THE WORLD SHIES FROM THE TRUTH FIRST BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 5:44 How can ye believe, which receive honor from one another, and seek not the honor that cometh from God only? SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 9:21-22 But by what means he now seeth, we know not; or who has opened his eyes, we know not; he is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself. These words spake his parents, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue. GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 12:42-43 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more then the praise of God. Brethren, please listen to the word of God about what is now happening in the world. I want you to note that what you see today had already shown themselves right from the time of Adam. It should, therefore, not be construed to mean that the word of God, which you preach, is not taken in by a great many people of the world, but the fact is that, there is a condition. Youve heard what our Lord Jesus Christ said in the first Bible lesson: You who seek honor from one anothers hand, how will you believe that which is written in the scriptures? If a man loves the things of this world, how will it then be possible for him also to confess the Lord Jesus Christ? This is because a law has been promulgated right from the beginning of time that even if you were a king and you confess that our Lord Jesus Christ was the king you will be dethroned and another person enthroned. Dont get agitated with your parents neither should you be exasperated with the pillars of the world, because they have witnessed many things in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, some even confess privately, while some would advise their children that though they have seen these things, still they should not proclaim them because this will work against their means of livelihood. A child was blind from his birth and the parents had tried all possible means to make the boy regain his sight, but it was not possible, eventually our Lord Jesus Christ, with his loving kindness, opened his eyes. The parents did know this, but because they loved the things of this world, they could not confess that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who opened the eyes of their son. The fact is that the Jews had made a law that whoever would confess Christ, as the Son of God would be cast out. This is why the word of God says, whoever loves the world and the things of the world, the love of the father is not in him. From the beginning of the world, God has been revealing himself to mankind and even though the people have seen the truth, they have seen all that God has manifested in the world, yet, because it has been enacted in the system that they should not confess that God has done these things they rather choose to give gods own glory to their ancestors and idols. For this reason, therefore, even though they have come to appreciate his eternal power, still they would say that they do not know if such things were done by God or by a human being whenever somebody confronts them with this declaration. This is the lesson that Christ has given us so as to save us from this situation. He says whoever does not hate his father and mother and wife and brothers and sisters and daughters and his maidservant and his manservant and even his own life: such a person is not worthy of him. He further says whoever does not take up his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Can you not remember that when the people wanted to make him a king that he ran away; why did he run away? This is because once one is elected chief or king he will then have to play to the tune of those that elected him there. And if he dare, says anything that displeases them, they will threaten to dethrone him. When anything happens in the village he is ruling over, he will not complain, if they commit murder, he will not say anything; no matter what they do, he will not oppose them. If youve been going about preaching the word of God, right from the moment you are elected a chief you are confined to your house. You cannot go out to any place. And guards will surround you, for you to know that you are now a chief. Brethren, can you now realize what has demolished the whole world? The lust of the things of this world would set you in enmity with God. Whoever loves the things of this world will not have the love of God in him. If one loves the things of this world, how would one then love, God? How would he be able to tell the truth? How would he confess that Christ is the king and that he has known him? How would he confess that God is in existence? And so brethren, nothing disturbs you and nothing hinders you from knowing God, apart from the lust and desire of the things of this world. Tell me the truth before you are kept at any position of importance, are you not usually made to take an oath? Yet it is said, thou shalt not swear by anything, whether heaven or earth or by your hair: your yea should be yea and your nay, nay, anything apart from that is sin. Now tell me if there is any place in this world where one is not made to swear to an oath before one get established? Remember that the Jews have promulgated a law banning the proclamation of Lord Jesus Christ to the hearing of every person that whoever would confess that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord; no matter what ones position is in the community, if one does, one is banished. Can you therefore tell me which particular King, or chief or Lord has followed our Lord Jesus Christ? Peter the fisherman, what did he have; he was the one that followed our Lord Jesus Christ. Once you accept him many people will play upon your intelligence, you will be regarded