(((( THE great evidence of existence of nibiru , PLEASE forgive - TopicsExpress


(((( THE great evidence of existence of nibiru , PLEASE forgive me because im tired and i have not prepared that research in a perfect way ,, im a normal person ,, i just connected the links to each others ,, i just did that research to tell every one to get a survival plan ,,, really there is no time ,,, its coming soon . 1 -What is the reason of the red blood color at our ( rivers , seas , lakes , ocean ) every thing has a reason . 2- Why the all these creatures at water are dying with these numerous numbers . 3- Is number 1 and 2 have a relation with nibiru ??? 4- I will not talk that time about prophecies and if is it exist at our skies or not ,religions ,fortune tellers ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i will talk only about the scientific proof let us start _____________________________________________________ 1- Nibiru and his comets has that substance (( NH3 ) and that substance will destroy our water sources when it come ( with the heavy dark poisoned red rains ) ,,, that is happening already these days at some places at the ground and and at our water sources ( lakes , rivers ,,,, etc ) a- that link trying to tell us that the red color is coming from nibiru https://facebook/video.php?v=775512222522291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B-That is scientific research K. Magee-Sauer at Rowan University has did it ,, she said that is (((A Sensitive Survey of Ammonia (NH3) in Comets)))))(((search for NH3 in seven comets using archival data acquired)))) researchgate.net/publication/258613612_A_Sensitive_Survey_of_Ammonia_%28NH3%29_in_Comets -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c- That link shows that substance is coming from the out space (((( Ammonia rain is a common form of precipitation that tends to appear in the southwestern United States, the Sahara desert, and in much of the Gobi desert region, with episodes of ammonia rain even occurring as far south as India. Ammonia rain (not to be confused with ammonium rain, which tends to occur on other planets and miniature planets like Venus and Pluto) . ((((please be careful )(((Although people who tend to go play in ammonia rain and snow tend to also get burned,)))) uncyclopedia.wikia/wiki/Ammonia_rain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- d- That link talks about ((( Information, known and hitherto unknown about Nibiru.(( some planets around us has not a strong magnetic fields so that its full of nh3 )( i will explain that relation later , tonight ) That atmosphere of Uranus is similar to that of both Jupiter and Saturn: 80% H2 15% He 5% in H2O, CH4, NH3 and traces of other stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- e- That links show that the red color is nh3 too( at the right bottom ) google.eg/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fptetchem.files.wordpress%2F2012%2F06%2Fqa-poster-2.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fptetchem.wordpress%2Flab%2Ftest-for-cations%2F&h=533&w=716&tbnid=K5xp-xTAmC_PiM%3A&zoom=1&docid=YXBAj5vIi_gwzM&ei=UVh6VOSjJYz1atacgfgC&tbm=isch&client=firefox-a&ved=0CD0QMygXMBc&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=320&page=3&start=23&ndsp=14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is another article says that mars has that lethal substance ,,( i think that was the reason of destroying the life there There are thousands of liquids. Why not ammonia (to pick a random example)? It is liquid below -33°C. The average temperature on Mars is -63°C. The planet has more Nitrogen than Oxygen – so intuitively NH3 seems more likely than H2O – and the temperature range is right.)))) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ((( Now we finished the part 1 ... now we r going to talk about the part 2 ))) 2- LET US TAKE A LOOK AT OUR WATER SOURCES AND THE CREATURES THERE A- ((( THE STRONG PROOF ) that link talks about ((((and die without any apparent reason. People sometimes remark that their perfectly good fish that were fine yesterday – suddenly looked sick and died this morning. One point that many people overlook in Aquaponics is the relationship between Ammonia levels, Water Temperature and pH. There is a relationship between these three things that are hardly ever noticed by most people and if their inter-relationships are not understood – it can lead to impending disaster. Lets have a closer look. High Ammonia Ammonia All fish give off ammonia. It comes off their gills and waste. Uneaten fish food turns into ammonia as it breaks down. ecofilms.au/aquaponics-health-understanding-ammonia-water-temperature-and-ph-balance/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B- i did that way from 2 weeks ,,, i brought 4 of my fishes and i have put them directly in to my fish tank after i changed the water ,, i swear by god that 2 of them have been died ,, did you know now why ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c- Ammonia in water (formula of NH3) is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen. It is a colourless and produce from the fish waste and plant debris. It is excreted as a soluble gas across the gills and is very toxic at high enough levels. Ammonia is totally poisonous to fish. Toxicity of ammonia increases with an increase in temperature and water pH. Neutral pH is at range of 7. Ammonia recommended being at acceptance of ZERO mg level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now the third part and that is the last one nh3 has a red color after some conditions 3- A- That type of that substance is red chem.uiuc.edu/clcwebsite/nh3fountain.html ----------------------------------------------------------------- B- Another link fphoto.photoshelter/image/I0000ppYEBI4hoZ4 ---------------------------------------------------------------- C- Its damaging also our forests not only our water sources these damaged forests stand testament to acid rains destructive power. dec.ny.gov/pubs/43763.html ---------------------------------------------------------------- s.(((((((( Important ))) it makes much damage to our skins i did not like to post photos about that .
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:47:43 +0000

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