the revealed Son. Heb 1: 1-2, Heb 10:1-9, Heb 7:12 –28, Col 2 :12 –23. USE KJV BIBLE. To those who have not been revealed the New Covenant Bible Word, He is still speaking to them through the prophets that were inspired to utter the old handwritten Bible Word into existence from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. So it is written God speaks in various ways through the handwritten prophetic ordinances or through the prophets but to those who are reading the New Covenant Bible, God is now speaking to them through the Son, who is revealed to be the New Covenant Bible. Christ the New Covenant Bible of the Holy Spirit is abolishing MOSES, the carnal handwritten Bible ordinances, that imposes on the carnal knowledge followers the earthly Jerusalem visible priests whose leader is the earthly visible christ jesus who was seen by human physical eyes more than 2000 years ago in the Middle East. 2 Corinth 3: 5-6....13-15, John 1: 17-18, Gal 4:13-15, 2 Corinth 4, 2 Corinth 5:16. USE KJV BIBLE. The visible angel, jesus christ who came more than 2000 years ago is a veil or a shadow that is presented by the handwritten Bible ordinances of darkness ( GENESIS- REVELATION) to block the understanding off carnal knowledge followers from understanding the New Covenant Bible that teaches heavenly Jerusalem invisible things by revelation knowledge of God. They are blindfolded from the Invisible Heavenly Christ that is revealed and presented by the revealing New Covenant Bible Word. The invisible Christ of heavenly Jerusalem is the one who is understood by reading and interpreting the Old Covenant Bible in a New way in the Knowledge of God. Heavenly invisible Jerusalem Christ is known by revelation through the scriptures by the Spirit God but HE is not the one that was seen by human natural eyes and carnal thinking. He is understood by the Holy Spirit revelation knowledge and is revealed to be the one who is come in a volume of the Book… the New Covenant Bible taught by VOICE of the Holy Spirit in CHOSEN AND INDWELT SOULS. Heb 10:1-9. Eph Chapter 1 to 4:20. USE KJV Bible. Erasing of the old Carnal Bible Ordinances of darkness to become or be replaced by the HOLY SPIRIT interpreted New Covenant Ordinances of light is as follows: Heb 7:12-18, Col 2: 10-23 Isaiah 45: 7-8, 1 John 2: 7-8, Rev 5. Rev 21: 1-8...USE KJV Bible. The Holy Spirit can erase the carnal Old Covenant Bible from your heart or understanding. This is done by God when God changes the very carnal old covenant ordinances of darkness from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation and ministers them in His wisdom and knowledge in Bible and in only chosen souls to make them UNDERSTAND the New Covenant Ordinances of light. If you are meek and obedient, the New revealed Christ, the engrafted Holy Spirit New covenant Bible ordinances of light (WORD) can be written in your heart and can save your SOUL. James 1:18-21. The New and revealed Christ, the New Covenant Bible Word is also the door of entrance into the kingdom of God that can be ministered abundantly into your soul to enable your understanding soul ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD.. 2 Peter 1:10 –11, James 1:18-21, Gal 4: 21-28. 2 Peter 1:10-11 10. USE KJV Bible. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: 11 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. KJV Bible. This can only be possible when God erases the Old covenant Bible ordinances of darkness that are against the carnal followers of the Bible to establish the New covenant ordinances of light explained and interpreted in saints and in the Bible by the power of the Holy Spirit. Col 2: 1-23, 1 John 2:7-8, Isaiah 45:7-8. USE KJV BIBLE. THE CHANGE BEGINS WITH CHANGING THE PRIESTHOOD (RULE) IN THE BIBLE AND THIS CHANGES OUR UNDERSTANDING. THE NEW CHANGE TRANSLATES CARNAL Bible LAW OF BONDAGE AND DEATH IN THE BIBLE INTO THE HOLY SPIRIT LAW OF LIBERTY, OF RESURRECTION AND ETERNAL LIFE IN THE BIBLE. Heb 7:12-18. ROM Chapters.6, 7, 8 9, 10,11. YES LORD, NOW LORD GOD YOU CAN CHANGE US FROM READING CARNALLY THE ENTIRE HANDWRITTEN OLD BIBLE COVENANT OF DEATH CALLED MOSES TO ENABLE US REA D THE NEW AND ENTIRE BIBLE CALLED CHRIST WHO OFFERS ETERNAL LIFE MINISTERED BY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT. 2 Corinth 3: 13-15. THANK YOU LORD. GLORY BE TO YOUR GREAT WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE THROUGH BIBLE WORD TO YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS BORN AGAIN ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES. USE KJV Bible. THEREFORE, WHOSOEVER RECEIVERS YOU (GOD) AND IS BORN AGAIN THROUGH THE NEW COVENANT BIBLE WORD RECEIVES ETERNAL LIFE BECAUSE YOUR NEW COVENANT BIBLE WORD IS ETERNAL LIFE. BUT WHOSOEVER RECEIVES YOU AS A DEAD WORD OF FLESH (CARNAL WORD) OF THE OLD HANDWRITTEN COVENANT BIBLE EVEN IF HIS NATURAL BODY LIVES AND MOVES; HE IS A DEAD SOUL TO THIS DAY. HE IS NOT BORN AGAIN. FATHER, YOU ARE THE GREAT RULER IN ALL THINGS AMEN! 1 Corinth 1:18 –31, 2 Corinth 3:5-6. USE KJV Bible. THE CONCLUSION. The New Covenant Bible Ordinances of light are grafted in the old handwritten Bible Covenant Ordinances of darkness. 1 John 2:7-8, Isaiah 45: 7-8. The Bible taught by the Holy Spirit in the wisdom and knowledge of God (CHRIST) is different from the Bible taught in human wisdom and knowledge (MOSES).2 Corinth 3:13-15. The Holy Spirit can only reveal the New Covenant Bible ordinances, the Christ, that are written within or inside the visible handwritten old Covenant Bible ordinances written in Letter, in your understanding, when He indwells you. But the Holy Spirit does not dwell in disobedient and dirty hearts. Gal 5:17-21. One cannot read, interpret and minister Christ, the New Covenant Bible Word unless God enables that soul to do so by indwelling that soul. Unless God indwells the soul, the carnal soul will stop at reading the handwritten Bible and remain dead or die. Use KJV Bible. By Pastor Patrick Bwayo on Tel 256-782612426, Box 1255, Mbale, Uganda. godofallnations@yahoo Please go to yahoo, goggle or MSN search bars and type in Pastor Patrick Bwayo for more Holy Spirit inspired articles. Please share this massage with your work mates and make copies to give to all as the Holy Spirit leads you. SONG: RISE UP YOU CHAMPIONS OF GOD Key D 4/4 Rise up You champions of God,Rise up you royal nation;Rise up and bear His light abroad,We’ll reach this generation.We’ve got our marching orders,We’ve got our marching orders,Now is the time to carry them forth.Go forth Christ loves them,Go forth, take the Gospel;Go forth, the time is now,The harvest is ripening.Go forth! Go forth!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 19:12:34 +0000

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