THE WORD FOR TODAY : Understanding The Time Time is defined - TopicsExpress


THE WORD FOR TODAY : Understanding The Time Time is defined as a point or period during which something such as events, happen. It is a valuable resource that is neither bought nor sold, but which is freely given to all. It is undoubtedly true that everything on earth is subject to time. The fact that we plan our activities daily for proper time management, is a testimony that no activity or event on earth, is independent of time. In order words, time controls every activity of man. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1,Everything on earth has its own time and its own season. Life did not start today, but many years ago. So much had happened in the past, but which also contributed greatly to where we now find ourselves. Since time controls every activity of man, it is therefore important to note that things only happen when its their time. And if they dont happen, its simply because its not yet their time. Time has a lot of secrets which can only be revealed as it progresses. This then reminds me of the saying that says Time never lies. The world has indeed with time, undergone series of changes from what it used to be in the past, to what it is today, and the expectation of what it could become in the future. Time keeps people and things organized. Considering the effects and usefulness of time, one can only wonder how time came to be. But from the Scripture, we learned that God is the maker of time, to serve a purpose,Then God said, Let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night. They will be signs and will mark religious festivals, days, and years. (Genesis 1:14) God did not made time for our use alone, but for His, too. God also works with time. Just as we plan our own activities and carry them out as planned, so also, God plans His activities and carries them out as planned as well. He however did not hide His plans from us, but revealed it in His word. Therefore as time progresses, Gods plans for man and the world, are being revealed. Today, the activities of man is so high that time seem not to be enough for him. However in all of mans activities, God doesnt seem to be of any importance thus given little or no attention at all. But as time progresses, mans use of time without God has proven that a life lived without God, can only produce troubles as experienced in the world today. Hence man is ignorant of Gods use of time, he therefore has no idea of Gods plans and how His plans are carried out. In his ignorance, man is easily fooled by the rapid development and advancement in technology, as he believes that all is well and that things are getting better. But that however confirms what the Scripture says in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, When people say, Everything is safe and sound! destruction will suddenly strike them. It will be as sudden as labor pains come to a pregnant woman. They wont be able to escape. The fact that the world has indeed experienced rapid change over the years, can not be denied, but must also be known that the Scripture revealed long ago that a time would come when these changes would be experienced. It says, But you, Daniel, keep these words secret, and seal the book until the end times. Many will travel everywhere, and knowledge will grow. (Daniel 12:4 GW) The fact that we are now experiencing this in our time, means we are now in the end times. It is really important that you understand Gods plans and how they are carried out. Even though the world was wonderfully created, mans evil nature however, ruined it. And hence the world is no longer fit for existence, God has planned to destroy it alongside does who ruined it, and who refuse to accept the pardon He offers them through His Son Jesus Christ. The Scripture says, The present heavens and earth have been reserved for fire and are being kept for the day when ungodly people will be judged and destroyed. (2 Peter 3:7). He also plans to create a much better place for those who though being guilty of also ruining the world, but accepted the pardon God offers by placing their faiths on Jesus Christ. He said, Behold, I will do a new thing (Isaiah 43:19), I will create a new heaven and a new earth. Past things will not be remembered. They will not come to mind. (Isaiah 65:17). These are Gods plans and that which is coming our way. Therefore, dont be fooled by what you see today, because theres a great secret which time would soon reveal. It wont be a surprise if you are ready for it, but if not, the Bible says the soon coming reality will cause men to tremble! (2 Peter 3:10). And by that time it will be too late to do anything. The fact that Gods love towards us has moved Him to revealing His secrets to us, showed how much we mean to Him. He did not just reveal His plans, but also the signs that precedes His plans so we could be on alert. These signs are revealed in Matthew 24:1-31. In verse 33, Jesus said, So when you see all this things happening,you will know that the time has almost come. Unfortunately, these very signs are clearly obvious in our own time signaling the nearness of His return. But the problem is that many dont seem to understand the time and thus not ready for whats coming. Instead of holding and standing much stronger in the faith, they are silently and massively falling away as they sunk into the worlds system. The Bible says, Since everything around us is going to be destroyed like this,what holy and godly life you should live. (2 Peter 3:11). Instead of falling away, these signs should be a more greater reason to stand strong. Understanding the time enables a Christian to remain on a constant alert and totally conscious of how he lives. A loving God never seem to stop warning us knowing the danger of being caught unaware. He said,So watch out and be ready! You dont know when the time will come. (Mark 13:33).Those who live carelessly or think its a mere joke,will continue living their normal lives in unbelief, and would be in for a great surprise when the moment finally comes, Yes,it will be business as usual right up to the day when the Son of Man is revealed. (Luke 17:30) .This means that those who will believe will believe, those who will reject will reject, and those who think sitting on the fence is an option, will also continue to sit on the fence. But remember that all this,is a matter of time. However, if you truly understand the time, youll surely take Jesus warning seriously, and keep yourself clean. I urge you not to reject this grace because you would wish you had accepted it when its no more. But to those who have taken the big bold step,you can be sure of safety on that day only if you stick to the Saviour, and resist the end time wind blowing many away. Watch and Pray! #TheWordForToday Click Share to pass this word round. Remain Blessed!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 21:30:27 +0000

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