THEME: MAKING FAITH BEAR Reading: 2 Peter 1: 8 For if these - TopicsExpress


THEME: MAKING FAITH BEAR Reading: 2 Peter 1: 8 For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The scriptures say, that Jesus will wipe tears from the saints eyes in heaven and welcome them to the kingdom prepared for them (Rev 21:4). Paul says that, everything that youve done shall be passed through fire, some will only have their life and enter heaven with nothing while all they did will be consumed (1Cor3:13-15)! Salvation only makes you good for heaven, but to live a fruitful life on earth you need something on top of your faith. You need to add to your faith, VIRTUE: A virtuous woman who can find? Shes worth more than precious rubies! As much as we are sons of God, we are also the bride of Christ. And the bride is supposed to be a virtuous woman [consult proverbs 31:10-31]. Virtue in common English is goodness. Add to virtue, KNOWLEDGE: Faith without knowledge is very dangerous! People have been told to take poison by their spiritual leaders and died all in the name of faith (but without knowledge). Women have been duped to sleep with their spiritual leaders all in the name of faith (but without knowledge). Others were duped of their properties and money. Virtue without knowledge is wasteful! Dont waste in the name of being good or practicing goodness, when you exercise goodness, do it with knowledge! The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge (Prov 1:7). Add to knowledge, SELF-CONTROL: A man without self control is like a city without walls (Prov 25:28). Faith without temperance, is destructive; like when disciples wanted to call fire from heaven and destroy a city that chased Jesus away. Virtue without temperance is self-destructive. Knowledge without self-control, destroys wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to convert knowledge into profitable actions. Add to temperance, PATIENCE: Also known as perseverance. Many people have faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, but lack patience. Patience is not just about waiting; it incorporates knowledge. Patience is like when you plant a seed. Faith educate you on the need to plant, virtue tells you how much to plant, knowledge whispers to you where to plant, temperance counsels you on how many times to plant and how many seeds to plant in one hole. And now patience teaches you on seasons, gestation periods and makes sure that faith and hope are steadfast. Add to patience, GODLINESS: this is a process of acquiring the image of the Son (Jesus Christ, our first born Brother, Father, God and LORD)! It involves purification and sanctification. It involves being passed through fire until the silver-smith (God) sees His image on us! It is the ability to be meek; meekness is not weakness, it is power under control! It is knowing that you are a god, but there is a God. It is knowing you are similar to God, but not equal to God! It is not seeking after sin to eliminate it, it is seeking after God until sin cant stand your presence! Godliness makes faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control and patience, worth their trouble. Add to godliness, BROTHERLY KINDNESS: This ensures that you consider others before you. Faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, patience and godliness have given you immense, unfathomable power, but with brotherly kindness, you will not eat meat if it will make your brother stumble though your faith allows it! You will not look down upon those of weaker faith or place yourself as their master! Instead you will remember the words of our Master, Whoever wants to be the greatest, let him be a servant to the least! And to brotherly kindness, finally add, LOVE: That super word with a million and one definition! Love wraps everything in one single package. No wonder God is Love. It is the last in the list but not because it is the least; it is so, only because it is the bag in which we carry all the others! For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our LORD Jesus Christ. You never be barren or unfruitful in Jesus Name! Shalom and keep the Faith. Facebook/pastornesh
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 07:36:18 +0000

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