THE WESTERN KENYA TRIBES ARE THE ONLY PEACEFUL & UNITED COMMUNITY IN THE WORLD. The Kenyans People who have never known what the meaning of the word Peace means? Should go back to the Historical Life Studies to know and understand how People were Created and how they behave Naturally.The Western Kenya Province which had the H/Q in KAKAMEGA TOWN is LUHYA TRIBES LAND from East,West, North and South is the only Tribe in Kenya which can Teach all other Kenyans Tribes to know what the word PEACE & UNITY means. All Historians Professors who are in Kenya must know that.The LUHYA People in Kenya were Blessed by GOD to have Peace in their Hearts and are Guided by the True Gods Spirit which bring Peace to the entire Community of Luhya people in OMULEMBE wherever they are. The LUHYA Peoples Greetings alone is PEACE (OMULEMBE) and it does not matter to whoever they may meet, they must say PEACE first from their mouth and the respond from the other person will be PEACE and then they will know that every one has peace and then LOVE will be to each other knowing that everything is doing well in both sides and there is OMULEMBE.(PEACE) in Gods name. Why am I saying all these Words? In Luhya Land before Kenya became Independent under the British Colonial leadership, we had our KING namely OMUMIA WA- SHIHUNDU who Governed our Land from Ugandan Boundary up to NAIVASHA in Rifty Valley and from North Mount Elgon to our neighbor LUOs Boundary NYANZA PROVINCE on Lake Victoria. LUOS & LUHYA are the Peaceful maker People and love in all of their dealing. Now when we come on what People call; PEACE OF LUHYA COMMUNITY which has got a Big Record in the World is that every Location in WESTERN KENYA IN LUHYA LAND People speaks Deferent languages or Dialogue and have Hundreds of Locations but their Greetings is Peace only. Luhyas have lived with other Tribes from other Countries with Peace and gave them Work with Peace. For example; The Luhyas in Kakamega District Appointed a person from MASAI LAND to be the President of KAKAMEGA TRIBUNAL COURT and his name was PAULO MATASI. The Masai people lived in Butsotso Location for many years until they chose to go back to Masai Land peacefully.I recommend MASAIS PEOPLE who very Generous and have never seen any trouble with them. I therefore tell the New Politicians who are in Kenya not to try to play any Game in Kenyans leadership to think that LUHYAS in Western Kenya does not know what the Peaceful leadership means. And my advice to LUHYAS Tribes People is that they should not waste Time hoping that other Tribes in Kenya will make the True Peace we had before. The thing LUHYAS must work on now is to fight for MAJIMBO which will bring PEACE in Western Kenya. Kenyans with mixed up Tribes does not know what Peace means. LUHYAS need OMULEMBE and Omulembe comes from your true unity to have Majimbo. (Rule khu Bwami bwa Basebe. Yabo na Aberi ba Bandu nende Okhwiba khwonyene, Mube no Mulembe). Be with the True Peace of Luhyas.(SSR).
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 21:12:43 +0000

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