THEME: CALL UPON JESUS Reading: Romans 10:11 For the scripture - TopicsExpress


THEME: CALL UPON JESUS Reading: Romans 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. I have discovered that so many people are not sure how God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are one. Many are confused on who to call on and who is more effective than the other. Many actually feel like they are sinning if they dare say, I worship you Holy Spirit of God! If you ask them, Do we have three gods? they will tell you, No! And YES, we have ONE GOD! God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are ONE! JESUS CHRIST said, whoever has seen me, has seen the Father (John 14:9). He then said, when the helper (Holy Spirit) comes, He will will not speak of Himself but of me (John 16:13). How does this equation work? Lets look at a man to understand this. Remember, man was created in the image of God. Do you remember that in (Gen 1:27)? Yeah, man has 3 components too! Imagine that! Man is body, soul (intellect or mind in laymans language) and spirit. All these three eat! The body eats soil; yeah! Everything your body eats is soil! You doubt it? Point something you feed to you body that does not originate from soil! Who mentioned milk? Meat? Please animals eat grass to survive, grass grows on soil! Even carnivorous ones eat others that are herbivorous, herbs eaten by herbivorous and omnivorous beings eat from the soil; by extension soil feeds the body. Because the body came from the soil! If you get a job by prayer it can only be sustained by prayer, if you get it through corruption, it can only be sustained by corruption. Everything is sustained by where it came from. The spirit of man came from God, through His breathe (Gen 2:7). It can only, therefore, be sustained by God! You can only feed your spirit from God! The source of a river is what keeps the river flowing. Where did soul come from? Gen 2:17, 3:6, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, intellect ... The mind. The woman saw that it was good for food and also to make someone WISE. The mind feeds from knowledge; books, experiences, teachers, etc. Now, that you have these three in you, are you three people? NO!! Yet we can call you, man the body, man the soul and man the spirit! God the father created a body and called it JESUS CHRIST, entered into it and lived amongst men! That is why Jesus says, I and my Father are ONE! God the Spirit, is the same God living in us! Now, the old testament shows God over His people, Matthew to first chapters of Acts of Apostles, represents God with His people, God with us; Immanuel, Acts of the Apostles to date, God in us! The same one God. Now, God has lifted His Word above His Name (Ps 138:2). In the beginning was the Word, the Word WAS GOD and the Word was with God, then the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst men (John 1:1-10)! Now, God has lifted His Word above His Name! Jesus has been given a Name above all names, in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth (Phil 2:9), that at the mention of it, every knee in heaven, on earth and beneath it MUST bow! JESUS IS GOD. JESUS IS MY GOD. THE SPIRIT IN ME IS HIS SPIRIT! He is omnipresent, in me, in you, in heaven, everywhere. I call upon His Name and things change. At the mention of His Name, knees bow! Imagine what would happen if I (seriously) called upon His Name! You mentioning is sometimes an impromptu thing, imagine calculatively calling upon that wonderful Name of Jesus Christ!!! Shalom and keep the Faith. Facebook/pastornesh
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:47:55 +0000

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