THE X TAPE | What is truly extraordinary about Malcolm X’s - TopicsExpress


THE X TAPE | What is truly extraordinary about Malcolm X’s secretly-recorded meeting with FBI agents ‘Beckwith’ and ‘Fulton’ from the Bureau’s New York field office (it would be fascinating to find out if either of these agents are still alive) is the implacable and uncompromising manner in which Malcolm X defended Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam (NOI) against the Bureau’s nefarious overtures at a time when Malcolm was under a 90-day suspension order instituted by Mr Muhammad for the purpose of isolating, and ultimately assassinating, him (and not imposed as punishment for the JFK “chickens come home to roost” remarks as was falsely claimed at the time). For it was during this same period that Captain Joseph X Gravitt of New York’s Temple #7 attempted to recruit explosives expert Luqman Abdurr Rahim (aka Anas M Luqman) to wire Malcolm’s Oldsmobile to explode upon ignition. Had Malcolm X chosen to cut a deal with the FBI and surrender the NOI’s most closely-guarded secrets over to the US Government in return for millions of dollars and a comfortable life in a witness protection program or as a high-powered former NOI minister-turned-FBI official, Malcolm could have easily wiped Elijah Muhammad and the NOI off the face of the Earth over a decade before the NOI’s eventual demise in the wake of Mr Muhammad’s 1975 death. This video is an extraordinary testament to the integrity, decency and loyalty of Malcolm X and is a devastating indictment of the vicious and barbaric NOI which rewarded that trust by labelling him as a ‘traitor’ and ‘hypocrite’ and murdering him in cold blood on 21st February 1965 in front of his wife and children:
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 10:39:03 +0000

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