THE WAITING IS THE HARDEST PART... Yes it is indeed Tom Petty. - TopicsExpress


THE WAITING IS THE HARDEST PART... Yes it is indeed Tom Petty. You can analyze every computer model for days, stay up late for every new model run, sacrifice sleep to get the latest EURO hot off the presses. But as the storm starts to develop, the waiting begins. Some storms develop farther south towards the Carolinas, reach their full maturity before they get to South Jersey, others have us in the jackpot, in both cases preventing as much hair pulling as this storm has so far. This has been a complicated one to forecast to say the least, as were living on the edge with big boom or bust potential. I keep on using those phrases over, because I think they still ring true as many await the snow. The snow is cranking as forecast, and the snow blossoming out over the ocean just east of our shore. And wouldnt you know it, its finally sliding west(a few hours late perhaps). But now the two big questions are: 1) How far west can the heavier snow bands make it? 2) How heavy will they be in terms of intensity once they pivot onshore. Those are the nowcasting questions Im looking to answer this evening. The main forecast theme, more snow north and east, less south and west with a sharp cutoff, still applies. But how sharp a cutoff, and most importantly where...still remain to be seen, even at this late hour. More in a bit...
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 02:44:57 +0000

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