THEMADPREACHER! (Acts 26:24-25) The Diagnosis; & The - TopicsExpress


THEMADPREACHER! (Acts 26:24-25) The Diagnosis; & The Prescribed Cure. Jer. 8:20-22. ~As ministers of the Gospel, our chief employment & responsibility is to open to you the hidden mystery of redemption through belief in Christ Jesus; & to present to you, in descriptive ways & terminology, the Unsearchable riches of Christ. We who are called to bear the mantle of soulful responsibility can be stern or severe at times, as a parent or teacher must be, to a people that have pledged faith & obedience to Jesus. At other occasions, we are compelled by The Holy Spirit to herald the promise of Joy & Spiritual delights through the furtherance of Biblical knowledge for EACH BELIVING & HUMBLE CHRISTIAN; as well to all that do not know of His wonders & promises... ~We make plans in church to accomplish one thing or another in the Name of our Savior & Lord; sometimes we will fall short of what Jesus expects of us. But as children of the Great High Priest, we have a guarantee of human success, through the Holy Spirits administration, if we primarily seek to perform the commands & mission which Jesus spoke to us during His walk amongst the ancient prophets & apostles. ~Second to belief in Christ Jesus as the True & Only Savior, Our command is to go wherever knowledge of salvation through Jesus the Christ is lacking. How can we tell others, what we dont fully know for ourselves? It is the Love of Jesus, His earthly humility all the way to the cross; & His complete plan for our eternal peace, joy, & security, that lends promise to us now, & should fuel our human Spirit-led extraordinary ability to tell others to Come & see a Man Who told me all I ever did! **So, to those of you that harbor fear in your human hearts at the idea of ministering Jesus to a stranger or a worldly friend, I, as a Physicians assistant shall labor to offer up a cure for weakened human hearts that fear rejection in evangelizing the lost world that we walk through. ~Again, as a minister of Christ my Spiritual & human eyes are open to the human suffering of Gods unredeemed people. I cant speak for any other minister--but, I am able to speak for Christ when I proclaim awareness of the hurt & spiritual agony of my people of ALL cultures. Christ came to the world of His creation to SAVE the human creation. Got it? Not necessarily to give us temporal wealth; for the REAL GOLD, the REAL SILVER, the God-blessed PURPLE GARMENTS are always included with the saving knowledge & humility of a SAVED human heart. Just SELAH that for a Baptist minute..... ~Psalm 27 among others so sounds the Shofar horn of Heaven! All of these heaven-inspired words vibrate the saved heart to tears! The LORD is MY light & MY salvation--seriously; can anything constructed by mere human hands come close to that?? On earth we in faith joyfully speak the words, I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. To see the goodness of the LORD here on earth--thats a WOW in my book so much better than any physical thing He could EVER allow me to be blessed with! ~In a world filled with wars & overflowing with unbelief like a clogged sewer, the promises of God through belief & salvation in Christ seems small to many people. And I must admit that, at a time in my existence, I gave not a moment of thought to heaven above, nor to the eternal hell below. ***Please allow your eyes to remain here to the end of this message; for it is a crucial ingredient of evangelism for one saved saint to open up the past evil satisfactions, in order to clearly reveal just HOW GREAT A SALVATION it is, to be known by Jesus Himself. ** I used to be a criminal of the lowest; I used heroin & cocaine for 26 years. I robbed stores & other drug dealers. I abused women who looked to me for comfort of any sort. I was a true whoremonger; & a real despicable human character. Did I mention my ability to lie continually & that I defrauded so many that, when one of my babys mommas forged my mothers signature & raided one of her store accounts, my mother added it to my sin account, even though I had been drug-free for 2 years & had nothing to do with it? ~Thats another negative mark that some of us bear--accusations unwarranted, due to our criminal or worldly past. In this case, false accusations ultimately cost me my rightful inheritance of the very house that I was born in. However, what I gained through Christ made the loss of a pile of bricks & sticks less than nothing to my spirit & to my soul. Glory to God in the Highest; I found the way to A mansion in heaven! ~My point is this. There are uncountable numbers of lost people in our midst. UNCOUNTABLE. And every day they die in sin & ignorance of Christ; while we ignore the call to be Spiritual lifeguards in this sinking sin-drowned world. How can we live amongst such human misery, yet be truly happy in church; knowing in our sanctified hearts that, even in our own fancy houses somebody is rushing to abomination, seeking only what satisfies immediately, while bruising & grieving the Holy Spirit; & causing real tears in the eyes of family & neighbors alike. **How can you NOT share the WONDERFUL news of salvation through Christ? How can you feel safe & secure in the pew, basking in the Presence of the Holy Spirit all around YOU; all the while KNOWING that outside the people that you love, the people that threaten your belongings-property-peace-security-joy; as well as the drug dealers & drug of wealth neighbors & their children are at ease in being lost? They exclaim, how terrible when daily the news oulets pour out so much murder, death, misdeeds, hunger, homelessness,& spiritual pain? Cant your Spiritual eyes see?, why doesnt your heart bleed & hurt for all this human SUFFERING? Whats going on in YOUR human spirit? ~As much as we, as preachers of the good news of Christian salvation through belief in Christ, would LOVE to only herald(the true definition of preaching) good things, good times, prophesy only glad tidings; the command of the Holy Spirit compels our mouths to sternly admonish & warn you of the trend to being stiff-necked in our prosperity. The times & the seasons sometimes call for joyful encouragement & peace in the Holy Spirit. But the other seasons & times compel this preacher/teacher/author to really kick up dust, on a muddy track!; & cause anger amongst some of you. Because, if I fail to respond to the urgings of the Holy Spirit Who dwells in MY heart; I TOO WILL FALL DOWN TO THE LEVEL OF A FALSE PROPHET, speaking old wives tales, rumors, & worldly conspiracy theories & physiognomies, instead of delivering the true diagnosis of the illness-SIN & DISBELIEF, SPIRITUAL WEAKNESS & IGNORANCE. Understand that am not just proclaiming the sickness--I HAVE THE ONLY CURE for spiritual weakness, unbelief in your ability to minister to the real problem in our immediate & distant world. **The Spiritual Balm of sharing the genuine Gospel of Christ Jesus.