THEATRE REVIEW #172 - Detective Partner Hero Villain - TopicsExpress


THEATRE REVIEW #172 - Detective Partner Hero Villain ““Detective Partner Hero Villain” – A Living Breathing Comic Book of Mystery & Murder!” Written By Lorenzo Marchessi Brett Neveu wrote a realistic and exotic piece of a truly unique theatre experience that will make you feel like you are actually turning the pages of a life-sized Comic Book. “Detective Partner Hero Villain” is the latest onstage adventure from the production teams of ‘A Theatre Connection’ and ‘Skypilot Theatre’ in North Hollywood, CA, that will colorfully explode you into a melodramatic piece of suspense, mystery and murder – complete with a super ‘Hero’. Cleverly staged and directed by Jonathan Price (who also composed the film noir stylized original music) this play has an almost ‘Twilight Zone’ flavor to it. This exciting piece has some really creatively designed costumes by Halei Parker and the reason this play takes on the shape and feel of a theatre-sized comic book is because the way each scene is framed and colorized by its lighting, which is all by the unique lighting designs of Mike Cernicky. Anthony Backman plays the “Detective.” Anthony gives such a tour’de’force performance in a character that is riddled with humor, compassion, confusion and the determination to stop a serial killer who is apparently attacking people who wear this town’s ‘super Hero’s’ t-shirts. His serious and yet sharp sarcastic tone with his ‘Partner’, coupled with his confused distrust and, at the same time, admiration for the towns local ‘Hero’, makes for a complex and very interesting performance to a very colorful character. Bravo Anthony! Jeff Alan-Lee truly is the “Villain.” Jeff gets the challenge of making evil fun (to the character) and yet making it look extremely natural while walking both side of the proverbial sword. Well, he does it and he does it very well. His performance is hauntingly creepy and extremely eccentric in his delivery of his words and coupled with a sprinkle of his apparent insanity, makes for a very interesting and engaging performance. Jeff as the actor must be having a great time with this one performing as the ‘Villain’, so much so, it will more than just ‘unnerve’ you throughout the play! Bob Rusch is performing the “Partner.” Now if you looking for some sharp comic relief with a twist, Bob gives a performance you soon won’t forget. His fast-paced delivery and witty repartee with the ‘Detective’ definitely will lighten the mood. That is, until the end where Bob does a nice little ‘twist’ with his character and enhances his already defined persona with another level that will definitely surprise you. (It definitely surprises the ‘Detective’.) Paul A Hicks is playing the “Hero.” Paul, who is costumed as you would expect a ‘super Hero’ to be costumed is tall in stature and extremely focused in his delivery of his words. Having an almost ethereal tone and deep cadence to his voice, Paul make the ‘Hero’ somewhat surrealistic and yet somewhat ‘real’ to the audience while completely confusing the ‘Detective’. What I liked most was his tonality and depth of his voice that made his words mean that much more. This play was so much fun watching because it was literally written, staged and visually lit and ‘highlighted’ like they were panels in an oversized comic book. All the performers took great pride in their characters and in only one act, they try to ‘solve’ a series of murders and who did all the crimes while it’s all shrouded in a colorful mystery. “Detective Partner Hero Villain” is a fantastically woven tale of a serial killer with a very specific purpose and coupled with the mood, music, music, lighting and tone of this production that will leave you thinking when you leave the theatre. It’s hard to describe exactly what I mean without giving things away, but the ending will leave you surprised or shocked and for some, possibly with a little shiver running up and down your spine for others. “Detective Partner Hero Villain” is a living breathing Comic Book of mystery and murder – you gotta see this one! Check them out at ATheatreConnection or SkypilotTheater and tell them Lorenzo sent you from Facebook/TheGeekAuthority ! ©2014 TheGeek Authority & ©2014 LandMProductions https://facebook/thegeekauthority
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 19:18:08 +0000

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