THE VOICE OF END TIME- CHRIST WORD HOUSE, PH TOPIC: THE TRIAL OF FAITH TEXT: JAMES 1:1-4 From James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ: Greetings to all Gods people scattered over the whole world. 2 My brothers, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, 3 for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure. 4 Make sure that your endurance carries you all the way without failing, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (TEV) It is quiet understood by God that trial will test the faith of every believer both mature and young believers, some might fail and some might not fail. However, trials are the necessity of Christian life; it must come the way of every believer. These trials do not mean inducement to sin. The trials that James is talking about are- Persecutions, lack, calamity, hunger, suffering, sickness, difficulties etc. Paul said in the Bible “Romans 8:35 who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Tribulation, distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or pain or hardship”. All these are the various trails that James is referring to that will face the faith of our belief. The trial of faith denotes painful circumstances that come our ways in our spiritual journey Heb 11:13. This faith is not the kind of faith that goes along with acting on God’s words not faith in Heb 11:1 rather the one that takes believers through challenges of life so that real God’s characters could be immensely reveal to us. We should be cleared that when faith of believer is going through a trial and test it should not be confused with the discipline of life. At times in life as we proceed in spiritual journey and notice we are being disciplined by God may be for disobeying Him this should not be seen as trial of faith. How do we know when God is trying our faith and when He is disciplining us for disobeying Him unknowing or knowing to us? The highest and greatest expression of faith in the whole Bible is- “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15) THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE TRIAL OF FAITH IN OUR SPIRITUAL JOURNEY - The trial of faith varies. The test of faith differs from one person to another. Daniel was tested with lion (Dan 6:22); three Hebrew was fire (Dan 3:23-24); Disciples was storm (Lk 8:24-25); Abram was delay in child bearing took him 25 years (Gen 12:4 & 21:5); John was imprisonment; Paul had numerous trials, Joshua was river Jordan; Joseph was false accusation (Gen 39:17-18) etc - The trial of faith has duration. Every trial and test of faith either from God or devil as permitted by God has time lapse. Abraham lasted for 25 years, the three Hebrew began the day the decree released, Joseph lasted for 17 years, Paul lasted for years, etc. These people eventually succeeded, blessings were accredited to them and their lives, ministries and calling. - The trial of faith has a purpose i.e. intention. Whatsoever believers pass through in spiritual race God knows what He wants to achieve, the intention is to give us expected end Jer 29:11, by revealing His real character, to increase our dependability on him, to prune us from our unrighteousness, to show case us to the world, etc. - The trial of faith is common to believers. No matter how grievous the circumstances are to the believers are common to men. 1Co 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; No temptation can take us, but such as is common unto man, but in case you are tried with extremity of strange things, you cannot choose to fall or endure suffering to extreme, yet we have the promise of a faithful God for our support in that case God is faithful who will not suffer us to be tried at any time above what we are able to bear. 2 Pet 2:9; Jer 29:11 - The trial of faith is the will of God. By the scripture the trials of faith is the centre will of God for every godly person whether you are learned or not in as much as you are for Christ you are bound to go through it according to the divine providence of God.1 Pet 4:12, 19; 3:17; 4:16 - Trial of faith has a starting period Prayer focus: Lord strengthen me to be able to stand in the face of trial of faith THE REVELATION OF THE PASSAGE WE READ - God knows that the trials will contend with our faiths. God as omniscience has ever known that trial would stand against our beliefs in Him. The true faith in God has divine ability in it to stand on the Word fastened to God. Three Hebrew men did not stagger in faith despite the strong burning fire Daniel 3:19. The strength to stand is the Holy Ghost is made available in us. 1 Thess 3:3; Eph 3:13. Jesus Christ promised to be with us even to the end of the word Mth 28:20. We need not to seek for alternative out Jesus how to overcome what you are passing through the alternative leads nowhere. He want us to look onto Him the author and the finisher of our faith. - Faith cannot stand firm in God until it is tried. The tried faith gains stability more in God through the power of Holy Spirit. Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith…… Colossian 2:7. Faith becomes firmly established, like a tree deeply rooted, or a house on a rock. - For every trial there is a way out. When the faith of Joseph was tried with Portiphar’s wife “the door was not closed”. Within and outside the things confronting our faiths there is always a way out. