THE WOOD (Pt 4): Now we are beginning to Launch into the Deep... - TopicsExpress


THE WOOD (Pt 4): Now we are beginning to Launch into the Deep... Exodus 15:23-24 HE Says: When they came to Marah, they could not Drink its WATER because it was BITTER. (That is why the Place is Called Marah). So the People GRUMBLED against Moses, saying, WHAT ARE WE TO DRINK? That means... He HEARD them. He who IMPLANTED the Ear heard their GRUMBLING; their MURMURING! Already you see the application of what is written in Psalm 34:15 but now, of course, Israel acting rebelliously. But hear this now... Same account but now the Numbers version. Numbers 33:8 HE Says... They Left Pi Hahiroth and Passed through the Sea into the DESEST, and whem they had Travelled for THREE Days in the DESERT of Etham (Shur), they CAMPED at Marah. My import there is this last part where HE Says... they CAMPED at Marah. This Scripture is key... It answers this question: Who took them to Marah? Who brought them to that BITTERNESS? Remember Numbers 9:23 Where HE Says... At the LORDs COMMAND they ENCAMPED, and at the LORDs COMMAND they Set Out. They OBEYED the LORDs ORDER, in accordance with His COMMAND through Moses. They OBEYED the Leading of the LORD through His Glorious CLOUD... And step by step He Led them (as they Followed Him) into the WATER at Marah. You begin to see that this was not ACCIDENTAL... He is God and His Ways are more than PERFECT! It was a Set-up... A DELIBERATE Move to TEST them; A LESSON well Planned. What they missed out was on the LEARNING... They LEARNT Nothing! They Failed the TEST. O, the hearts of men are very DECEITFUL. And they GRUMBLED. Remember, every after a specified stretch... There is a MARKER to indicate that you are TRULY on the Right Way. Even for Abraham... In Genesis 22:4 HE Says... On the THIRD Day Abraham LOOKED UP and Saw the Place in the Distance. Up on the CLOUD... Up to Him!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 10:20:19 +0000

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