** ~Lets get right down to it--We all began as a disobedient & contrary people. WE didnt seek Him, WE(talking about church people)walked by day & night, only having faith in what we had, how we look, or how much power & prestige we had attained. WE all imagined ourselves as not needing anything we couldnt purchase, or conquer. And the very people outside of our Christian fellowship(& some within!)are still walking about--actually stumbling around comfortable in their profane doings & desires. COMFORTABLE in dying in unrependant sin. Yet they will moan & cry painfully, saying, They(the dead) have gone on to a better place. Really? Where in hell is that? Because thats what awaits the unsaved-we all know that. So, why are we so complacent in our petty doings & meager attempts to please Jesus; dressed up, singing Lord, I will lift my eyes to the hills one day--yet afraid or unwilling to heartfully share the promise in our hearts that each waking day? This day could be your last; as the news reports announce the earthly end of so many victimized & suffering people. ~Your calling is to testify of the new life, the recognized grace, the awareness of undeserved mercy, & the true promise of a better place--our heavenly home; that awaits ALL who confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus & believe in their heart that God has raised Jesus from death. A PROMISE IS A PROMISE. And the promise of God, ALL of His promises, have been & will be kept. The promise that only Jesus can turn a former drug addict & thief into a heralder of earthy Spiritual healing & a giver, & not a taker. Only unshakeable trust in a Savior called Jesus the Christ could remove a heart of stone & a mind to prey; & replace them with a heart under the control of a Spiritual Lord that feels the pain of others. Only a Savior God has the supernatural ability to perform heart surgery without anesthesia; & the willingness to redeem a addict & a robber. Only faith in Jesus can eliminate the searing pain of worldly cruelty & satisfaction in participation in the abominations & cruelties & replace that wanton preference with a hunger to learn more about the Savior & His gifts to His obedient children. ~Start with the consideration of that-- all the disobedience in this world stems, like a withering branch of a cursed tree, from DISOBEDIENCE & IGNORANCE of heaven. People walk as if this world, this present existence, the temporary stuff we acquire through employment or family privilege is all there is, And IF heaven truly exists, that a morally corrupt unredeemed people can just force open the gates of heaven at their lifes end. And some of you sit idly by; & make no evangelistic effort to turn them away from the gaping mouth of hell. The main healing property of the balm from Gilead has an amazing story behind it: * The bark of the tree that supplied the main pain relieving element of the balm(similar to the bark which aspirin is made from) came from a tree not native to Jerusalem. _Jesus was recognized as a citizen of Nazarene, not Jerusalem; which was the home of the Sanhedrin council & the priestly order--Can anything good come out of Nazareth?(John 1:46) * in order to extract the healing element from the tree, it had to be bruised & cut open for the healing properties to be obtained. _Jesus was Wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; & by His stripes(cuts from the Roman whips)we are healed.(Isaiah 53:5) * A fundamental part of any physical or mental healing is the human spirit having supporting belief in the ability of the doctors knowledge & trust in the medicine administered. _...And Jesus said to them, Do you believe that I am able to do this? They said to Him, Yes, Lord.(Matthew 9:28) * Once healed, we too have, through speaking the Promise of salvation through the administration of the Word of Christ, have an ability bring a Spiritual healing to others. _He who receives you receives Me, & he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receives a prophets reward.(Matthew 10:40) ~Now, consider this: If you are already experiencing pain, if your heart is skipping beats due to the strains & pressures of daily life in the world; would it benefit you if I struck you across the head with the tree from which the aspirin is made? Of course not. Nor is it of any lasting benefit to you if I obscure the message of Christ with confusing messages of fiscal prosperity or adding on pie in the sky tales of worldly riches & royalty; concerning pastors or ANY human being such as ourselves. _For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes...for in it the righteousness of God is revealed...(Romans 1:16-17) &, God is no respecter of persons.(Acts 10:34) ~The Medicine has a proven track record. _For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive...(1 Corinthians 15:22) ~~Oh my Lord, there is so much more I want to share with you; but I must sit down now. As the Spirit enables me, I shall return here with more revelations of the matchless, wonderful news of Christs ability to heal the sick heart & strengthen the feeble knees... All in the Name of LOVE&PEACE, IM SAVED! & as a blind man whose sight is now restored, I must go & herald the healing powers of faith in the Man from Nazareth; while it is called Today, In Jesuss Name, Min. G.L. Green; Philemon 6-7. INSIDE STRONG Christian Ministries. From little acorns, mighty oaks grow! I beg of you, fellow Christians; PLEASE tell His story. TODAY; & with a smile on your face, & with the words of Spiritual healing--Now Try Jesus!!! Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 16:57:00 +0000

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