THE WORLD IN CRISIS We keep wondering…what next; Fast and - TopicsExpress


THE WORLD IN CRISIS We keep wondering…what next; Fast and Furious, Obamacare, Benghazi, IRS, VA, ISIS and now the crisis at our Southern border. No matter what our president does it seems he can’t fix any of the problems. The Republicans say it’s all his fault, while the Democrats say it’s those Republicans. President Obama says it’s his predecessors fault and the predecessors say it’s all President Obama’s fault because he’s been at the controls for over five years. Meanwhile our country grows more anxious every day as it seems the whole world is unraveling. Hamas, a terrorist group has become a part of the Palestinian government. Israel is fed up with the constant barrage of rockets from the Hamas controlled Gaza strip and seems determined to wipe them out. President Obama wants to broker a deal between Israel and Hamas, however our long standing, but faltering policy, has been to NOT negotiate with terrorists. Our president finds himself between a ‘rock and a hard place’. This is a presidency in CRISIS. Caught in the crossfire are innocent children: Palestinians, Israelis, Mexican and South American. Children are being terrorized worldwide, while we helplessly watch the tragedy unfold in literally every region of the world. At the very center of the Middle East crisis is Jerusalem. Hamas and the radical Islamic world will not be satisfied until every Jewish person is driven into the sea and Jerusalem is declared to be their capital. It’s interesting to note that the Koran, the sacred book of the Muslim faith, does not mention the city of Jerusalem one time, while the Bible refers to Jerusalem 811 times. The radical Islamists have one goal: To establish the whole world under the banner of Islam and establish a Caliphate with Sharia Law. Reading the 34 tenets of the Hamas manifesto is too terrifying to describe in this article. To the radical Islamists, Israel is considered the ‘Little Satan’ and America the ‘Big Satan’. How can you negotiate with those who hold to those beliefs? Concerning the crisis at the border, while our U.S. Border Patrol agents are trying to help the children, the terrorists are sneaking into the United States. Were it not for the fact that I’ve read the end of the book (the Bible) and know that God’s Kingdom will eventually prevail and Jesus Christ will be worshipped and adored as King of kings and Lord of lords, I think I would be losing hope about now. For those who think this is all the fault of a Republican or Democratic president, I can assure you ALL is going according to a Master Plan. In the book of Daniel we are assured that God is the one who sets up the kings and puts them down. (Daniel 4) History is a great teacher and if the history of Israel reveals anything to us, it is that God has an overall plan. Even when Joseph was sold by his brothers into slavery, God had a plan; a plan that would include the salvation of the entire Jewish race. On the surface things looked pretty bleak for Joseph. Rejected by his brothers, sold as a slave, lied about by his slave master’s wife and subsequently thrown into a prison, things didn’t look very promising, but God had a plan. (Genesis 37-50) Thirteen years after his betrayal Joseph was raised to prominence in Egypt and through his God-given wisdom he saved all of Egypt from a famine and saved his entire family in the process. That family would become the progenitors of a Jewish race that will never be wiped out. Dispersed by the Babylonians in 586 BC, Israel had no national homeland until reestablished in 1948. Although they are no larger in land mass than the state of New Jersey, God says that He will keep Israel as ‘the apple of his eye’. As you watch the evening news, have confidence that our God has everything under control. God is NEVER in a crisis. He knows the end from the beginning and that’s good enough for me.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 23:17:25 +0000

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