THE WAY TO GO IS WITH THE LORD! WHEN YOU GET TO A RED SEA, AND IT SEEMS LIKE THERES NO WAY THROUGH IT,SATAN MAY BE ON YOUR TRACK,BUT DONT TURN AROUND, AND DONT LOOK BACK, GO FORWARD.YOUR VICTORY LIES AHEAD OF YOU, ON THE OTHER SIDE! LUKE 9;62 KV God is going to make away out of no way. You dont have to see it, just know it and believe it. Right there in the mist of your red sea, Hes going to bring you through and safely to the other side, so keep on walking by faith, keep moving forward. Keep walking with the Lord! Every step that we take with the Lord, every move that we make with Him, takes us farther and farther and on to victory.IN THIS LIFE, IF WE STAY WITH THE LORD,WERE ON THE WINNING TEAM, NO MATTER WHAT LIFE BRINGS.IN MOSES DAYS, WHEN GOD SENT MOSES TO PHARAOH TO TELL HIM, TO LET THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL GO,God already knew that after Pharaoh released them from slavery that he would pursue them and send chariots after them and try to take them back into bondage in Egypt, so God had already prepared away for Moses and the children of Israel to, get through the Red Sea, and to get away from their enemies safely and to the other side. He gave Moses a Rod. WHEN MOSES AND THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL GOT TO THE RED SEA AND THERE WAS NO WAY AROUND IT. THEY HAD ONLY TWO CHOICES, TO GO BACK TO EGYPT OR TO GO FORWARD.WHEN MOSES CONSULTED WITH THE LORD, THE LORD REMINDED HIM THAT HE HAD GIVEN HIM A ROD.WHAT IS IT IN THY HAND? Exodus 14: 15And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:16But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea. MOSES HAD THE LORD ON HIS SIDE AND THE ROD THAT CAME FROM THE LORD. God knows all about the journey of life that He has you on, where, you are now, what has happened and what will happen in the future and He has already made preparation and provision for you to get through every Red Sea and safely to the other side. Through Jesus Christ today ,God has made away for us. Jesus is the way. He will open up a road, and make a way in the midst of the wilderness of life and lead you safely through. Walking with the Lord will get you through. He always leads us forward, What HAS GOD GIVEN YOU TO SURVIVE, TO STAND THE TEST, TO OBTAIN VICTORY OVER THE CIRCUMSTANCE., OVER THE ENEMY.GOD HAS GIVEN EVERY CHILD OF GOD SOMETHING TO DESTROY THE YOKES OF THE ENEMY AND TO COME THROUGH AS PURE GOLD. In the end God always wins. IF God puts a road in front of you walk it. Where He takes you- follow. In His own mysterious way, He is taking us somewhere. Dont Stop keep going. He will lead you safely through. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THROUGH- IS VICTORY,ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THROUGH,THERE ARE GREATER BLESSINGS, AND HIGHER LEVELS OF FAITH! THERE ARE GREAT REWARDS AWAITING OUR FAITHFULNESS .God specializes in that which man thinks impossible and He will do what no other power, Holy Ghost Power can do. Im staying with Jesus, Im staying with the Lord. God always comes out a winner at the finishing line! Ive have decided to follow turning back. No turning back. The cross before me, the world behind me ,No turning back, no turning back. Luke 9:62And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 23:40:04 +0000

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