THE YOUTHS, THE CHURCH Who are even the youths? the youths are the - TopicsExpress


THE YOUTHS, THE CHURCH Who are even the youths? the youths are the people assumed to do the works in the church of God with the whole of their heart, the people that are supposed to be the strength of the church , the people appointed to be the back-bone of the church of the lord, the people that the bible talked about to see vision, but the youths now are the people where all the strength of the church is spent on, just to make them remain on the lane, they are the people the church is directing every attention to, so as for them to just be saved, the youths of this generation are not so much interested in the things of God again, what they are interested in is just for their own self, they love to do things that are simply self-centered, they believe in the world, and they also know that the world believes in them, so as a result of this, they are so much interested in the things of the world than the things of the church, youths hope you are not becoming a burden to the church to carry, you that are supposed to be the strength of the church, you cannot even be the strength of your own self, why are you so much interested in worldly things than the things of the one who created you, thou we all know this saying “the church is entering into the world, and the world in entering into the church” this is surely because the youths of such churches are becoming Luke-warm, they bring all the doctrines they see outside the church, they bring them inside the church, in the name of we can use this doctrine to win more souls for Christ, so the church has no option than to accept what their youths are telling them, since the church believes the youths are the strength of the church, the world is not more reading the bible, but they are reading the youths that calls themselves Christians, what then are the traits this youths are showing to the world, are they traits that can bring more souls to Christ, or the traits that will surely cause more blurring to the eyes of those reading them, YOTUHS THE CHURCH IS NOT MORE EXCITED WITH WHAT YOU ARE DOING, I should not just use the word regret, but the church is crying out loud, the youths wake up from your slumber and get things done, don’t wait till you are been corrected, i think you all know what correction is. Most of the youths of nowadays, the way they even dress to church is very alarming, it is contradicting what is written in the book of Deuteronomy, they hide under civilization and label the dressing God prescribed as “the time of the old” please are they coming to church to catch the attentions of angels or people in the church, those that are believed to help those in the world cannot even help themselves out, what disturb me most seeing the youths of nowadays is simply if they are been asked the reason of them acting such way, what they will surely reply is this “I AM THE OWNER OF MYSELF, SO I CAN DO ANYTHING I LIKE TO MY OWN SELF” this is so bad a saying youth, thou that’s a fact, but looking it another way, you are simply not the owner of yourself, you where created to fill in a gap in the midst of human, and you were sent on errand by God, but now you are turning your own self into your own master. Give a youth an invitation card to a club, and to a church, in the next 20minutes go back to that youth and ask about the invitation cards you gave to her/him, he/she will be so much interested in the club own, just because he/she is going there to catch a so called fun. People now see sermons from the alter boring, but take them to a comedy house, in-fact, they are something else entirely, some of them will laugh to the extent of seeing tears rushing down from their face. Its high time you wake up from you slumber youths, try to get things done and live to the standard of your creator. God bless the youths
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 17:34:53 +0000

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