THE WRONG WITH #MUSLIMS NOT THE WRONG WITH #ISLAM. When I first watch a vedio interview of one of the modernist Islamic reformer Irshad Manji, a Canadian Islamic author and modernist reformist, I was inspired by some of her speeches. Being a moderate Muslim, I believe the woman had some elements of truth in her words. Though Manji is a Muslim by name not by physical appearance. Yes by name as a lot of Muslims especially from east may argue. She had no Hijab (veil) in the show nor does she had something to cover her head as Islam put in its rules of morality within the society to prevent man-woman temptations, but Mrs. Manji proudly says she is a faithful Muslim (which I believe a fanatical Islamist could kill for). So I too proudly agree that #Manji is a faithful Muslim, not by dedication to the rules and orders governing the life of Muslims, but in her optimistic belief that if Muslims stop blaming the west for their misfortunes and start blaming themselves for their self destruction they could find a way out from their problems. This is true and I too (the writer) as a Muslim agree with her notion. It is a fact that, from a local Islamic school teacher to an Al-azhar University professor could tell you the same verse in the holy Quran that Mrs. Manji emphasized, which shows that Allah never changes what is with people (their lives, properties and religion) unless if they start corrupting it by themselves. So we should at least minimize the blame on the west or the Jews alone for massacre in the east and in some countries in Africa, but we should point the finger back to ourselves first. As a Muslim young writer and blogger who always wants to say out my mind, I believe that Muslims of today are corrupted so Allah changed their religious lives. The Islam that our forefathers and deceased fathers knew yesterday is no longer practiced today. The Islam is now changed by some very minor terror groups from the Religion of peace to Religion of pieces! Suicide bombings and massacre of innocent people have become widespread in Muslims countries and communities by fundamentalists. The terror groups that are claiming to be doing Allahs work on earth, have impregnated the new form of #Islamophobia in the west in general and in some world countries in particular. They mould Islam according to their own whims and portrayed the religion and its sacred revealed book Alquran as if it is a book of How to kill non-Muslims?!. Our blessed messenger Muhammad (saw) who was tolerant of other religious groups (in fact his neighbors are even Jews) has now being imaged by these terror groups as if he spread Islam by sword or machine guns, and unfortunately non Muslims believe in that by misquoting some verses of the holy Quran!. I know many Muslims could agree with me that, though the Islam gives freedom of religious understandings and there is no compulsion in to the acceptance of the religion, but within ourselves this ultimate freedom given by Allah is misunderstood by even some pseudo-scholars. I am very sorry to say that Wahabi/Salafi sect misunderstood this verse in the holy Quran. They unfortunately have little condemnation to this heinous act of terrorism in the name of Islam. The vast majority of Muslims in the world are worried of this act of terrorism yet, little of them could have the heart of king Muhammad Sanusi II (Kano state emir of Nigeria) to address the terrorists when they threatened to attack him after attacking his masjid in kano Nigeria. But everyone could among us come out and blame Jews and west for everything that we ourselves planted with our own hands. I am not saying that America and its allies have not played a big role in making many Muslims to be terrorists due to their physical hatred towards Islam but I am saying, why we should fold our arms and allow terrorists kill us in the name of our religion?! Non-muslim may think that, these #ISIS, #Alqaeda or #BokoHaram are just killing non Muslims, but the story is different. These terrorist (or neo-kharijites) are killing 90% Muslims of different groups with them. They consider them blasphemers and therefore should be killed as they are not practicing Islam correctly. They kill Muslims and they threaten non-Muslims, so non Muslim thinks that the religion should not be called the religion of peace and to him it is irony to say Islam means peace. The problem with us here as Muslims is our negligence to fight back even in words and show the world that Islam does not allow massacre of innocent lives. The 9/11 terrorists attacks should be condemned. I know many Muslims like a Pakistani politician and Islamic scholar Dr. Tahirulqadri now do that, and even our Sheikh Dr. Abduljabbar Nasir Kabara had warned us about neo-kharijism and hardcore salafism, but the hands should be many, and many more are needed in cleansing our attitudes so Allah will re-change the situation we are in; the world over. By: Aliyu Dahiru Aliyu (Aliyussufiy) aliyussufiy.WordPress dahiraliyualiyu@gmail
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 08:36:49 +0000

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