as a beast, and no person will come to you anymore. What actually made Peter and the rest of the disciples to remain was that, they all forsook all they had to follow our Lord Jesus Christ, otherwise they would not have been able to cope with the situation. Think of a man who has established himself in the society and is highly regarded by all; how will he confess that our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord. The moment he does that he will be despised and rejected by the people. That is why those who believed in our Lord Jesus Christ where those who were poor. They had no house, no land, and no property. It was the Jews who were the rulers and claimed that everything belongs to them. It is a shame for the whole world that the son of God who created everything, the king of kings and the Lord of lords, had no land, no place to sleep, no property and yet we continue to shout upon his name. I want you to take me to a particular city or nation where a particular land has been portioned out and kept for our Lord Jesus Christ. I want you to show me any particular bank, which has been declared and named after our Lord Jesus Christ. Every day people continue shaking their heads and hands and shouting on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this world, when you touch something, one would claim it as his. Anything you touch, someone claims ownership. What then belongs to you? I want you to show me those things that belong to our Lord Jesus Christ. Can you see the way through which the Jews hindered the people from the word of God? They do not stop you from going. But if you confess him as the Christ, then you will be driven away and your position, taken away. You would not want to suffer hunger, nor would you want to suffer persecution, therefore you deny him that you do not know whether he is God or not. This is why it is preached that a man of God should be a wretched person, he should be a pauper; he should go about bagging because when he dies he will go and enjoy his riches in heaven. From where did you receive such a teaching? It is true you would have liked to go to him but what about the world? If you go to him they will expel you. This thing started right from Adam; the Jews held tenaciously to the things of this world and claimed it as their bonafide property. Dont you remember the story of Cain and Abel? Remember that when Cain killed Abel he came out and established himself. Cain started this. He established himself and the rest of the world, kingship and all the worldly glimpses and he became the monarch of all the cities and so, if you could not find any place for yourself, you had nothing to do than to follow him. You are also true witnesses to the fact that what caused Esau to lose his birthright was same. He came back from hunting and was very hungry. His brother Jacob and their mother were always in the house and there was plenty of food in the house but Esau was hungry. He told them to give him some food. But his brother placed the condition that unless he gave him the position of his birthright, there would be no food for him. Esau contemplated within himself: if he died of hunger what will be the value of birthright to him? Take it away, he said, and give me some food to eat. He thought it was a joke and so he gave his birthright to his brother just like that! And so brethren, that was the commencement of what is going on in the world today. Now, if a woman decided to follow God, the husband will say this upon my dead body and he will never allow her to go. As long as we remain as husband and wife you cannot follow God. All the spirit of inspiration, which is found in this woman, would be driven out and she begins to feel the pangs of persecution and anger, she will retrace her steps and decide that she will not go forward again. Sometimes your father is sick and calls you to come and pray for him. You anoint him with oil and pray over him and he recovers. He begins to tell you; this God is good; I would have come, but pray frequently for me. This is so, for there has been a secret law, promulgated by a secret council, and your father knows about it that the moment he follows the truth, he will be driven out from the village; and if he were a village head, he would be forced to abdicate. And if he is a wealthy person all the things will be taken away from him. He has seen these as weighing so much upon himself and so he refuses to confess. Can you not realize that when you tell somebody that he has to leave this and that, he will ask, what is the usefulness of following them? Ill better stay back. When the Gospel says you should abandon your father and your mother, you begin to ask what am I going to do there? Ill better stay back. Remember the rich man who asked. Our Lord Jesus Christ, What shall I do to inherit eternal life? Our Lord Jesus Christ started enumerating all the things for him; and he replied. All these things I have observed from my youth; what remains for me to do? And our Lord Jesus Christ told him, you still lack one thing if you want to be perfect, sell all that you have and give to the poor and come and follow me and you will have riches in heaven. The man became very sad and went away, nothing again was heard about him. That is why I am telling you that, I am very eager to see how someone with two goats in his two hands can climb up a ladder. You think that you can love the things of this world and love God also I want to see how you can do it. Have you heard that our Lord Jesus Christ had any reputation? Have you heard whether he had any building anywhere? This is why he gave himself completely to God. And that explains why he could please God completely. Christ was the first born of his father and mother. But if you go to Israel today, will you