THE VEST TO CONTINUE... ..PLEASE READ AND SHARE... ......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you will be aware a few weeks ago i said that the final orders will be sent off this week,Well since that time the intrest in the vest has esculated beyond my wildest dreams. It started with the Burgess boys out in oz wanting 4 vests, plus the last order been a pretty big one shows the interest is still there after 7 months,but on top of that the new free to air rugby league programme Rugby AM replied to a tweet i sent out wanting a vest to hang in their sheds on the programne to promote what im doing and the USP of the vest, the legend of my Hull FC, my hero, prekky. How could i stop after the vest makes it on to tv????? My life in the last 6 months has been married to these vests lol, my family and friends have had to put up with hell at times,I went on holiday and i couldnt really switch off from them. This on top of still doing a full time job. Areo sports, who make the vests who have been absolutely awesome from day 1, but have a buisness to run, on top of all that the vests and the way it was going was basically making me a stressed Eric and ill and not very nice to live with if im honest. You sit down for dinner and in a evening it takes 2 hours to eat, im answering e mails, delivering vests, people picking vests up, as great as it is, it was becoming a nightmare. So where does that leave the vests? I have spoke with a few people close to me including the few people who have helped me during the last 6 months, and we think that if we change the way we do things, have a new structure in place, a new e mail address, easy ways of paying and so on, then WE CAN CONTINUE TO DO THE VESTS!!!!!!!!!!!! The 2 charities conected to the Steve Prescott foundation and the charity life for a kid will be the ones missing out, and that in my eyes would be wrong, all you have have bought into this, fans, players, mums, dads, ex players, a whole spectrum of individuals and familys, and you all have helped those people whos lives are less fortunate. i Will be speaking and having a meeting with those involved in the next few days and we have decided that once the vest has been on Rugby AM 2 weeks on wednesday, it will start up again and hopefully get more interest and raise more money and awareness . We have a few ideas that have been spoke about briefly, so all i can say is watch this space All the details will be announced on Facebook and twitter of the changes, and i will also be trying to get stories of people who you have all indirectly helped, so i dont become what i would call a faceless fundraiser. I hope you all understand that i have had to make this desicion THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND THE VEST WILL CONTINUE!!!!!!!!! WOLFIE
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:28:45 +0000

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