THE WICKED CHRISTIAN The story you will be reading is that of a - TopicsExpress


THE WICKED CHRISTIAN The story you will be reading is that of a young man by name John Daniels. He was born an orphan but brought up by God through the help the missionaries who sow seeds into a Foster home. While he was in the University he met the Lord Jesus. He gave his life to Christ and ever since things have been looking up for him. He became a business man, a very rich one and at the same time he was committed to the work of God. He claimed to be a born again Christian, sanctified, washed in the blood, tongue talking and waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. One day, he embarked on a journey to Abuja with his new car named ‘Ford Exclusive’. Every part of the journey was smooth until he got to Okene and all of a sudden the car switched off and the engine shut down by itself. He only managed to roll the car to the road shoulder. Angrily he called the Dealer Company where he bought the car from the previous week and notify them of what happened. They made some enquiries from him about how it occurred, and told him to get off the car and pull up a particular antenna, so that they could connect to the car remotely from their base in Lagos. Within twenty minutes they established connection with the Vehicle from Lagos, and by 5pm it was found out that the algorithm of one of the software has been scrambled and needed reset. He was further told that the engineer with competency in writing the algorithm for that part of the Vehicle has closed for the day, and since he is an important client, a vehicle has been dispatched to ferry him back to the office that he may fix the situation. Mr. John Daniels inquires about the length of time it will take to get the specialist, and the answer he got was that 45minutes would be enough to get to his house and forty-five minutes to double back making one and half hour altogether. It will also take thirty minutes to reconfigure the programme, by now he had concluded that his wait would be in excess of two hours, meaning his journey could only be restarted by 7pm. By 7.15pm, Mr. Daniels got a call from the dealer that he may restart the vehicle, which he was very glad to do. Since through his wait for the past two hours and fifteen minutes, he has witnessed the car starting and stopping on its own, it was confirmed to him that the intermittent start and stop was a test run of the specialist’s reconfigured programme from the base in Lagos. He gladly entered his vehicle, started the ignition with a word, speaking to the car ‘car start’. He restarted his journey and had only travelled for fifteen minutes when he got to a scene where several cars were packed. After enquiries, he got to know that armed robbers have just finished operations at that scene about ten minutes earlier, and that the robbery lasted for about two hours. One woman came forward and told him to thank God that he was not at the scene when the incident was going on. She narrated that the robbers were only after the big 4x4 Jeeps like his own, she later questioned Mr. Daniels whether he did not pass by the armed robbers on his way coming since they went in the direction he was coming from. Only then did his senses got back to him and remembered that five minutes before he got to this scene of robbery, a convoy of military vehicles overtook him with sirens. Almost the same time he noticed coming in the opposite direction were a convoy of about seven different 4X4 off-road vehicles popularly called Jeeps around here. Then it dawned on him that the occupiers of the Jeeps were the thieves and that it was the military convoy in the vicinity that the Lord had sent at that particular hour to save his life, as someone already told him the robbers killed every driver of all the vehicles they snatched at that point. He began to praise the Lord, to glorify the name of the Lord who has triumphed gloriously and sent the angels in the mould of the military convoy to save his life. He continued his journey. By the time he passed by Lokoja on this blessed day, it was 8.30pm and it was a very dark night with no moon in the sky. While climbing the slope on the last bend, just before the stretch of a kilometer to the River Niger bridge, he noticed a lantern afar off as the holder was trying frantically to waive him down. He refused to stop, but his tyre came to a screeching halt few seconds later when he heard the cry of the old man with the lantern saying ‘danger ahead, danger ahead’. So he stopped, reversed back and powered down his passenger’s sit window a bit. The elderly man walked up to him looking very worried and tired. The Man said my son, ‘the bridge has been breached in the middle’, and if he should continue driving he would plunge into the river. Mr. Daniels shrugged off the warning and drove 10 km/hr tiptoeing the vehicle all the way to the middle of the bridge to see for himself. He was full of gratitude to the Old man for saving his life. He returned, parked of the road to the shoulder and thanked the elderly man for taking the pains to wait there in the thick darkness to save him. He asked the Old man,’ how may I show my gratitude for what you have done tonight?’ The Old man was quick to point out that he has been at the spot for hours, and that he was very tired, hungry and alone. So made a request that Mr. Daniel should wait at the spot and watch for him to waive down any vehicle coming that way just the way he waive him down. Old man further said that he wants to quickly get back to his people so he may mobilize some others that may be willing to stay watch through the night in shifts, so that many unsuspecting travelers may be saved from taking the plunge of death waiting in the middle of the bridge. I will be back in thirty minutes he said. When the elderly man got home, He told His Father about how he saved the stranger. He further asked ‘do you think this stranger can be trusted to wait and keep others from taking the plunge?’ His Father responded ‘yes, since you said he was very grateful, and showed commitment to stay watch till you return. The Old man then said to His father ‘If I return and find that he has abandoned the watch that I required of him, and then he is a wicked man, a wicked Christian. He will have no part in all this my provisions. The Oldman meanwhile has delayed for one hour instead of the thirty minutes, while making provisions for the people he called up for watch that night. Meanwhile, Mr. Daniel was very grateful while Baba went to get more people. He was more grateful for his car that by now would have been dining with the fishes at the bottom of the deep river. He entered the car, started the sound system with quality worship song hoozing out of the synthesized woofer speaker, his buttock sank into the lush leather seat of the best quality comfort you may imagine. He closed his eyes and say thank you to God once more as he rested his head on the succulent head rest, the air conditioning system blistering into the vehicle was massaging his forehead. He flashed back to when he was younger, an orphan, and the difficulty he went through in life growing up, how someone found him on the street one day and handed him over to the foster home. By now he was in trance, and then he went into this dream and that dream. He has fallen asleep, snoring heavily after all it’s been a difficult day. Just about this time, convoys of about twenty different cars have been trying frantically to overtake a wide bodied truck carrying an earth mover. They pass Mr. Daniel’s car one after the other wondering who could pack at that portion of the road with the vehicle inner light on and the owner sleeping at 9.30pm. It was the pace of the truck climbing the slope and at the same time negotiating the bend that actually slowed everyone down. Suddenly, a Mercedes Benz 1414 passenger bus with full capacity of passengers onboard arrived at this juncture, blaring the horn and overtaking every of the 20 other vehicles behind the truck. The driver of the Benz bus raced along to overtake the wide bodied truck, but he could not. He could not because the driver of the truck is a wicked driver who takes pleasures in the delay he was causing all the other vehicles queuing up behind him. Benz driver was flashing his headlights at him and at the same time blaring his horn, but the wicked driver could not decipher the message. In a moment, wide bodied truck driver completed the slope and the bend changing his gear to higher gear, he accelerated to the middle of the bridge. By this time it was too late for any intervention, the ensued ten seconds speed only landed the truck in the river with a loud explosion. The 1414 Benz quickly made a run to block off the road, double crossing it in such a way that none of the other vehicle could pass on to the bridge. The other motorists got down from their various vehicles, while railing abuses on the 1414 driver to actually find out why he blocked off the road. He began by telling them that around 8.00pm earlier, he was travelling by towards Kaduna along the same route and an elderly man waived him down to notify him that ‘the bridge had been breached in the middle’, He went to verify the claims and found out it was true, he came back and thanked the Old man, turned the vehicle around in search of an alternative route. He had travelled for almost an hour before he could accede to the demands of the passengers on his bus that they are suppose to give the elderly man something or probably help him cordoned off the road so that other vehicle would not perish in the river, and also that the man may know a shorter alternative route. He doubled back in time to meet their convoy trailing the wide bodied truck and that he tried all he could to warn the driver of the danger ahead but to no avail. Everyone was very shocked and at the same time thankful for the heroics of this kind hearted stranger. They all trekked the distance to the middle of the bridge and alas it was breached as purported. On their way back, they all stopped by Mr. John Daniels who has by now converted the driver seat to a waterbed. He was sleeping peacefully as if there was no task at hand. Almost at the same time, the Old man arrived with the volunteered night watch men. He stepped forward and woke up Mr. Daniels, who shouted from his sleep ‘danger ahead, danger ahead’, ‘the bridge has been breached in the middle’ but the old man replied him ‘you may sleep now for your services are no longer needed, as my father knew you are a wicked Christian who could not watch for me for just an hour. He has sent His angel from heaven and dangers have been averted, see the people that may have perished because you could not watch. Mr. Daniels looked around and could recognize one or two of the faces, a friend from the university, a matron from the foster home where he grew up and some women carrying children. He felt so ashamed of himself, as he could not come to terms with the fact that these people would all have perished in the breach due to his negligence. We are saved from many calamities that may have befallen us in life because the Lord almighty wants to preserve us unto all the good works prepare in advance for us to do as God’s workmanship. We are saved to save others. In order not to fall amongst those that are best described as the wicked Christian, be devoted today to a life of commitment in wining souls for Christ. Change your car from Ford Exclusive today to Ford Inclusive. Do not be a selfish Christian who only prays for himself and his family. Remember that we were saved to save others. So our life, our thoughts, our actions, our sleep, our dreams, our passions, our leisure, our infatuations, our indulgence, our food, our drink, our love, our fast and our prayers is to save a soul. Every character in this story is a fiction, please read and pass on to others as many times as possible. God bless you. John 15:5 says ‘I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same brigeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing John 15:2 says ‘Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. (KJV) John 15:16 says ‘Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask o f the fatherin my name, he may give it to you’. (KJV) Luke 3:9 says ‘And now the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into fire. For any enquiries, you may send a mail to phacooh@yahoo
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 08:15:51 +0000

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