THEME: MAY UZZIAH R.I.P!! Reading: Isa 6:1 In the year that king - TopicsExpress


THEME: MAY UZZIAH R.I.P!! Reading: Isa 6:1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. For anybody to see God, something or someone must die. In the old testament, if anybody wanted to see God intervene in their lives, at least, an animal had to die. God told Moses, No one can see me and continue living. In the new testament, for mankind to see God, Jesus Christ had to die on the cross. There is something that happens supernaturally when things or people die, more so when they die on our behalf. Josephs brothers killed one of their fathers sheep, in their mind, they only thought it would serve to cover the eyes of their old father. But in the supernatural, the sheep died on behalf of Joseph! By the death of the lamb, Josephs life was preserved. Thats why, though allegations of raping your masters wife as a slave would attract a death sentence, it only gave Joseph a jail term! Thats why, when you allow Jesus sacrifice on the cross to have been for your sake, you can die no more! This is the power of a sacrifice! When you give your offering to a servant of God, the offering dies on your behalf. It may be the last you had, but it will never be the last you have! Just look at the widow of Zarephath, she only had her last meal, to eat with her son and wait to die. But instead of them dying, Elijah tells her, let your last meal, die on your behalf, and she agreed, it was the last she had, but it was not the last to have!! In the old testament and also in iron age, sometimes wars were solved by choosing one great champion from each warring side, to fight on behalf of their whole army. A good example is the battle between, David and Goliath. What Goliath didnt know, was that some animals had died on behalf of David! First, the horn that carried the oil that anointed him, an animal had to die for it to be gotten! And I wont have time to mention of his testimonies in the wilderness. Davids life was secured with a sacrifice if not sacrifices! Therefore, if anybody was going to die that day, it was not David. Whenever, Uzziah dies, Isaiahs get the ability to see God! If you want to see God in your life, your family, your business, your job, your career, your dreams, you must let some Uzziah rest in peace. You must make a sacrifice, if you want to become a great musician. Practice your vocals, get a good record label, do good videos, market or get marketers, manage well or get managers ... All these call for sacrifices; money-wise, time-wise, and all-other-wises, other wise, if Uzziah will not rest in peace, YOU WILL REST IN PIECES! People who dont love to sacrifice never suffice! It is your sacrifice that makes you suffice or adequate to your purpose. Let king Uzziah die, and you will see the LORD and His glory. It is sacrifices that usher us into the next level. Spending time with God is a sacrifice ... And when youve been with God, youll not need to keep reminding us you were with Him, it will be evident on your face. If you have to keep reminding everybody that you are a pastor or an apostle or a prophet or a doctor, etc, most probably you are not! If you have to keep reminding your boyfriend, girlfriend, friends and other close to you of how good, honest, faithful, etc, you are, then, most probably, you are not. Just let Uzziah die! This doesnt mean youre not walking with God! No! Isaiah gave very powerful prophecies from chapter one to five, but Uzziah was blocking his elevation to the next level. If you cant sacrifice, the you cant ascribe!! Do you have a last meal, which youre thinking of eating and wait to die? Let it die on your behalf! Are you a sinner, let Jesus death, be on your behalf. When next you give an offering in church, or a gift to a man of God, give with this revelation, This is dying on my behalf. I assure you, youll be able to give, CHEERFULLY! Shalom and keep the Faith. Facebook/pastornesh twitter/pastornesh
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 10:14:48 +0000

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