THE WORLD AS IT IS: ISRAEL AND PALESTINE. America and its Western - TopicsExpress


THE WORLD AS IT IS: ISRAEL AND PALESTINE. America and its Western allies were always aware of the Zionists intended policies toward the Palestinians. However it was most convenient for them to look the other way, ignore all the warning signs and finance said policies. In his book. The World As It Is Chris Hedges wrote these prophetic words in November 20, 2006: The last hope of halting Israels steady ghettoization of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and the calculated destruction of the Palestinian economy, is the imposition of sanction against Israel, especially the revocation of $9 billion in U.S. loan guarantees. If we allow Israel to complete its massive $2 billion project to ring Palestinians in militarized, podlike encampments in Gaza and the West Bank with security barriers, walls, and electric fences, we will condemn Israel and the Palestinians to endless cycles of violence. We all know how that turned out as this was The World As It Was. However Hedges offer us a glimmer of hope for a new dawn. So let us hope that his following words are just as prophetic. Time is running out for Israel. And the Israeli government knows it. The Jewish Diaspora, especially the young, has a waning emotional and ideological investment in Israel. The demographic boom means that Palestinians in Israel and the occupied territories will soon outnumber Jews. And Israels increasing status as a pariah nation means that informal and eventually formal state sanctions against the country are probably inevitable. Right now as Israel continues to decimate the Palestinian population so that it will remain a minority, there are already a few voices of protest by the Diaspora. Let us hope that these few voices turn into a crescendo for this is The World As It Should Be.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 04:48:14 +0000

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