THE WORD OF THE LORD ENDURED FOREVER. ( 1 PETER 1:25 *NKJV ) EARLY MISSIONARIES as you already know there are a vast number of men and women serving God as Missionaries in this World today. Without their valiant effort many in this World would never know the love of Jesus Christ! So today we salute those wonderful Servants of God, by taking a look at the Early Missionaries of the New Testament, and their Journeys to spread the Word of God. PHILLIP.....One of the first to preach the gospel outside Jerusalem. ( ACTS 8:4-40 ) PETER & JOHN.....They visited Samaritan believers to encourage them! ( ACTS 8:14-25 ) PAUL (Journey to Damascus).....He set out to capture Christians but was captured by Jesus Christ instead! ( ACTS 9:1-25 ) PETER.....He was lead by God to one of the first Gentile families to become Christians. They were the Cornelius family. ( ACTS 9:32-10:48 ) BARNABAS.....He went to Antioch to encourage believers, then went on to Troas to bring Paul back to Jerusalem ( ACTS 11:25-30 ) BARNABUS, PAUL & JOHN MARK.....They left Antioch for Cyprus, Pamphylia, and Galatia on the very first missionary journey. ( ACTS 13:1-14:28 ) BARNABUS & JOHN MARK.....After a break with Paul They left for Cyprus. ( ACTS 15:36-41 ) PAUL, SILAS, TIMOTHY & LUKE.....They left Antioch to revisit churches in Galatia, then traveled on to Asia. From Asia they traveled on to Macedonia, and Achaia on the second missionary journey. ( ACTS 15:36-18:22 ) APOLLOS.....He left Alexandria for Ephesus, where he learned the complete gospel story from Priscilla and Aquila. He then preached in Athens and Corinth. ( ACTS 18:24-28 ) PAUL, TIMOTHY & ERASTUS.....They went on the third journey revisiting the churches in Galatia, Asia, Macedonia, and Achaia. ( ACTS 18:32; 19:1-21:14 ) So, I hope that you have enjoyed this look at the early missionaries. For without their efforts to spread the Word of God Christianity might not exist today! Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 11:44:20 +0000

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