THEOPNEUSTOS GOD BREATHED MONDAY, JANUARY 27TH 2014 TITLE: WHEN ALL MEN FAIL MESSAGE BY PASTOR FAVOUR Isaiah 43: 19 “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the waste land”. God makes a way where there seems to be no way, He does the most unlikely things. But Man, oh man! Man is limited and also prone to not meeting up to expectations. The day you make up your mind to stop looking up to men as though they were your God, that will be the day your freedom to explore divine opportunities begins. David says my help cometh from the Lord! A man may feel like helping you but may not have the means to help and another person may have what it takes to help but is suddenly faced with an unexpected situation. The worst of them all is that there are men who are rightfully in a position to help, they might even be your family relation but they just bluntly refuse to help. They have no problem seeing you cry. Hear my message to you today, get used to the truth that any man can fail at anytime. God works in our lives through men but even if all men fail to help you out God can send angels. Yes, there is something called the ministry of angels. Begin to believe God for angelic ministrations in your life. Nothing is impossible. Don’t cry when it doesn’t work out with men because God can move beyond man just to help you. The God that makes a way in the desert is on your case right now! If out of nowhere, when Mephibosheth least expected, God touched the heart of David to remember him and help him, God will use people you never met for help to help you. You will not be stranded. God used a raven (bird) to feed Elijah, used a poor woman to continue from where the raven stopped. Anything is possible with God. Opportunities are coming to your direction, you will not just be that person needing help, you will become a helper other people will benefit from in the mighty name of Jesus. PRAYER AND DECLARATION GOD YOU ARE MY HELPER! THANK YOU FOR BEYOND MEN I AM EXPERIENCING ANGELIC MINISTRATION. WORDS ON MARBLE GOD DOES BIG THINGS IN A BIG WAY, JUST TRUST HIM…FAVOURCHARLES
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 07:56:28 +0000

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