find a house that he built or would you find any land belonging to him? This is why any person who wants to render services to God is often regarded as a demented fellow. You are laughed that. You are to go about begging. Have you seen any king or chief or millionaire who serves God? All the instructions he has given that they should not do, the inhabitants of the world have held strongly to such things; and that is why they cannot also follow him; and that is why the whole world is plagued with problems and difficulties. You are told to marry only one wife, but now a great many women are brought forward to you. Have you now seen the position you are led into? Can you remember what happened to David? When he wanted to marry the daughter of King Saul; the condition given to him was that he should produce an hundred foreskins of the Philistines (1st Sam 18:25) before he could marry the daughter of King Saul. To fulfill this condition, David had to kill a hundred persons and presented their foreskins unto Saul. That is why Christ said, the children of this world marry and are given in marriage; but those that shall be counted worthy to inherit this kingdom neither marry nor are they given in marriage. Tell me how someone who loves this world will be able to have the love of God. You want to marry a wife, as you set forth for it the first condition is that you bring 12 bottles of strong drink. If you begin to complain that brotherhood does not drink; they will answer you that this is not a brotherhood business; they will urge you to go and bring all that they demand. Dont you see: from that day you start nailing Christ to the cross for the second time. You want a job: yes, there is employment, but before you are employed you are made to swear on an oath, but the Bible has expressly stated: Thou shalt not swear by anything; neither by heaven nor by the earth, neither by your hair. When you take any oath, you have denied our Lord Jesus Christ and nailed him the second time to the cross. Your father, a chief is dead, and you are going to be crowned a chief; but the tradition is there; you have to fulfill all the things that will make you a chief. You will be made to produce wine, you are taken to various shrines of the community, and you will be made to swear by these before you become a chief. This is the day you have nailed our Lord Jesus Christ the second time, and you openly disgrace him. Despite the fact that you have done all these things, the people will place other conditions before you: from now on, you have nothing to do with God again, and God has nothing to do with you. You become separated from God. Sometimes you are told that a certain person was a reverend gentleman, but now, he has become the village head. He was a Reverend, is he still a reverend? Why is this so? The explanation is that one, who seeks honor from one another, cannot also honor and respect God. If this gospel is hidden from you, it is hidden from those, whose eyes have been blinded by the things of this world, for it is said that, what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Right now Jehovah God and his Christ have assumed the rulership in heaven and on earth; and God is to reign supreme, throughout all ages. The Jews made a law that whoever shall confess that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord shall be expelled now that they have not confessed, has this gone to disprove the fact that Christ is the Lord? This is the reason why during this triumphal entry into Jerusalem, people were shouting Hosanna to the son of David, and when the Jews came to him, asking him to restrain the people, our Lord Jesus Christ replied; If these should hold their peace, the very stones would cry out. FIRST BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 5:44 How can ye believe, which receive honour from one another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only? Brethren, have you heard that? This is the cause of the downfall of all of you. No person prevents you from knowing him; it is only because you are looking for the honor and glory of this earth. That is why some people argue that they are being hindered by their wives; no wife prevents the husband, it is only the husbands’ lust and desire that prevents him. As our Lord Jesus Christ had said: Those who are counted worthy to inherit this kingdom neither marry nor are given in marriage. Now that you have pushed yourself into it, how can you come out of it? I am not saying that marriage is bad or good: and I am not telling you that the things of this world are good or bad. But I am telling you that what prevents the people of this world from proclaiming our Lord Jesus Christ openly are the things of this world. Do you remember the wedding feast parable in Canaan, Galilee? When, exhausted of their wine, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ told them that whatever Christ would tell them to do they should comply with. When she went to him he said, Woman what have I to do with you? My time is not yet ripe. In spite of this, Jesus ordered that the pots be filled with water. When the pot had been filled with water, he prayed and then invited the master of ceremony to come and draw some and drink. When he found out that the new wine tasted better than the old, he asked why they kept the best until they were saturated with the old wine. People regarded the story as true per se, but it was not wine, this was rather a parable. All the words of our Lord Jesus Christ were parables. Even the feeding of the 5,000 persons with five loaves and two fish, all were parables. All those opening of the blind eyes and curing of the dumb were all parables. But what you are being shown now are the real facts. It was said that he will only speak in parables for without