THEOPNEUSTOS. ..GOD BREATHED MONDAY, JAN 5TH NO ROOM FOR THE DEVIL EPHESIANS 4:27 Neither give place to the devil The devil is on rampage seeking places of operation in peoples lives, in marriages between couples, in peoples businesses, their work, academics and other areas. All hes interested in is to steal away your joy and peace. I declare right now over you and your entire household that the devil can never find a footing for his operation as far as you and yours are concerned. He may come like a flood but I see my God raising a standard against him. There are certain things that opens the door and gives the devil a room to operate in a persons life. The Bible says that the serpent bites when the edge is broken. Ignorance is one of them. When you are ignorant of your rights and privileges as a child of God, ignorant of your benefits as a tither and a giver, ignorant of the rewards one is entitled to for serving God diligently. ...the devil will dance kokoma around your vicinity or use your family to play football. Every time you accept what the devil is doing as normal, you are automatically giving him licence to go ahead and wreck more havoc. This year dont just sit down, fold your hands and expect God to stop the devil. Authority has been given to you by Jesus, exercise it. You are in charge of your territory, God expects you to take dominion and determine what and what should not be allowed in that territory. As a tither, you must not tolerate barrenness of the womb, you mustnt allow poverty or any form of miscarriage. As a giver dont permit dryness of any kind. For the fact that you are a child of the Most High God, stop tolerating any form of harassment or accusations from the devil. Let the devil know that you know, make it obvious to him and his demons that you have no business with them. The word of God is your greatest weapon against him this year, make a good use of it. PRAYER AND DECLARATION MY BUSINESS IS WITH GOD ALONE. I REFUSE TO GIVE THE DEVIL ANY FOOTHOLD IN MY AFFAIRS. I TAKE AUTHORITY AGAINST ANY OF THE DEVILS OPERATION IN ANY AREA OF MY LIFE IN JESUS NAME. ..AMEN. WORDS ON MARBLE WHATEVER YOU TOLERATE YOU CANNOT CHANGE. ..MIKE MURDOCK
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 05:30:23 +0000

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