THE WAYS HUMANS ARE MAIMING THE PLANET THROUGH AN AGGRAVATED ASSAULT Ѽ This is a triple whammy our consumption is inflicting upon the ecosystems: 1) Mt. Plastic (Mt. Trash) (monstrous anthropogenic composites of plastic, sand, wood, rocks, shells, rubber tubing and fishing junk including nets, rope and anything else melted plastic might adhere to) 2) Melting Snails a.k.a. ocean acidification 3) Species Extinction . An asteroid caused the Earth’s fifth great species extinction, but humans have launched a sixth that may rival the effects of that deadly event. 4) Population boom 5) Asoliphilia, unrelenting GREED DRIVEN STUPIDITY OF INACTION (a.k.a SEMSIP )for the past 60 years via recklessly failing to curb the above four with no hope in sight that there is any real intention to tackle with it. That adds up to QUINTUCRISIS. It’s clear that were irretrievably past the point of stopping climate change, environmentalist and author Bill McKibben tells Rolling Stone. Every week brings new bad news, most recently from the Antarctic, where its clear that no matter what we do theres a huge loss coming on the West Antarctic ice sheet, with about 10 feet of extra sea level rise as a result. So we dont get our old world back. The most important thing thats happened in the lifetime of any human now alive is that the Holocene [epoch, which began roughly 12,000 years ago] has come to an end. [you can Google any of these acronyms in ALL CAPS to get to know them better from GSP website] Ѽ
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:06:13 +0000

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