THE WITCH by Jason Danley At 11:11 p.m. He wished for her. - TopicsExpress


THE WITCH by Jason Danley At 11:11 p.m. He wished for her. And waited. He needed the services of a witch. At 12:44 a.m. Jason walked onto his front porch and stood listening to it rain. He knew deep inside that she wasnt coming and that it was stupid to be out there. A car approached and kept going. He didnt think it would be her, because, you see, The Witch didnt own an automobile that he knew about but, Jason could hope. He watched the tail lights grow smaller and disappeared down the road. The rain bounced off of the tin trailer roof. In the not so far distance he could hear the train whistle. Jason waited.He imagined that he could hear her footsteps on the wet pavement. He called out hello. Hey . came a tiny reply from the over grown field to his right. He hadnt expected to hear a answer. Jason called her name out loud in to the rain.Witch? Yes came a sweet answer. Hope and excitement had snuck up inside him and Jason knew his wish had been answered and that He was gonna get his vodoo done and into the rain he went. He walked across the yard and into the white light of a security lamp set up high on a pole. Is that you? Yes said the sweet voice of the witch. The rain was coming down now and soaking his shirt. He walked faster, farther away from the house and the security light into the tall grass. He was about to come face to face with the Witch. He could see her standing just passed the tall grass at the edge of the woods. Her hair was wet and brown. she was wearing a dress that struck him as unusual , but he kept walking towards her; his smile getting bigger the closer he got to the woods. She stood with her arms to her sides. Her green eyes seemed to glow like a cold animals beside a warm fire The closer he got the farther away she seemed to be standing. The rain got harder just has he reached the edge of the woods. When he reached her they touched hands and together disappeared deeper into the trees. Jasons body was never found. He was hers. Hers forever.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:20:20 +0000

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