parable he would not speak. That was why, when the Pharisees went and told him that the disciples of John were fasting, and asked why his own disciples did not fast, he replied, When the bridegroom is there, then the followers cannot afford to fast; but when the bridegroom is taken away from that time they will begin to fast. It is not possible to patch an old garment with a new piece of garment, if you do, the old patch will be torn; neither can you put new wine into old skin for if you do, the new wine will be spilled. New wine must be put into new skins. But whoever has been saturated with old wine will not look for the new, because he would always say that the old is better. All that I am telling you are parables. The old wine symbolizes the teachings of the Pharisees, Seducess and all the sects of the Jews. But the new wine symbolizes the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. He then asked us How would it be possible to mix his teachings with the teachings of the Jews? You realize that this was referred to as New Teaching. This will enlighten you the more when you read Hebrews chapter 9 states that, the worldly Churches do not know God. When you look into these churches you find that nothing has been made perfect. This is why they continue to remain in the conditions they are today. Such are referred to as carnal churches. But which is then referred to as the church of spirit, or spiritual church? It is I and you. Every individual person. This is the real church. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not pass through the synagogue. But he passed through our hearts and redeemed us. In the Carnal Churches and indeed in every other establishment, they burn incense, light candles and perfumes to various gods. This is what is being done throughout the world. The Jews relied so much on the ark. Additionally, Aarons staff and the stone, which they took, when they crossed over the river, was meant to be objects of remembrance. These were what they sacrificed to, from time to time. And till today, even if you want to cut off the head of a Jew, he will continue to sacrifice to these things. And now all the carnal Church denominations are looking for all these artifacts to worship. When they are going on pilgrimage to Israel, they look for these artifacts, not knowing that by worshiping these things, they are crucifying our Lord Jesus Christ for the second time, and openly disgracing him. They do all these things to confirm the words of our Lord Jesus Christ that, whoever was saturated with the old wine, does not desire the new one. There is not one Jew who adheres to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. They strongly hold to the one they had received. They do not want you to introduce, what they refer to as new teaching they are still holding on to the Sabbath of Saturday. They do not want any new introduction because they are looking for honor and glory from man. You heard what the parents of the blind child replied, this was because it was said, whoever should confess that Jesus was the Christ would be cast out. This is what has brought problems to the whole world. People have drunk the old wine and are saturated, and so they feel that they are better, consequently, they do not want the new wine. They therefore, refer to all that is being done here at strange God, strange doctrine and strange worship. And so, you are being ruled by the glory of this world, by fornication, by sacrificing, by going about doing things that are not acceptable at the sight of God. These are the things, which rule over you and for this reason you reject the almighty God. Why should a man of God pour libation? For whom and what is he pouring it to? Why should any person who professes to be a man of God go to take out the bark of a tree, the roots, and herbs to compound them and inject the compound into his body and drink some? Why should a man of God sacrifice using the blood of the animal or cock to sprinkle upon everything and they invite inhabitants of the community to come and dance and worship a particular thing? Why should a man of God, take court action against you for removing his stone idol? Why for instance, should a bishop, a man of God behave in this way? They say you have spoiled the land; to whom does the land belong? This is where our trouble hinges. Do you remember a king who had such idols and artifacts where all the inhabitants of the land came to worship; but when his son returned, he discovered that people were worshiping the artifacts. He collected all of them and threw them away. Then the inhabitants of the land went to the king and asked why his son should throw away their gods. And the king replied, let your gods and my son settle that. He said they should leave him alone. The king himself did not like most of the things; but because he feared he would be throned, he did not resist them. If you see somebody that is able to take you away from the tentacles of Satan, maybe, you would have accepted. SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 9:21-22 But by what means he now seeth, we know not; or who has opened his eyes, we know not; he is of age; ask him: he shall speak for himself. These words spake his parents, because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had agreed already, that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue. Brethren, I want to inquire from you whether what the Jews did are no longer in existence. Are these Jews not in our midst today? What about the synagogues? Dont we have them amongst us? When we refer to the churches of our forefathers, we are referring to the synagogues. And those who are found in them are the Jews. Remember what our Lord Jesus Christ told the people when he went to the temple with a cane and