THE VERY LAST TIME SUCH EVENT OCCURRED WAS IN BELGIUM AN AFRIKAN BLOOD WOMAN SET HERSELF ON FIRE TO PROTEST RACISM AND ALL THEIR ABUSIVE INJUSTICE DONE TO US AS AN AFRIKAN BLOOD PEOPLE . DOCTOR FRANCE CRESS WELSING IS 100 % FACTUAL IN HER ANALYSIS ABOUT THE SITUATION GLOBALLY PEOPLE : most of us don’t understand it. We think more education, more integration, more interracial dating, more money, or more protests and marching will fix our problems. We don’t understand how to fix it because we don’t understand the biggest problem: RACISM/WHITE SUPREMACY. That means we must be willing to read, listen, and learn about the system of white supremacy. That’s the first, most necessary step.... In my experience, most black people do not understand the real problem (racism/white supremacy) OR that ALL OF US – regardless of our “class,” income, education or swagger — live under a system of WHITE DOMINATION that operates as a GLOBAL system — and if we doubt this, just look around the world at all the non-white nations that are still being controlled by their white conquerors — Japan, South Korea, many or most parts of Africa, the Middle East, Israel, Mexico, Canada, Latin America, Egypt, Iraq, and pretty soon, Syria will be next That does not mean non-white people are stupid or incompetent or inferior or deserve to be mistreated. It means WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE SYSTEM OF WHITE SUPREMACY AND HOW IT FUNCTIONS WASHINGTON — A District of Columbia police spokesman says a man who set himself on fire on the National Mall has died of his injuries. Officer Araz Alali says the man died Friday night at a Washington hospital where he had been airlifted. He says the man was so badly burned that he will need to be identified through DNA and dental records. —————————————————————————————————————————————— Just one day after Miriam Carey, 34, a Stamford, Connecticut dental hygienist, was killed by Washington, D.C. police after trying to ram her car through the White House security barrier, a man poured a can of gasoline on his head and set himself on fire on the National Mall, reports LA Times. The man was airlifted to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, said D.C. fire department spokesman Tim Wilson. The incident took place on the mall near the National Air and Space Museum. Two joggers attempted to help the man by ripping off their shirts and trying to put out the fire, but there wasn’t much they could do. Law enforcement have not been able to determine a motive at this time. “I’m not aware of any signage or any articulation of any causes,” said Lt. Pamela Smith of the U.S. Park Police, which is investigating along with the D.C. police department.See More .Like · · Share · 401626 · 5 hours ago · Edited · Top Comments40 people like this...26 shares.Write a comment....THE REUNION OF BLACK FAMILY WORLD WIDE October 17, 2007: (AP) The horrifying sight which traumatized shoppers and office workers in the centre of Luxembourg City last week has now been labelled as a protest against racism. The Belgian woman of Congolese origin who set herself alight in the ...See MoreLike · Reply · 2 · 4 hours ago..THE REUNION OF BLACK FAMILY WORLD WIDE replied · 2 Replies · 4 hours ago.Nicole Itu Ngwatwane forgive me for not understanding... But how does one burning herself solve a global issue?Like · Reply · 2 · 4 hours ago..THE REUNION OF BLACK FAMILY WORLD WIDE You do not need to understand ..just be aware it is the time for you to think the unthinkable and to imagine the unimaginable ...Maybe YOU WILL REALIZE THAT WHAT YOU TERM GLOBAL ISSUE is close to some people front yard ...Like · 6 · 4 hours ago..Write a reply....View 14 more comments..
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 08:37:49 +0000

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