THEME: THIS GOD IS TOO MUCH Reading: Psalms 103:3 Who forgiveth - TopicsExpress


THEME: THIS GOD IS TOO MUCH Reading: Psalms 103:3 Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases This God has kept me in perfect health since I knew Him in the year 2002. He has made sure that if I am seeing a doctor, then may be its only to greet him or her or discuss other things and not my body. 12 years now and still counting, of divine health. Not only did He heal me, He also said, You shall lay your hands on the sick and they shall recover. Ive lost count of how many times this has happened. But I cant forget that the day before yesterday a lady friend told me that she has been admitted with her son who was very sick. She asked me to pray for them. I told her that though God hears and answers prayers, He only reacts to Faith. She said, I believe Nesh. I told her, Then youre being discharged sooner than you expected. And they were discharged yesterday, LESS THAN 24 HOURS LATER!! I cant ever forget this lady who came last year, frustrated with childlessness, we believed and I told her that God would give her a son. And mid this year she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. Like the miracle-boy born from Elishas word, this boy too got very sick, but like Jesus and the Centurion concerning his servant, I sent a word, and the boy is whole now and evermore. This God has forgiven all my sins, past, present and future! Like the good Samaritan, He treated my wounds, paid for what I had used, was using and would use. The He told the Inn-keeper (the devil), if he (me) uses more than Ive left paid (on the cross), Ill pay the extra on my way back (His second coming)!! What a mighty God we serve!!! Are you feeling down? Empty? Overwhelmed by bills? Pressed by un-uncertainties? Two guys entered a 5star hotel, very confidently ate their meals. But after all was said and done, the fished for their wallet but couldnt find them. While one guy confidently approached the receptionist with a smile, the other guy desperately sat at his table confused, desperate and couldnt hold back a tear. Why two different reactions to a similar problem? The first guy was the son of a famous politician in the land, while the second guy was just a guy who was all alone in this world, no family, no friends; but had decided to treat himself like a king on that day. He had the money, but in excitement, he forgot his wallet at home. I see people crying in prayers; Im not saying its bad, no! Even Jesus wept in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. But while some cry out of their love for God, others cry out of desperation, helplessness and low self-esteem! Now, this second group, however much they cry, God will never react to their tears; God reacts to Faith! Like the politicians son in our story, he knew he will just know where to tell the receptionist to direct the bills! He had Faith that his father will take care of it! He had Faith that the receptionist wouldnt hesitate to let him go! When you pray, dont approach God like the second guy, trying to explain to them how you dont have anybody that can help you, etc. Crying will not help you; its Faith that will help you! Have Faith in your Father! Believe He understands your situation! Believe Hes in the storms with you! Believe He is with you and will never leave you nor forsake you! Thats what will help you! When I feel empty, I remind myself of all the things the LORD has done for me, in me, through me and with me! As I do so, the current situation gets smaller and smaller and I smile all the way through the storms!! Shalom and keep the Faith. Facebook/pastornesh Twitter/pastornesh
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:34:35 +0000

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