one of them asked him What sign do you show so that we can believe you? He replied destroy this temple and in three days, I will raise it up. They were exasperated because the temple had taken them about 46 years to build. They concluded that our Lord Jesus Christ was a demented fellow. Do you think that he referred to the particular temple? Jesus was referring to himself when he said, Kill me and on the third day God will cause me to resurrect. But they did not understand him. Even though they have eyes, they could not see; they have ears, they could not hear. He did not speak about the things he saw with the people and he did not condemn them; because he had neither part, nor lot in any of them. Why the people killed him was because of the synagogue: they had so many people inside and so the Jews felt that if all the inhabitants, all the members were to go out and follow him, they would be left without any members. And so, they conspired, reasoning that, once he is killed, there would be no other person to mislead others. Is it not pitiful that the parents of the blind child refused to acknowledge the one who helped their son to see for fear of being driven out of the synagogue? It is not outward appearance that makes one a Jew, but the inner core of the individual. You always say a Jew is not good, but what about you? What are you? Whoever is fearful of another person; or whoever wants the glory of this world is a Jew. This is why it was not possible for people to take cognizance is the mighty works done by our Lord Jesus Christ. Even when Nicodemus, that learned man, went to see our Lord Jesus Christ, he did it in the night, because he knew that once the people found out that he had gone to our Lord Jesus Christ, they would have driven him away from the community. And I ask, why Nicodemus a rich King, a man of affluence, could not go in the daytime to see our Lord Jesus Christ? He was a learned man, a lawyer, and an important personality: why did he not go openly to see our Lord Jesus Christ? If he had gone with his wisdom and worldly affluence openly to our Lord Jesus Christ, do you think the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ would have failed to be manifested? With all his wisdom and worldly affluence, why did he still have to go to our Lord Jesus Christ? He saw the truth! Why was he ashamed of this truth? Why did he not hold fast to the truth; this was because he loved the glory of this world, more then the glory of God. He was not induced by the government or by any other person to take the action he did, but because he loved the things of this world more than Christ, that was why he went stealthily in the night. And why did the parents of the blind man fail to tell the people openly that their son was blind and that our Lord Jesus Christ opened his eyes? Is it true that they did not know that it was our Lord Jesus Christ who opened their son’s eyes? They were afraid of the Jews, that they may not be expelled from the synagogue. Their fears were based on the law promulgated that whoever would confess that he was the Christ; whatever position such person held in the church or in the town, will be taken away from him, and he will be expelled from the community. It is true that no person can light a lamp and put it under a bushel, and it must always be put on a lamp-stand? Everyone accepted the glory because they saw the truth in all that our Lord Jesus Christ did, but, because they loved the things of this world, they shied away from the truth. They refused to confess openly that Jesus was the Christ. This Gospel has been delivered unto you because history is repeating itself: so that every one of you should advise himself. All those who were seeking the glory of this world, have they got them today? Where is the blind boys mother today? What about his father, where is he today? Heaven and earth and their fullness belong to God. Satan is deceiving you. The Jews are deceiving you when they tell you that they own everything. It is Christ that owns everything and it is he alone that exists. You are made a chief or an important personality in your village. You are given an important position in your church. I ask, what is the highest position and who occupies the highest position? It is our Lord Jesus Christ. Fortunately or unfortunately for the whole world, the rulership of Christ has come. So, if you do not know him find your own level. You are given his gospel so that you may advise yourself very strongly. If you deny our Lord Jesus Christ the king of kings and the Lord of lords where shall you be? The mother and father of that blind man saw the truth. The Jews saw the truth, but they continued to hide it; is it still hidden today? Caiphas saw the truth all the Jews and the priest recognized the fact that our Lord Jesus Christ was the Christ, yet they continued to cancel the truth. Can they still cancel it today? King Herod and his subjects so the truth, but they did not want to keep the truth. That was why they made an attempt to kill him. Were they able to kill him? These are the things people have been doing from time immemorial because they have been doing the same thing and were not able to succeed it is now that they are going to succeed? You have been told time without number that no other person is ruling but that Jehovah God with his Christ is ruling and he will continue to rule forever and ever throughout all ages. I am not Jesus nor the Christ. I am not Jehovah. I am nothing. But what I am telling you is that Jehovah God and his Christ have assumed the rulership in heaven and on earth. I am not looking for any position whatsoever and I advise you not to look for any position. It is a truism that no person has any position whatsoever: in the family, in the village, in the town, in