THEME: THE PLACE OF PRAYER TOPIC: WORD-BASED PRAYERS. REFERENCES: Act 4:24-31 MEMORY VERSE: 1 Jn 5:14- And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: Prayer can be likened to a court room; where God is Judge, The Devil is the Plaintiff, Jesus your Defending Attorney, You are the Defendant and the Bible your Constitution and Witness. Your debates, argument and testimony (Prayers) are drawn from the Constitution (Bible), The JUDGE only accredits to your facts drawn from the CONSTITUTION and NO PLAINTIFF can OBJECT. Prayer is of force when it’s backed up with scriptures, for at the mouth of two or three witness every word is established. When you bring your strong desires before God you should commit Him to answer by telling Him what He said about that desire; He honours His Word above All His name. Before Praying Search out His Word concerning that issue, He has a Word concerning every issue. Don’t be lazy about it; it’s your sure ticket to answered prayers. Engage this mystery and get testimonies. God Bless. Good Morning, Please Share. CONFESSION: ALL MY PRAYERS WILL DEFINITELY BE ANSWERED, FOR HE CANNOT DENY HIS WORDS.
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 08:12:40 +0000

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