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 1 Cor 10:13; 2 Pet 2:9. There is a extent to which we are able to resist trial, there is a limit to our power, there is a point beyond which we cannot be able to resist it. We have not the strength of angels. But the Holy Spirit supplies strength to stand firm His promises for our lives and to see the way out. - Do not surrender to trial. Though, it may be tough yet God does not still wants us to submit the paddle of our faith to the storm of temptation ragging within us. So when the ship was caught, and could not head into the wind, we let her drive Acts 27:14-15. This is the kind of life some have, that in face of trial they release the ship of their faith to the storm of trials. Here what Paul said, he began to confess the positive words that there will be no loss of life v. 22. In the mist of trial God is present Ps 46:1 He can only be seen by the eyes of faith i.e. the eyes of His possessor v. 2 - Faith that stands produces full joy. What about the trial that involved lives can such believer count it for Joy in the moment? THE SOURCES OF TRIAL OF FAITH TO BELIEVERS IN SPIRITUAL RACE We need to understand that the trial of faith could either be from God or devil. This may bring arguments that devil does not have a legal ground i.e., absolute right to try the faith of children of God. Yes, that’s true. But at times God permits him for a certain reason that may be known to God Himself. Devil looks for all avenues and loopholes to stand the faith of the true believers. For the success of this write up it will address by the scripture. Job with affliction and adversity (Job 1:8-11), God did permit devil to touch his life (Job 2:6-7) God has ultimate right to test the “dependability” of believers on Him. The trial of faith from God does not bring GRIEF rather to work out perfection in man (1Pet 4:12&19). There are many people in the Bible who were purposely tried by God- Abraham, John in Prison, Jeremiah etc. The trial of faith from Satan is to cause physical and mental and sometimes permanent pains ( unpleasant experiences) to the believers so as to cause them to deny their faith in God. WHY GOD ALLOWS US TO HAVE TRIALS AND TESTS OF FAITH -To draw us closer to His word Ps 119:67,71; 94:12 -To know the true state of our heart if they would remain true. Jer 17:10; 12:3; Ex 20:20; Jhn 6:5-6 ; Judg 2:21-22 -To make us a better and more useful vessel in His hand 2 Tim 2:21; 3:17; 1 Cor 5:7; Jer 18:4 -To prepare us for future blessings, assignments and exalted ministries Deut 8:16; Ps 105:17-22; Pro 18:12 -To draw us more closer to Him Ps 107:6,12-13 -To teach us obedience Heb 5:8; Phil 2:8 -To teach us to be confident and dependent in Him. 2Ch 20:12 In conclusion, God has a Son that’s without sin, but he never had a Son that’s without trial, therefore, the trial that you are going through is for a purpose. Prayer focus: Lord, uphold me with your right hand in the time of trial of faith so that I will not fail you WHY BELIEVERS MUST NOT FAIL IN THE FACE OF TRIALS v 3-4 Your victory or defeat goes far beyond you. There are too many people waiting to see the end of your trial of faith Daniel 3:24-30. If you quit or fail, you may be sending wrong signals to people whose spiritual lives depend on you. As a believer, you represent the Most High God, for this reason, when you fail in the face of trial, you could cause people to say your God has failed. When Samson failed, they attributed failure to God of Samson, and said our gods have delivered him to our hands Judge 16:23-24 Beloved, what determine the type of training and trial you go through in life is where God is taking you to. Know that your trial is truly a destiny outcry. Never look down on what you go through during the trial of faith; it is for your good. Jesus Himself went through suffering because He needed to learn obedience (Heb 5:8). Every trial of faith is for a definite purpose. Another reason is your soul and stability of the faith of people you are leading. People who are following you have high hope and expectation in your professed faith, once you fail during trial those hope and expectations disappeared. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 WRONG ATTITUDES OF PEOPLE TOWARDS TRIAL OF FAITH • Questioning Jer 15:15-18. God’s response to his question Jer 30:15 • Bitterness of heart against people around Job 2:7-9 • Complaining Ruth 1:20-21 • Giving up Prov 24:10 • Despairing- Feeling or showing loss of hope Ex 6:9 WHAT GOD WANT US TO DO WHEN OUR FAITHS ARE BEEN TRIED OR TESTED Identification of source: It becomes imperative for believers to prayerfully identify the source of the trial they go through whether it’s from God or devil, as God may permit devil for a clear reason known to Him. Identification of what you are going through: At times believers might be going through discipline of life or punishment from God for disobeying Him in one way or the other, and they would call it trial of faith. Patience: Patience here means allowing God to work through. Patience is the best remedy for every trouble, God helps the patient. Patience in Biblical term is not the time of inactivity, not the period of laziness, folding hands, walking aimlessly rather the time of setting spiritual structures by asking God for intervention and total take over, is the period of asking Holy Spirit for the way out. Adhering to the leading of Holy Spirit: Here we need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when He is giving commands. In every situation believer may find himself or herself God is present there- omnipresent inform of Holy Spirit, though at times He might be silent yet do not act foolishly Unwavering Confidence in God: Steady and firm with purpose in God. Job said “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15) Blessings of trial of faith - Perfection and completion of God’s work in man. - Lacking in nothing - Maturity in Christ Jesus. - Building of confidence in Him that His able. A trial is an experiment or search made upon a man, by some affliction, to prove the value and strength of his faith. God never expect us to release the ship of our faiths to storm of trials. Prayer focus: Lord in your mercy do not try me with the challenges that will take away my family- wife, husband and children from me.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:10:15 +0000

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