THE WORLD IS SO UNWORTHY OF WOMAN, THE PATRAICH SYSTEM HAS FAILED AND THE EGO OF MAN HAS CAUSED HIM TO ABUSE HIS MOTHER, DAUGHTER, FRIEND, LOVER, AND COMFORTER WHICH IS WOMAN. HIS IGNORANCE HAS TURNED HIS HEAVEN THE FEMALE INTO HIS HELL AND DEMISE. HE HAS A CONSEQUENCE FOR THE MISUSE OF HER AND WE CAN SEE IT IN HIS PRODGENY. THE ONLY WAY TO RECOVER AND REDEEM FOR THIS SIN IS TO GO TO GOD FOR THE WISDOM TO KNOW AND HANDLE HIS MOST PRECIOUS AND COMPLICATED CREATION WHICH IS WOMAN.SHE IS THE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEMS OF THE WORLD. EDUCATE, LIBERATE HER, AND YOU SAVE YOURSELF AND YOUR FUTURE. SHE IS FIRST TEACHER AND SALVATION AND MERCY ARE AT HER FEET, ELEVATE LOVE AND RESPECT HER AND SHELL BE A LOYAL COMPANION FOR LIFE, KEEP DISRESPECTING AND ABUSING HER AND SHELL BE THE END OF YOU YOUR EVOLUTION GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT, FUTURE, AND YOUR LIFE! Woman are the greatest creation next to god almighty himself. The only reason she is not greater is because he god made her and all that is beautiful in her. We are to be grateful for every opportunity god has given us his gift which is our divine life and be a blessing not a curse. God is love and if we are from him then service and love should be in our everyday expression and practice. ELEVATE AND PROTECT THE WOMAN a broken flower, a chipped diamond in the ruff, a fallen woman who’s got it very tough. A down trodden soul by the evil overseer an ignorant and corrupt man. A flower turned sour in mans corrupt hand. Elevate and Protect the Woman brothers the corruption of the female is leading us to hell. Our children trapped in our ignorance and our future engaged in our twisted cell. Elevate and Protect the Woman and save us all that we all may escape hell. Elevate and Protect the Woman and raise her to Allah’s (God’s) exalted place; respect and reverance the woman that we may save face; for she can give birth to God and bring you to Allah (God) face to face. A poem inspired by the Messenger of Allah Rasulallah Elijah Muhammad that I wrote. By Peter A Palmer/Aljabril/Gabriel
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 21:08:15 +0000

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