THE VERDICTS OF POPULAR SUNNIS SCHOLARS AND IMAMS ON SUFFISM. Bismillah Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulillah Peace be upon him who follows the guidance. Ahlus Sunnah Scholars Verdict on Sufism: 1.) Imaam Ash-Shaaf’iee said concerning Sufism: “If a person exercised Sufism at the beginning of the day, he does not come to Dhuhr except an idiot.” [Tablees Iblees] “Nobody accompanied the Sufis forty days and had his brain return (ever).” [Tablees Iblees] 2.) Imam Abdurrahmaan bin Mahdi: I asked Abdurrahman bin Mahdi: O Abu Saeed! In our city there are people who call themselves Sufis. He replied: Do not get near them, we have seen some of them who have been driven by this (Sufism) to craziness. Others were driven to apostasy.Ishaq bin Dawood bin Sabeeh said: Source: Talbees Iblees by Ibn Al-Jawzi page 257. alsoufia/articles.aspx?id=1064&page_id=0&page_size=15&links=False&gate_id=0 3.) Sharaf Al-Deen Al-Zawawi (d. 743 AH): If a ruler hears about such books (as the books of Ibn Arabi: Al-Fusoos & Al-Fotohaat Al-Makiyyah), then he must look for those books, gather all copies and burn them as he finds them. He should discipline whomsoever adopts this Madhhab. Source: Al-Iqd Al-Thameen 2/176. alsoufia/articles.aspx?id=1077&page_id=0&page_size=15&links=False&gate_id=0 Ibn al-Jawzi narrates in his book “Talbees Iblees” (the Deceptions of Satan) p. 392 that ‘Abdul-Malek ibn Zeyad al-Naseebi said: We were with [Imam] Malik when I mentioned to him the Sufis in my state, I said: They wear the most luxurious garments from Yemen, and they do so and so. He said: Woe to you, are these Muslims?! He said: He then laughed until he lied on his back. One of his companions sitting with him said to me: O you, we never saw any who is a greater of a calamity on this Shaykh [i.e. Imam Malik] then you, this is the first time ever we see him laugh. A similar story was mentioned in the book “Tarteeb Al-Madarik wa Taqreeb Al-Masalik” (2/54) by Al-Qadi ‘Iyad, from the narration of ‘Abdul-Allah ibn Yusuf al-Taneesi, who was present during this story, and is one of the famous companions of Imam Malik. Al-Taneesi said: We were with Malik, and his companions were around him when a man, from the people of Nasibeen, said: O Abu ‘Abdullah (i.e. Imam Malik) we have people that are called al-Soufia (the Sufis) that eat a lot, then recite poetry, and then stand up and dance. Malik said: Are they small kids? The man replied: No. He then asked: Are they Madmen (crazy or insane)? The man replied: No, they are old people and over that they are sane Malik said: I never heard that anyone of the people of Islam would do such a thing. The man added: They eat, and then stand up and dance, some of them hitting their heads, and others slapping their faces. Imam Malik laughed, and then stood up, and entered his house. Imam Malik’s companions said to the man, you were a misfortune on our companion, we sat with him for thirty-something years and never saw him laugh except on this day. Arabic version: alsoufia/articles.aspx?id=1039&page_id=0&page_size=15&links=False&gate_id=0 4.) Ibn Rushd, the Muslim philosopher: He said while counting deviant sects in his book “Manahijul Adillah Fee ‘Aqaadil Millah” 181: This was the status of innovated sects with respect to Shari’ah. Each of these sects misunderstood Shari’ah in a way different than the other sects, claiming their understanding to be the objective of the Legislator. This tore the Shari’ah to several pieces, and distanced it from its original position. The Legislator knew that this was likely to occur so He said: My nation will devide into 73 sects, all will be in the hell fire, except for one”. He meant by this “one” the sect which goes by the apparent verses of Shari’ah and does not misunderstand them. When you look at the amount of deviation that has occured in the Ummah during this time, you will find that most of it was due to misunderstanding. And the first to modify this great cure were: al-Khawarij, then Mu’tazilites, then Ash’aris, then Sufis. Then came Abu Hamed who caused the valley to landslide over the villages. alsoufia/articles.aspx?id=1600&page_id=0&page_size=15&links=False&gate_id=0 5.) Imam Jawzi on Sufism:Ibn al-Jawzi says in Talbis Iblis, whilst commenting on the origins of Tasawwuf: Ibn al-Jawzi’s criticisms of the Sufis were directed at several fronts. He criticized them for the prevalence of pantheism amongst their ranks, and to that end he wrote Al-Qati’ li Muhal al-Lijaj bi Muhal al-Hallaj censuring al-Hallaj, the famous pantheist who claimed to be God, and was subsequently executed by the agreement of the jurists. He attacked the Sufis for demeaning all aspects of worldly life, such that