THE WEST AFRICA EBOLA VIRUS CONSPIRACY By: Simamkele NegusFayah - TopicsExpress


THE WEST AFRICA EBOLA VIRUS CONSPIRACY By: Simamkele NegusFayah Tyokwana Very few people are aware of the bio-chemical warfare that is gong on, people are not aware of the fact that viruses are invented by scientists in their laboratories and are tested on human beings and animals. People still believe these viruses are a result of some biblical prophecy and are Mankinds punishment handed down to us by God. Well, this is all going to be challenged and proven now, I dare to challenge the system on this one. We need to note also that there are these European based NGOs that always claim to be here in Africa to save the lives of Africans, in my view, they too should be regarded as suspects in this bio-chemistry syndicate because it is them who bring these viruses to Africa and then turn to sell us the vaccines and medication. We know now that HIV/AIDS, Malaria, H1N1 and Tuberculosis were invented in the laboratories in Europe, and the projects to invent these viruses are financed by the world Illuminati freemasons through the W.H.O (World Health Organisation) in order for them to sell us the vaccines and medication, so there is nothing new with this Ebola virus. This is not a suprise to me, the launch of the Ebola virus was conducted in a similar way that HIV, Malaria, H1N1, and TB were launched. They put these viruses in contained liquid substances like water to get a rapid spread of the virus. They usually inject these viruses in animals and then monitor the progress, if the reaction is positive, then they aim to launch the virus in public places like hospitals, restuarants and airports where hygene is commonly compromised and human contact is frequent. In the case of the Ebola virus, this is evident, as news claim that the virus was cintracted from some sort of an exortic equatorial jungle animal species, again news claim of a flight passanger that spread the virus, this shows us that they first tested the newly upgraded Ebola virus on animals and then launched at a hospital and airport. This is what the western powers have been doing to Africans all along, they use us as their test dummies for their viruses and turn to sell us the medication and vaccines that never cure but moderate the virus. The western powers (W.H.O, IMF, CIA) are trying to trick us into being dependent patients who cant survive without their vaccines and medication, iys a bio-chemical scam. This whole Ebola virus thing is a scam trick Africans into buying vaccines and medication from Europe and America, it will not be long till they send their NGOs and government entities to invest in fighting the Ebola virus, they will be initiating their campaigns to donate GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) food parcels and supplies, and cashing in on vaccination and Ebola prevention programmes. It is soon enough that they create slogans like Save Africa From Ebola only for them to make money out of a problem they createx in their own laboratories. The Pan-Africanist Movement needs ti be vigilant in putting an end to all this madness, all Africans should stand up and unite against this bio-chemical fraud. This is a syndicate operation conducted by the western organisations that have always contributed in the oppression and poverty of African people, I call for all Africans to march against the deliberate launch of the Ebola virus in West Africa by the European industry of bio-chemistry and we should also be aware that we are already in a geo-political conflict, hence at the end it is us who become victims instead of our dear politicians and heads of states. That I have witnessed in the Boko Haram incident. I am your faithful servant, mine is the duty of voicing out the concerns that are the cause of our problems. If I get killed for telling the truth, then I would die with a little bit if fulfillment, knowing that I have not kept quiet. I love you my African brothers and sisters, pleass be watchful of the oppressors tactics and plots. *NOTE: If you wish to share this article in any other media avenue, I give you the right to do so, the aim is to spread the message. I will too share this on various news media platforms. THANK YOU FOR TAKING NOTICE OF THIS POST, YOUR CONYRIBUTION TO THE CAUSE OF DEFENDING AFRICA AGAINST ITS ENEMIES WILL BE ReGARDD AS IMPORTANT, AND WILL BE APPRECIATED!!!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:35:22 +0000

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