THE WORLD NEEDS YOU! I want to remind you that you are a powerful - TopicsExpress


THE WORLD NEEDS YOU! I want to remind you that you are a powerful human being! Yes you! It only takes one person to cause powerful ripples of change and you can be that person and the world needs you! We all do whether we realize it or not. We are one and connected. So though the struggle is hard and the road is long know that you are not alone! In fact there is a long line of people throughout our history marching behind you! NO MORE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE LOST SIGHT OF WHAT ENOUGH IS. Most Americans (& people all over) are one illness, one layoff, one thrown car axle away from economic disaster. And among those who have had such events transpire this year and in recent years theres not only been insufficient effort to extend and expand help to them to get back on their feet but there has been Bipartisan (both parties) agreement to cut WIC aid to women and infants and SNAP food aid by billions of dollars. This while not only failing to jail any of the shady folks responsible for crashing our economy or breaking up the too big to fail banks, but also agreeing to extend their tax breaks, and rolling back the already watered down Dodd Frank regulations that protects us. It is quite simply one of the most shameful and at the same time shameless demonstrations of legislative cowardice and corruption Ive seen in my lifetime and time to say ENOUGH! NO MORE for people who have lost sight of what enough is in quest of their hunger for more. Have you noticed they failed to send to trial or jail anyone for committing torture in our name and sending our young people to war on lies that destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives! Have you noticed they then failed to send to trial or jail anyone for defrauding cities and pension holders with bogus real estate loan packages, the same people who crashed not just the US economy on all our heads but the entire worlds! Have you noticed they also fail to send to trial or jail police who choke and shoot unarmed black people? Have you noticed that America has more people in our prisons than even China or any other country and they make reality tv shows out of it for us to watch as entertainment? Do you see a pattern? The legislators, the regulators, the Congress people at the top, they were supposed to be the cops on the beat to defend the rule of law and defend the weak from the powerful! THEY FAILED US ALL and we failed to understand our role in holding them accountable at the Polls! They failed us because they sold out to the wealthy powerful billionaires and trade groups, police unions, military industrial complex and other wealthy groups that fund their campaigns through PACs and Parties because they saw that as just the way things are done now and decided to be silent and seek power instead of speaking out and exercise the power of integrity. Its time we elect our people from among us, people who understand the price we pay each day working at jobs we can barely stand, standing eight hours a day, with less benefits and pay than all of us should be making while the people at the top get absolutely rich. WE SHOULD PICK OUR CANDIDATES! {WE should pick our candidates} not the richest people connected to our political parties, or powerful wealthy industries, or trade groups! That choice, our exercising our power to choose will take you and me and all of us stepping it up and getting involved in our neighborhoods in a face to face process. Our nation, and access to a better life for our children and theirs is at stake. We cant let the party whatever party dictate to use what candidates we can vote for and what the campaign effort made is to elect them. That is our job as citizens. IT IS TIME! NOW! OUR TIME! Its time we all get out in the streets to protest and make noise to if anything alert the people of our country that its our time to stand up for each other like the Abolitionists did, like the Suffragettes did, like the Selma Marchers did, like Cesar Chavez did, like Occupy Wall Street did, like the Dreamers did, like the Marriage Equality folks did, like the Moral Mondays folks did, and the people protesting police brutality are. When one group out there protests we ALL should join them because THEY ARE US! We are all one. Its time we all get out to knock doors and organize meetings and open mic nights to find new representatives out of our ranks who we can fund who will say no to pay to play big money rules and put our children and our Earth ahead of big shots and bankers. Find and join neighborhood Council organizations. Create a Meetup group or join one to help locals grow economic and political power! Make 2015 the year that every worker makes a minimum of $15 an hour! Let 15 in 15! be our rally cry! Equal Access To Expanding Opportunities! Free Education! Free Power! Clean Energy! and a Green Earth! Unite!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 01:54:21 +0000

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