THE WORD AMONG US MEDITATION ON THE MASS READINGS FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2013, STS. JOACHIM & ANNE, PARENTS OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Meditation: Exodus 20:1-17 “I am the Lord your God.” (Exodus 20:2) The Ten Commandments flow out of two closely related realities: who God is, and who we are. Because God made us in his image, he knows how we function best. So his commandments are meant to help us live the life he intended for us from the start—a life that helps us grow more fully into his own image and likeness. So let’s take a look at the commandments to see how each one is rooted in who God is. God is One. He is unique. He deserves to come first in our lives, before every other relationship or goal. God created us for worship. When we idolize something other than him, every other aspect of our lives falls out of order. Because God is holy, we should speak his name with great reverence—and with great gratitude for the way he shares his holiness with us. God rested on the seventh day. So he gave us a special day to gather as a family and worship him. He wants us to step aside from the work that threatens to absorb all our energies. God is a community of love. He created the human family as the fundamental unit of society—a unit built on mutual honor and respect. God created each human being in his image. And so every person is of infinite value. Every life is sacred and should not be taken by another. God is faithful. He created us for love, and he knows that we become most fully ourselves in lifelong committed relationships. As Creator, God owns everything. What he has given to us is only on loan and to glorify him. When one person snatches from another, he violates this role of stewardship. As the eternal Word, our God is truth. The lies we speak always boomerang to injure us because of their offense against God’s purposes. God wants us to love him freely. No possession can possibly take his place. We miss our purpose when we covet anything less than him. May we all know the freedom he created us to experience! “Father, thank you for showing me how to live in your light.” Psalm 19:8-11; Matthew 13:18-23
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 06:28:32 +0000

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