THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE Jesus christ said .. Man shall not - TopicsExpress


THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE Jesus christ said .. Man shall not LIVE by BREAD alone but by every WORD that proceedeth out of the MOUTH of GOD...Mt 4:4. If only we just heeded this truth, lived by the word life would soon become better. The word LIVE in this verse in the hebrew is in relating to ZOE.. ..telling us that he was not talking about living the HUMAN LIFE . In other words to LIVE the GOD kind of life you cant live it any other way, you only do it by THE WORD of God to live a life of AUTHORITU, a life of VICTORY, a life of SUCCESS, a Life that is ABOVE SIN, SICKNESS and is only possible through GODS word. You cant have it any other way. When some of his disciples were turning away from Jesus, he asked Peter, will you also go away, but hear what Peter said.. whom shall we go to, it is you that has the WORDS OF ETERNAL life..jn 6;68 Words of Eternal life...hmmm, that is another way of saying the GOD kind of life. Eternal life is the God kind of life, it is the life that GOD HAS, the life that GOD Lives...and that is the life he made available to us at Salvation, but many are still living as mere men..why? Its takes the FOOD of GOD to grow the life of God. We must FEED on the WORD of God to grow, develop and have mastery of the life nature and ways of GOD. ...if he called them gods unto whom the WORD of the lord came, and the SCRIPTURES cannot be broken....jn 10; 35. So its those to whom the words of God comes that are actually being goddened.. its why satan is concerned about the word. 1..He comes to STEAL one thing from believers, the WORD., 2..Either luring them away from hearing, studying or reading it, 3..convincing nd giving them reasons to not receive and believe it 4..maligning the word. That is adding or removing from the word to hinder its efficacy WE ARE TAUGHT TO.. 1..DESIRE THE WORD... as newborn babes desire the sincere MILK of the word, that you may go thereby..1 pet 2:2. There is soo much insincere milk. All these grace gospel that only falls short of telling you SIN ON, GOD DONT mind, is not of God, its men scheming to draw away disciples after them..DESIRE, DESIRE, hunger for it and go after it. 2..RECEIVE WITH MEEKNESS. ..receive with meekness the engrafted word which is ABLE to save your souls..James 1:21.. Meekness is the attitude required for receiving the word to work in you..meekness, the sheepish quality of followership.. to bereft of spirit to question resist and oppose the authority of the word. Always willing to follow and accept it as it is. Not like others who walk in excuses rather than the word 3.BELIEVE FOR IT TO WORK.. ? received it as it is, the word of God which effectually worketh in you who believe,,1 thess 2:13.. No matter how much you read, study, only works effectually, in you if you believe it., so whatever you are hearing and learning, believe it,, DO IT dont just hear it..its proof you believe.. PRAYER.. Lord for a passion in the heart of your people for eating, digesting and walking in the true light of your word IJMN
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:30:10 +0000

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