THE WISE PERSON! Everyone who hears the sound doctrine of the - TopicsExpress


THE WISE PERSON! Everyone who hears the sound doctrine of the Lord JESUS CHRIST, or everyone who hears the sound teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ,and does them, or practice them is likened the person who built His house on the ROCK(JESUS CHRIST). Hearing and doing the sound doctrine or teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ is being wise, and being building ones lifestyle on the Rock ,people they profess they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ but they dont do what he is saying or teaching, and they deny him in lifestyle, they say lord and Lord but they dont do whatever he is saying, they are earthy, they are mere humans, because they profess they believe Jesus is the Christ the Lord but they dont do what he is teaching and saying, the ultimate truths of God. There is only one lord of heaven and earth, there is none besides him, so if we say we believe that Jesus is the Lord who should do whatever he is teaching as the ultimate truths and hearing and doing whatever he says makes us wise person of God. Immovable and unshakable eternal person. THE FOOLISH PERSON! Everyone who profess the Lord Jesus Christ yet who doesnt do his saying or sound doctrine or teaching is likened a person who builds his house on sands, or on the dusts. Without the Rock(or without Jesus Christ the rock foundation) Whosoever hears the teachings of the Lord and doesnt do them, or practice them is so foolish, he built his lifestyle on mere human imagination and human traditions and teachings, that person lifestyle is earthy, he is a mere natural creations, earthy dust formed living soul natural person. He is foolish. His lifestyle is built on sands or the earth without foundation. The flood and the wind will beat him and destroy him and his destruction is very great. And for sure 100%. God has two kinds of children who believe the Lord Jesus Christ 1, the wise children 2, the foolish children Both of them say lord and Lord (they are saved like the ten virgins, five wise ,five foolish) 1, THE WISE ONES, they believe and say lord lord and they hear the sound doctrine and do whatever HE, the Lord teaches and says, they hear and do, they are wise children who say lord and Lord and hear what is saying and do what he teaches, and they are building their lifestyle on the ROCK, they stand firm against the storm, the flood and the wind they are just immovable and unshakable. just simply they built by hearing and doing the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. HEARING and DOING 2, THE FOOLISH CHILDREN OF GODS KINGDOM, are those who say lord lord Jesus and hear his teaching but they deny him in doing what he is saying, or teaching, they are denying him in lifestyle, or in walking , they dont practice or do what he is teaching or saying ,they walk and live according to their lusts and imagination, their walk,their lifestyle is against his teaching and doctrine, they hear but they dont do his teaching. or what they heard and their lifestyle is built on their lusts and imagination they cant stand up against the storm, the flood and the wind, they will fall and be destroyed. It is only the matter of time. They hear, but they dont do whatever they heard. their end is great destruction, they are predestined to be destroyed by the storm ,the flood and the wind because they build their lifestyle on their mere lusts and imagination. I heard people saying they are saved by grace and they told me no more do and dont,what a counterfeit and false doctrine, the way of destruction. Wide and broad ways of destruction. If you are saved in Christ by faith of His grace and if Jesus Christ Is the Lord and master of your life you must;you must hear his teaching of godliness and do whatever he says. hear and do or walk or practice, you must build yourself on the ROCK by hearing and doing his teachings, if you wanna stand up against the flood and the storm and the spiritual wind which will come to move and destroy you if you are movable and shakable built on the sands of the dust without the Rock which is believing in the Lord Jesus and hearing and doing His teachings of the kingdom of God. If you are saved in Christ by faith of grace and yet you hear the Lord teaching and yet if you dont do or practice or walk in his saying or teaching of godliness of his kingdom you are foolish, and you say lord and Lord yet deny him in lifestyle and practice, that you built your life on the sand, or your lusts and mere imaginations doctrine of humans traditions, you cant stand up against the spiritual storm and flood and wind, you will fall greatly and you will be destroyed, your believing and your professing the Lord Jesus and hearing his teaching doesnt not profit you. You just believed in vain. Hey, if you say Jesus Christ is lord, you need to hear his teaching and do whatever you heard that is what being saved is all about. otherwise if you say Lord and Lord and hear whatever he teaches but dont do it, practice it walk with it you are foolish and you will fall one day and be destroyed. you will not for sure stand up against the flood and the storm and the wind which will come to move and shake you. Are you building your lifestyle on the ROCK by hearing and doing what the Lord Jesus Christ saying, or are you just saying lord and Lord and hear his doctrine and dont do it by cheating yourself and mocking and thinking you are saved once and forever and you dont need to build yourself by hearing and doing HIS TEACHING OF his kingdom. Book of God to read Matthew 7:13 to 29 Vs 21 to 27 From the Spirit of knowledge of Jesus who is the Christ the head and the fulness of His spiritual body ,the churches of God.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 16:30:09 +0000

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