THE benefit of being a Christian Sister is trace or founded from - TopicsExpress


THE benefit of being a Christian Sister is trace or founded from the purpose of a woman’s creation…by Rimamskep Biki..... specially dedicated to my dearly beloved Sisters: Fxentso biki-Rautha Biki-Iya Biki- Fxafa Biki- Tsintop Biki- Elizabeth Biki - A woman is created to manifest God’s power in the reality of humanity to show forth God’s mandate. Therefore a Christian sister is an instrument of power that ordains human’s authority. - The Christian lady is a virgin. Virginity as a matter of fact is what makes the price of a Christian lady to be far above rubies; for her price is far above rubies “. Prov31:10a (KJV.) Several ladies thought that to maintain virginity means to be barbaric and computer compliant. But it pays to be a virgin. The four model Godly daughters of evangelist Philip were virgins in their times and their record have become indelible in the Holy Bible Acts 21:9a (KJV). Therefore a Christian lady is a model of glory to the generation. - A Christian lady has the benefit of being a prophetess: Though a gift to be desired and, it does not mean that all sisters can be prophetess. But what it means is that a Christian lady is a true servant of God. Get back to the record of the four daughters of Evangelist Philip which are Christian ladies with the benefit of prophesying. “……….which did prophesy” Acts 21:9b (KJV). E.g. Ruth and Esther gave their time to Godly service. That is why Ruth vowed never to let Naomi her mother in-law go. As it is written“….and thy God my God” Ruth 1:16. Note her decision and yearning is unto the Lord. While Esther sent a word to her uncle and the people to go and pray and fast for her to go to the king on their deliverance issue. Go gather together all the Jews……… and fast ye for me….. I also and my maidens will fast likewise ……. And if I preach I perish” Esther 4:16 (KJV). The benefit of Christian ladies here is that - they are instrument of God’s service. “And it shall come to pass afterward that I pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters will prophesy…” Joel 2:28 (KJV). - A Christian lady have the benefit of being is an Epitome of beauty: It is often said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. This connotes that such beauty can be ugly in the eyes of another person. Certainly this type of beauty fades away. Many Ladies spent their time in make-ups in order to beautify themselves. Those make-ups render them valueless even before the worldly men, raising debatable morals among the church people. But the benefit of Christian Lady is an epitome of beauty. What I mean by an epitome is an internal beauty that reflects to the outside. “But (which becomes women professing Godliness) with good works” 1Timothy 2:10. (KJV)…by their fruits you will shall know them” Matthew 7:20(KJV). - A Christian lady is wise and exhibit wisdom: the bible says a wise woman built is house. The benefit of Christian lady is that she is an embodiment of wisdom to her generation. - She was a prayer warrior: are life is full of prayers “………., worshiping God with fasting and prayer.” Luke 2:37 (NLT). Hannah life was realistically anchored unto prayer …... and she cried bitterly as she as she prayed to the Lord,”…”1sam.1:10 (GNB). Hannah prayed…” 1sam. 2:1 (GNB). - She is caring: “There was a believer in Joppa named Tabitha (which in Greek is Dorcas). She was always doing kind things for others and helping the poor. About this time she became ill and died. Her friend prepared her for buried and laid her for in an upstairs room. But they had heard that Peter was nearby in Lydda, so they sent two men to beg him, ‘please come as soon as possible!” So Peter returned with them; and as soon as he arrived, they took him to the upstairs room. The room was filled with widows who were weeping and showing him the watts and other garments Dorcas had made for them”. Acts. 9:36-39 (NLT). - She is highly Educated: Christian ladies have the benefit of being educated. E.g The midwives- shiphrah and Puah were educated in their field or area of discipline and that made them a channel of allowing Moses to live. “Then the King of Egypt spoke to Shiphrah and Puah, the two midwives who help the Hebrew Women give birth,” he said to them, “kill the baby if it is Boy…” Exodus 1:15-16 (GNB).Deborah, the wife of Lappidoth, was a prophet who had become a judge in Israel was educated. “Deborah, the wife of Lappidoth, was a prophet who had become a judge in Israel”. Judges 4:4 (NLT). Examples of the benefits of ladies in the bible: • Eve- the mother of all • Sarah- the covenant woman • Naomi- the faithful mother in law • Hannah- the woman of prayer • Mary- the most highly favored • Abigail- the wise woman • Deborah- the courageous woman • Ruth- the woman of conviction • Jochebed- the true mother • Elizabeth- the sensitive woman • Anna the Prophetess- the woman of prayer and fasting. Further more {According to Proverb 31:10-13} • She is trust trustworthy{v11} • She is valuable{v10} • She is continually good{v10} • She is worthy of esteem and able to esteem others- indeed so compassionate {v20} • She is a lady of integrity and highly honored {v28} • She is an encourager and prudent {v14} • She is patience and attentive {v18} • She is hard working and Diligent {v15} • She is an overcomes and strong {v17} • She is fruitful and an entrepreneurial {v16} • She is of good character and so respected {v29} • She is creative and industrious {v13} • She is spiritual and Godly {v30} • She is a lady of dignity {v25} • She prayerful and watchful {v27} • She is of good morals and admirable {v23} • She is Hopeful and Acclaimed {v31} • She is bold and indeed elegant {v22} • She is a lady faith indeed so confident {v21} • She is a lady of treasure and indeed a capitalist {v24}….
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 13:03:56 +0000

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