THE ongoing impeachment process against the embattled Nasarawa - TopicsExpress


THE ongoing impeachment process against the embattled Nasarawa State governor, Tanko Al-Makura is witnessing a fresh controversy that may save the day for the state’s helmsman. Pro-impeachment stakeholders are reportedly not speaking with one voice on the agenda, as diverse personal, group and business interests are said to be dividing the once-cohesive opponents of the governor. Nigerian Tribune learnt that those pushing for the removal of the governor and their sympathisers may have lost, at least for now, the crucial support in the area of provision of security for the lawmakers, following threats on their lives and that of their family members. A solid security arrangement is seen as sine qua non for a speedy and smooth execution of the impeachment agenda, as witnessed in the Adamawa scenario. ADVERTISEMENT The pro-impeachment Nasarawa lawmakers, who are of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) hue, had been in Abuja for about a week, consulting with federal stakeholders and billed to return to the state on Tuesday to further take the agenda forward, by formally asking the state Chief Judge to constitute a panel to try the allegations of misconduct against the governor. Despite reportedly having all their staffers on ground awaiting their return for the planned sitting, Nigerian Tribune learnt that the lawmakers had to make a detour to Abuja at the entrance of the state capital, Lafia. The emergency detour was reportedly occasioned by the realisation that the security promised them was not on ground as allegedly agreed. Calls reportedly made to the source expected to put the security in place were said to return negative, as he allegedly told the lawmakers that he had not received the requisite signal. It was learnt that the lawmakers, hell-bent on not backing down at the zero-hour of the impeachment saga, resolved to write directly to heads of security agencies for official protection. A local security outfit in the state was said to be providing security for the lawmakers’ family members and property, which had reportedly been under constant threats from Al-Makura loyalists. Nigerian Tribune was reliably informed that the lawmakers set out on the trip to the state in the first instance, following assurance from a PDP chieftain that all conflicting issues had been settled, though the lawmakers were said not to have consulted well and cleared with appropriate quarters before commencing the impeachment process. The same PDP chieftain was said to have intervened in the crisis of confidence among the pro-impeachment stakeholders on Sunday, which reportedly almost saw PDP losing its majority in the House of Assembly. Aggrieved by what they alleged as shabby treatment from certain stakeholders, despite their patriotic act, the PDP lawmakers, who are in the majority, allegedly threatened to dump the party for the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) and still carry the impeachment through. The chieftain reportedly begged the lawmakers and made certain contacts, leading to the assurance of security on Tuesday. Three close associates of Al-Makura and a member of his family were said to be responsible for the seeming positive turn of event. The family member was said to be cozy with a major power centre and had kept pledging loyalty of Al-Makura to the power-centre. The family member and the power-centre were said to be friends before their adventure in power. Of the three close associates of the governor, Nigerian Tribune can disclose that two are former governors, while the third is a former ranking senator, now a major administrative power-centre. The former governors are from the South, as well as the third mediator. The pro-impeachment PDP chieftain is reportedly having on his side, all major pro-impeachment political actors in the state. The two opposing sides had continued in their battle-of-wits to secure the needed support and right atmosphere to achieve their divergent objectives. A source neck-deep in the impeachment move said it would be unfortunate if the lawmakers were abandoned at this crucial stage, adding that it could cause them everything, including their lives. Those pushing to save Al-Makura were also said to be thinking a mid-way approach that would pacify both sides. One of the options was, reportedly, for him to stay till the end and not seek re-election
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 21:58:52 +0000

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