THEIR MIND (PARASITE MIND) AND THE EMOTIONAL MATRIX IT CREATES . I use the word Their Mind in lieu of parasitical mind because we are taught to think and accept the way parasitical people, or sociopaths, think and do. Its the same as archon/archonic mind, wetiko disease, whoever youve heard it referred to. Satan is another name for it--the opposer. I call it Their Mind like the old shaman from the Castaneda books. This is why people just accept the horror story of Gaza, chemtrails, and raping banking systems, et al. Because those people are thinking the parasitical way and society falls in alignment with it using ‘their’ mind, their thinking, the parasite mind to just accept it as that as normal. That’s not normal and we know that. It’s not correct thinking because it’s not thinking at all. This is a conflictive and controversial subject. When it is read, we adopt a mental habit of automatically thinking that parasitical mind happens only to ‘them,’ the controllers, or other people. This is because its survival is based on denying its existence. We all have it; ‘it’s not personal. People have it to varying degrees, or densities. So this is not personal but global epidemic. The people at the top of the pyramid are the master parasite race, they’re just gone and unsalvageable, the programming is just running on autopilot but for a reason. And that reason is us. We , or at least a goodish amount of us, can be salvaged. They can’t. A great many in the general population cant either. Once we own the parasitical mind as it pertains to each of us, we own it, and we manage it. Once we deny it, anything can manage it. Anything, ultra dimensional, powers that be, other people. If we can’t look at it for that reason, look at it for your own quality of life. With that said there a couple caveats. The parasite mind is very predictable because it runs on programs, like a tv series that’s gone into syndication. Re –runs. So you always know what episode or script is running eventually. People often knee jerk into denial in terms of how the parasite relates to them —that’s the parasitical mind. So if you deny having one, then it shows you have one. Lol. The universe has a sense of humor anyway. People provide evidence of parasitical possession to whatever degree. What the truth has provided in this topic is that it provides evidence of the parastical mindss existence. Not knowing is our curse, and knowing is our power. The parastical mind, because it’s a program, has not the ability to logically and intelligently debate. It just repeats, evades, blames, dodges. It has no higher intelligence, but it does have the ability to use our energy to manifest with. This is why the world is in the state that it is in, our energy, like the movie the Matrix is being used to create a horror show, a false reality. We are just going to know how not to let the parasite use our energy. So in this way we are not unwitting participants in building our own prison. When we know about it…then no one uses your energy for their own agenda. The parasite mind is THE problem, the root of the tree of all evil. So instead of floundering around looking for solutions to banksgovernmentsmedicinechemtrails and on and on, basically knowing the parastical mind means addressing the problem. When we dont have the problem we don’t need a 1000 overwhelming solutions.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 05:39:08 +0000

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