the city, in the synagogue, anywhere, you do not have any position. The only position one has, and the only position that I have is in Jehovah God and his Christ who have come to assume the rulership. Look at the father and the mother of the blind child, exactly what happened to Judas Iscariot happened to them. They did not give glory to God and for that reason, they did not continue to stay in the synagogue. Look at Judas Iscariot he collected 30 pieces of silver from the Jews. He did not enjoy the money. He did not live and did not see any good thing. All those who hate god are Jews. All those fighting against the children of God are Jews. Jews, are you not going to mind yourselves? There was a time the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ admired the magnificent and imposing structures of the synagogue. But our Lord Jesus Christ told them that, there will be no stone left on top of all the structures. This is why you are confused with the knowledge of God because you held the position of an Elder, a chief, and a high position in the church you cannot openly profess the truth. If you do, they will cast you away from their midst. God has revealed himself to the pope, to the bishop, to the Kings, president, necromancers, murderers, and robbers and to every other person in the world, therefore, if you parish it is because you love the things of this world more than the things of God. For, he has said as the lightning passes from one end of the sky to the other, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. He has revealed himself to everyone, but where are they found? Why are they perishing? This is so because they love the things of this world than the things of God. He has revealed himself to the whites and blacks and colored people, to the queens and kings, to all sorts of persons; if they parish they do so, because they love the things of this world more than the things of God. He says do not drink, do not snuff, do not fornicate, do not pour libation, do not lie, do not sacrifice to anything, or do anything that does not give glory to God. But you are still indulging in all of these things because you love them more than you love God. Dont you remember what happened to King Herod? Dont you remember what happened to Nebuchadnezzar? A golden image was constructed and kept, and he regarded himself as the representative. He was God himself. So all the areas had to worship him but what happened to him? When he had that dream, there was no person that could interpret it for him, not even his counselors or soothsayers or necromancers; and he wanted to kill all of them, but Daniel who was only a slave said we should not kill them. He was prepared to interpret the dream for him. And Daniel went to his colleagues, the children of God, and they prayed to God and God revealed everything about the dream unto them. When Nebuchadnezzar had the dream, he did not tell it to any person, he wanted the interpreters to tell him the dream as well. Daniel did not know about the dream, but he went and told him what would take place at different times in different parts of the world so much that the King fell down and attested to the fact that Daniels God was the most high in heaven and earth. For that reason, he exalted Daniel above every other person. But since he loved the glory of this world, he did not tell Daniel to come and take his own position. If the king did not see the glory of God, then why did he fall down and confess that God was with Daniel? But since he loved the things of this world more than God, he did not do anything about it. The glory and honor of this earth are passing away gradually but whoever loves God will endure forever. What ever has not been planted by God will be uprooted. Only those things planted by the father will stand the test of time. Let us now read the golden text so that you can understand. When you parish you should not blame your father or mother or any other person. GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 12:42-43 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. Brethren, have you heard what happened? A great many important personalities in those days believed that he was the Christ and they also believed that there was no other person to compare with him, but because they feared the Jews that they would be driven out from the synagogue they continued to maintain their stand. You, who have seen the truth you believe, but you are still afraid, and are still looking for the glory of this earth, pray frequently for yourself. I want to put it to you that there is no other honor, there is no other glory apart from the glory of Jehovah God and his Christ. When you go back home read the revelations of John 11:15. If you are believing that there was any other glory on earth, forget the idea and except our Lord Jesus Christ and begin to confess him openly. This is the end of time. The final and only chance to do this. You are a true witnesses to the fact that millionaires are not prepared to serve God. If it were possible for only two millionaires to confess that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord, do you not think that the glory of God would have been made manifest to the world? If you happen to find yourself in a situation that you dont like, it is because you were ashamed of him on earth. For in his kingdom, it is the poor that become rich and the rich that become poor. Peter asked our Lord Jesus Christ, What of we who have forsaken everything in the world and followed you? And our Lord Jesus Christ answered him, In the regeneration, when everything shall be made anew, then you who have followed me will sit on 12 thrones. Judging the 12 tribes of Israel. Those of you who have forsaken land, and houses and wives and brothers and