THE big Socialist Labor border protection scam will be given an - TopicsExpress


THE big Socialist Labor border protection scam will be given an airing today when the first group of illegal boat arrivals is flown to Papua New Guinea since Socialist Prime Minister Rudd back-flipped on the Pacific Solution and announced his copy-cat policy just over a week ago. Since the announcement, Rudd’s policy has come under fire from informed PNG citizens and Manus Island locals where the illegal arrivals will be camped. Leftist groups are claiming the Rudd policy is tough and hardline but it is just idiotic..!! It’s an election thought bubble designed to take the issue off the table until Socialist Rudd and his spin doctors can con their way through the next ballot...!! They hope the electorate will not remember that the flood of illegal arrivals is entirely Labor’s fault....!!!! Rudd’s fault to be precise, as he ensured that the former successful Howard policy which stopped the boats was destroyed....!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 10:20:04 +0000

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