THE WORD BECAME FLESH In the beginning was the Word, and the - TopicsExpress


THE WORD BECAME FLESH In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things came through Him and there was not one thing that came into being without His participation. In Him was life and the life was the Light of mankind John 1:1-4 Gospel of John was written around 85 AD. John has a style of writing all his own among the New Testament authors. He uses many metaphors with Y’shua as the Way, the Truth, and the Light, the Word, the Bread and the Blood, the Good Shepherd and the Resurrection and the Life. This style is very apparent in the Book of Revelation as well as the Gospel The depth of the Gospel of John possibly transpired due to the closeness of John’s relationship with Jesus The forces of darkness still harden themselves against the Light of God’s Word The Light shines in the darkness nevertheless the darkness has not appropriated it John 1:5 (John 3:19) He came among His own people but His own did not take Him John 1:11 This means to take as your betrothed speaking of the INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP Y’shua came to seal And as many as did receive Him, He gave them authority to become children of God, to those who believed in His name John 1:12 Y’shua and all who were listening knew that to believe required action, a change in behavior. A relationship as a child of God is not an intellectual exercise but real as with an earthly parent. The difference is that our Heavenly Father is perfect. HOW DO WE SO IDENTIFY WITH HIM? We have insight into the Mind Set of God and the purpose of our Lord Jesus Christ GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BELOVED SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HATH EVERLASTING LIFE John 3:16 Believing must be accompanied by action which affects every aspect of our life and is incorporated into every relationship HE WAS THE TRUE LIFE, HE GAVE LIGHT TO ALL MANKIND John 1:9 GRACE and TRUTH CAME THRO JESUS CHRIST THAT WE CAN BE IMMERSED AND PURIFIED WITH THE RELATIONSHIP OF HIS LOVE BEING EVIDENT Through Jesus experience life as God originally intended Adam and Eve choose to partake of the Tree of Knowledge and the 10 Commandments of God revealed no man is able to fulfill all BUT Through Jesus Christ we have before us the ability and power to partake of the Tree of Life as God originally intended COME…BELIEVE…DRAW NIGH AND EXPERIENCE THE TRUE BENEFITS OF BEING LOVED AND ACCEPTED Study by Charlotte…June 26th, 2014
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:06:46 +0000

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