they would wilfully and unwisely give away their belongings to remain poor. Ibn al-Jawzi states: “What the ignorant amongst the ascetics call ‘reliance’ (tawakkul), that is to spend all that one owns, is not legislated in religion. For the Prophet said to Ka’b b. Malik: Keep some of your wealth.” The Sufis were characterized by their deriding attitude towards the sacred knowledge, in favour of asceticism. Ibn al-Jawzi criticised them saying: “From the amazing ways in which the devil plays his tricks, is by beautifying abandonment of knowledge. Yet, they [the Sufis] did not simply stop at that, but also engaged in insulting those busy with knowledge. This, only if they understood, is tantamount to insulting the Shari’ah; for the Messenger of Allah said: ‘Convey from me’” Ibn al-Jawzi’s remarks, ridiculing the early ascetics, only underline his rigid anti-Sufi attitude. He says about the early ascetics: “I saw most of them in confusion. Those of them with good intentions are also not following the mainstream path in most of their affairs. A number of early ascetics wrote various books for their followers that are crammed full of abominations, and inauthentic reports, in which the authors instruct with that which is at odds with the Shari’ah; such as the works of al-Harith al-Muhasibi or Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Tirmidhi, Qut al-Qulub by Abu Talib al-Makki, or al-Ihya of Abu Hamid [[[al-Ghazzali]]] al-Tusi. If a beginner were to open his eyes and desire to tread the path through these books, they would have led him to blunders, for they based their works on awkward narrations. “I saw most of the people deviating from the Shari’ah, to whom the words of the ascetics became the Shari’ah itself. Hence, it was claimed: Abu Talib al-Makki said: ‘From the Salaf were those who would weigh their daily intake against fresh branch-ends from palm-trees and notice it decreasing everyday!’ This practise was not known by the Messenger of Allah nor his Companions, rather they would eat but not to their fill. “The life of the Messenger of Allah and his Companions was not like that of the ascetics of today. For the Messenger of Allah would laugh, joke, choose the best of things, race with ‘A’isha – may Allah be pleased with her. He would eat meat, love sweet dishes and water will be sweetened for him to drink. This is also how his companions were, until the ascetics discovered paths (tara’iq), as if it were the beginning of another Shari’ah.” It is also vital to bear in mind that the remarks above were directed to a very small minority of the Sufis. As for the vast majority, for them Ibn al-Jawzi had the following to say: “As for those who had incorrect intentions, from the hypocrites and the pretentious ones, for the sake of worldly gains, and for their hands to be kissed out of respect, then there is no discussion with them, and they are the majority of the Sufis!” Link: hanbalis/index.php/Ibn_al-Jawzi#Sufis 6.) Ibn Al-Haaj Al-Maliki: Al-Imam ibn Al-Haaj Al-Maliki is one of the scholars who Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar transmitted a lot [of his views] in his book Fath Al-Bari. From the most famous of his works is his book “Al-Madkhal”, in which he refuted many of the innovations of the Sufis. He said [May Allah have mercy on him] in his book “Al-Madkhal” (3/99) while talking about Sufis and the innovation of singing and dancing, the following: “It was mentioned that some people asked for a fatwa in the year 661 H, and sought and collected the opinions of the four Mazhabs in this matter, and its wording is: “What is the opinion of the masters of Fiqh, the Imams of this Religion, and the Scholars of the Muslims – May Allah grant them success to His obedience, and assist them in what Pleases Him – in a group from among the Muslims, who arrived to a city and headed to the Masjid, and started clapping, singing, and dancing, once with their hands and in another time using Doufs and Shababah. Is such an act Islamically permissible in a Masjid, answer us – May Allah the Exalted reward you and have mercy on you? The Shafi’is said: Samaa’ (Listening [to the above mentioned]) is a Detested form of play which is similar to Batil (Falsehood), and whoever says by it (i.e. agrees on it and accepts it), his testimony would be rejected (Turad Shahadatuh), and Allah knows best. The Malikis said: The rulers and the ones responsible should restrain and prevent them [from this], and eject them (expel them) from the Masjids until they Repent and Return [to Allah], and Allah knows best. The Hanbalis said: Whoever does this, one should not pray behind him, and his testimony should not be accepted, and his ruling should