sisters, will be given 100 fold, and in addition would be given eternal life. And so, Jehovah God and his Christ have come to bestow the blessings on those who have served him. That is why he said, By my life all knees will bend and all lips shall confess to me. Forget about the Jews; forget about the important personalities, forget about any other person. Let us look steadfastly unto the tree of salvation. Who is the tree of salvation? It is Jehovah God and his Christ. No angel can save us. There is no prophet, or pope or any person that can save us, except Jehovah God and his Christ. There is no ghost, apparition, and no mermaid. It is only Jehovah God in his Christ who have assumed the ridership. He is therefore, the King and Lord of every creation. A spiritual chorus says dont be afraid of the Lions because they have been chained. Let us love God and look forward to the glory of God the heavenly glory and leave the glory of this earth. It is said the things of this world will perish, but the things of my father will endure forever. It is said a child who walks circumspectly will kill what killed his father. But any child who walks carelessly, what had killed his father will kill him as well. Do not allow what killed your ancestors to kill you also. Jehovah God and his Christ have revealed the glory to necromancers, but because they love to eat their fowls and goat and yams, they do not want to forsake their ways. He has revealed himself to thieves, but because they get rich by extortion, they do not want to forsake their evil ways. He has revealed himself to the murderers, but since they eat from money paid to hire them, they feel that if they refrain from killing, they would not have something to eat again. He has revealed himself to the pastors, bishops, but they are asking, if we leave our fold what shall we eat? He has revealed himself to the rulers of this world, but they continue to ask if we follow him, what shall we eat and drink? And for that reason, they do not confess him. But it is said, tie the truth with the rope, put it inside fire, drowned it in the water and the truth will always stand out. Since the world started to fight against our Lord Jesus Christ, have they been able to conquer him? Have they prevailed over him? Right now, the father, the son, the Holy Spirit and all the angels have come, therefore you should steer clear. Peter, you are warned to put your sword into its place, because any person who takes up the sword shall parish by the sword. There is no other glory, which is greater then the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. And so, this gospel is given to all of you as an armor and shield. He has revealed himself to men of all standing in life, but whoever is not saved, is only because he loved the things of this world more then he loved God. Remember blind Barteneaus. In his bag where he kept his money was his own God. But when he heard that our Lord Jesus Christ was calling for him, he threw the bag far away and followed our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ asked him, What do you wish that I should do for you? He answered, If you like, I want to receive my sight. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, I will, get back your sight. At that instant, he received his sight! And so, brethren, since we have seen his truth, let us throw away all the shaky and wretched things of this world because, I do not see any glory in the church; I do not see any glory in the government, I do not see any glory anywhere. Rather, I see wretchedness, poverty, sickness, death and the rest of the things, which have covered you. Which church, man has peace; which millionaire has peace; which King has peace, which government, which professor, which doctor, which scientist has peace? The glory of this world we were looking for, we could not find, because he is the king of this earth, he is the king of heaven. He is the owner of the whole universe and he has arrived. He did not hide it from any person. When he resurrected, he declared that all powers in heaven and earth have been bestowed on him. Go and make all nations my disciple. Therefore brethren, we should not waste our time any longer. Do not allow any person to threaten you that he or she will not marry you; know that Christ is there to care for you throughout all ages. If you are threatened that you are going to be expelled from the synagogue know that such is the synagogue of Satan. But also, know that there is the synagogue of our Lord Jesus Christ. Since you have received this truth if the inhabitants of your village reject you, go away for you will be received by our Lord Jesus Christ. He has said all those that have been taught by my father will follow me and all those that follow me I shall not castaway. All the inhabitants of the world, the whites, the blacks, the colored, men of all stations in life, necromancers, soothsayers, juju doctors, should all rise up in concert and follow our Lord Jesus Christ, because there is no hindrance. We should therefore love Jehovah God and his Christ. We should surrender ourselves completely to him. We should seek after his glory. His glory has neither beginning nor end. The glory of this world is short-lived. If you love the things of this world, you are at enmity with God. Whoever loves this world is an enemy of God and whoever loves God is an enemy of the world. It is more expedient to be friendly with God then to be friendly with the world because God owns everything in the world. Brethren, one stroke of the cane is sufficient for the wise, those who have ears let them hear, may the Lord bless his holy words. Amen! THANK YOU FATHER
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 21:56:00 +0000

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