THE WIGGED ONE....IT WAS SYMBOL Rev. 1:14 14 His head and - TopicsExpress


THE WIGGED ONE....IT WAS SYMBOL Rev. 1:14 14 His head and [his] hairs [were] white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes [were] as a flame of fire; What a vision! What did he see here? The glorified Son of God, and a symbol. 60-1204E - The Patmos Vision Rev. William Marrion Branham Rev 10:1 1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow [was] upon his head, and his face [was] as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: 27 Well, it all happened up where the Angels of the Lord appeared to me one morning, and them squirrels was spoke into existence. All of you remembers when it taken place. And, also, just at the top the hill where I was standing, was where… just before preaching the Seven Church Ages, going hunting one morning before daylight. There stood… I thought the sun was coming up, about four oclock in the morning. Unusual; I seen that Light, and I turned around, and there stood the Seven Golden Candlesticks standing up there on top of the hill, with like a rainbow was coming up through the pipes and feeding out. 28 Immediately after that, the Lord Jesus appeared to us. And right then I heard a Voice that said, The Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New. And there He was, after a while, revealed after those Seven Golden Candlesticks. Then notice that. How many remembers that text? I wrote it on the back of a—of a box of—of cartridges I had in my pocket. Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New. God in Heaven knows that that was true. 29 When I crossed that place where He had appeared to me a little later on, about the squirrels. 30 Then when I called my good friend, Jack Moore, a few months later, to ask; when I started to preach the Seven Church Ages, Revelations 1. And He was standing, white all over; His hair was like wool. How could He, being yet thirty-three years old, and be white all over? And Brother Moore, a very fine, cultured, Christian gentleman, and a scholar, one of the best that I know of; and he said, Brother Branham, that was Jesus after His glorified condition. Thats the way He looks now. But that didnt ring a bell with me. And I kept praying until one day… 31 Before I started the Seven Church Ages, I couldnt get that 1st chapter straightened out right. How could a Man, thirty-three years old, resurrected in the same body that apostles recognized Him, knowed Him to be; and how could He be way up, maybe an eighty or ninety years old, with great white wool over His face, and His beard white as snow? 32 I had read over in the Book of the… of Daniel, where he came to the Ancient of Days, Whose hair was as white as wool. Then I seen that Ancient of Days. He was that Ancient of Days, the same yesterday, today, and forever. See, IT WAS A SYMBOL then. Why the white wool? And then I… The Holy Spirit seemed to speak to me about a picture I saw one time, of an ancient judge. Then I went to the history; I went back into the Bible history and all, to find out. And the old judges, like the high priest in Israel, he had to have that white, gray woolly-like hair and beard, because the white over him signified that he was supreme authority of the judges in Israel. And even in today, and down to a few hundred years ago, maybe a couple hundred years ago, or maybe not like that, later than that. All the English judges, no matter how young they was or how old they was, when they went in for judgment, they wore a white wig; and to show that theres no other authority, in that kingdom, above their word. Their word is the ultimate of the kingdom. What they say, thats all of it. 33 And now, then, I seen that. There He was standing there, yet a young Man, but the white wig on. He was the full, supreme Authority. He was the Word. And Hes having, wearing the white wig. 34 Then, later on when we got through, and the—the sermon, and went out west, and when the Angels of the Lord appeared out there for the Seven Seals, and it went up into the air (which we have the picture of it here, and around over the country), there He was standing there, still wigged with that supreme authority. He is the Head of the Church. Hes Head of the Body. There is nothing like Him, anywhere. He made all things by Himself. He made all things for Himself, and without He there wasnt nothing made. He has all authority in Heavens and earth, and everything belongs to Him. And in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And the Word was God, and made flesh among us. And He was the One Who revealed the entire secret of the whole plan of salvation, that all the prophets and wise men had spoke of. He alone was that wigged One and supreme Authority. 65-0822E - A Thinking Mans Filter Rev. William Marrion Branham
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 22:34:21 +0000

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