not be accepted even if he was a judge/ruler, and if he performs a marriage ‘Aqd (contract) then it is Fasid (Void), and Allah knows best. The Hanafis said: The rug that they dance on is not to be prayed on until it is washed, and the earth that they dance on is not to be prayed on until its sand is dug and thrown away, and Allah knows best.” Arabic original: alsoufia/articles.aspx?id=1045&page_id=0&page_size=15&links=False&gate_id=0 Now watch this: ahlalhdeeth/vbe/showthread.php?p=12 ahlalhdeeth/vbe/showthread.php?t=882 7.) Abu Bakr Al-Tartoushi Al-Imam Abu Bakr Al-Tartoushi [May Allah have mercy on him] was asked: What does our knowledgeable master say about the mazhab of the Sufis? And know – May Allah preserve your time – that a group of men gather, and then increase in the mentioning of Allah the Exalted, and the mentioning of Muhammad peace be upon him, after which they hit with a rod on an Adeem, and some of them stand up and dance and Yatawajad, until he falls unconscious, and then they get something to eat. Is attending with them permissible or not? Answer us, May Allah have mercy on you. The answer: May Allah have mercy on you, the mazhab of the Sufis is that of Batalah (wastefulness), Jahalah (ignorance), and Dalalah (misguidance). Islam is but the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His messenger. As for the dancing and the Tawajud, the first to perform this are the companions of Al-Samiry, when he founded for them an image of a calf that had a sound, so they started dancing around it and Yatawajadoon, thus [this action] is the religion of the Kuffar (unbelievers), and the worshippers of the calf. As for the [hitting with the] rod, the first to adopt this action are the Zanadiqah (disbelieving heretics), to distract Muslims from the Book of Allah the Exalted. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wassallam) used to sit with his companions, as if birds were standing on their heads from their dignity [tranquility and stillness]. That is why the Sultan and his assistants are required to stop [these people] from gathering in Masjids and in any other place. It is not permissible for anyone that believes in Allah and the Hereafter to attend with them, and to assist them in their evil and wastefulness, and that is the Mazhab of Malik, Abu Hanifa, Al-Shafi’y, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and others from the scholars of the Muslims, and from Allah we seek success. Source: Al-Jami’ Le Ahkaam Al-Quran by Al-Imam Al-Qurtubi 11/237-238 Original Arabic: alsoufia/articles.aspx?id=1065&page_id=0&page_size=15&links=False&gate_id=0 (alsoufia/articles.aspx?id=1065&page_id=0&page_size=15&links=False&gate_id=0) 8.) Mahmoud Shukri Al-Alousi The great scholar Mahmoud Shukri Al-Alousi the Mufi of Baghdad, who exposed the Sufis as people of lies and deceptions, and that they have a Taqiya just as the Rafidahs do. He says in his Tafseer 11/72-73, in his explanation of the verse {And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks} (31:6): “What is uglier than this is what is done by the Satans of the Sufis and their Devils. They – May Allah disgrace them – when one objects to them about the falsehood contained in their poetry, they reply: we mean by wine: the love of God, or by drunkenness: it (i.e. the love) taking over [and consuming us], or by Mayah and Layl and Sa’dah for example: the Greatest one loved and that is Allah all Mighty! And contained in this from the impoliteness and ill-manner what is clear, [and Allah the Exalted says]: {And the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allâh, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names} (7:180)”. In page 75 he says: “… and from the forbidden things to listen to is what the Sufis of our time listen to; even if it did not contain dancing, since its harms are more than can be counted. In many times they recite poetry that is from the most appalling things recited, and with this they believe that it brings them closer [to Allah]. They claim that the more you seek this, the more you are fearful and loving, May Allah’s Curse be on them, how deluded away from the truth are they!” Original Arabic: alsoufia/articles.aspx?id=1085&page_id=0&page_size=15&links=False&gate_id=0 (alsoufia/articles.aspx?id=1085&page_id=0&page_size=15&links=False&gate_id=0) 9.) Shaykh Abu Bakr Al Jazaa’iree stated: “Sufism is a shameful deception which begins with Dhikr and ends with Kufr. Its outward manifestation appears to be piety, but its inward reality forsakes the Commandments of Allaah.” [Illat-Tasawwuf Yaa Ibadallah]
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:06:23 +0000

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